New personnel coordinator at Omega Subsea
As a Senior Personnel Coordinator, Melissa Hosøy is passionate about people and finding effective solutions.
Published: 21. August 2024
“It's great to finally have the opportunity to visit the vessel,” says Melissa Hosøy, Senior Personnel Coordinator and a new team member at Omega Subsea. Onboard the Normand Navigator, she is meeting several Omega Subsea offshore colleagues for the first time.
In the control room, the conversations mainly revolve around the mobilization of ROVs and the coordination of crew changes.
Responsibility for two vessels
For someone passionate about people and finding effective solutions, these meetings are among the most rewarding aspects of the job. At Omega Subsea, Hosøy is currently responsible for the project manning of the subsea vessels Normand Navigator and Normand Sentinel. She matches professionals to the client’s requirements and oversees the planning of shifts for her personnel. Her responsibilities range from handling visa applications to addressing unforeseen challenges for the client.
Exciting projects
For the past ten years, Hosøy has been extensively involved in managing ROV and project personnel, gaining valuable industry knowledge and building a strong network. When the opportunity to join the Omega Subsea team in Bergen presented itself, Hosøy didn't hesitate. She values being part of meaningful projects where Omega Subsea has ownership together with Solstad Offshore.
“I'm excited that we manage our own projects and equipment,” Hosøy says.
“We're engaged in our own projects and have the opportunity to crew dedicated vessels. My role is to ensure project requirements are met and to handle any challenges that arise,” Hosøy says.
Works closely with the team
With each project, the crews for each vessel are carefully customized.
“Some key personnel are dedicated to specific vessels, often working in long-term rotations. This approach creates predictability for the team and fosters a desire to influence their workplace,” says Hosøy.
Hosøy collaborates closely with the team to draw up schedules, providing weekly updates through internal social media groups. When nominating personnel, she seeks diverse backgrounds and ensures the team has expertise in areas such as hydraulics, high voltage, and operational experience.
“However, good chemistry with the people you work closely with is crucial,” Hosøy emphasizes.
“If someone prefers to return to a specific project or vessel, we do our best to accommodate that. It's important that the personnel feel heard,” she adds.