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Release notes

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Academy and Content Management

Upon completion of course, error message
We've addressed an issue where users previously encountered an error message upon completing a particular course. Now, instead of an error, users will be presented with a certificate upon completion. This improvement enhances the user experience and avoids any unnecessary confusion.
Spelling correction on test question for Document Management e learning course
A minor spelling error was identified in the Document Management e-learning course. Specifically, the word "on" was used instead of "One". This issue has now been corrected. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
List view Academy button renders 'You do not have access to this page'
We've rectified an issue where clicking on the Academy button in the list view resulted in a 'You do not have access to this page' message being displayed. This issue was found to be a bug and has since been addressed. You should now be able to access the Academy button from the list view without any hindrances.
"O365 Updates" empty on Omega 365 Home on client environments
We've noticed an issue with the "O365 Updates" section appearing empty for certain users. We've examined the issue and found that it seems prevalent across various users' environments. We are working on a solution for this as quickly as possible. Please note that this is a bug and we are doing our best to rectify it. Your patience is appreciated.
Typo in documentation
A typo was found in the documentation. This was a minor bug that was identified and has been rectified. This update will provide more accurate information in the documentation. It was reported by several users and it has now been fixed across all platforms.
Can`t preview the test in course for basic users
We fixed an issue where basic users were unable to preview tests in the Document Management course from the academy site. This was due to permission access on test slides, which is now resolved. Now, all users, including basic ones, can preview test slides without any restrictions.
Content Manuals grid ignores select home org unit
The issue where the 'Content Manuals' grid wasn't reflecting the chosen home organization unit has been taken care of. The problem affected a wide range of our users but the system should now respond accurately, as expected.
broken link in Doc Management course
We've resolved an issue previously faced by many users where a link within the Doc Management course was malfunctioning. The link, "Feature comparison between Shared Folders and Document Register," was redirecting users to an error page. This error has now been fixed for a better learning experience.
Unable to create Certificate for Exam
We resolved an issue where certificates could not be generated for exam participants who had passed. This update should ensure all successful participants are provided with their deserved certificates with ease. This bug fix is applicable to all our users.
The academy session lacks the ability to filter by company
An enhancement has been made to the Academy Session tool. Previously, users found it difficult to filter company employees who had completed or not completed the Security Awareness certification. The process was time-consuming as it required filtering each employee one by one. We have now implemented a convenient filter by company function. An 'Org Unit' column has been added, enabling users to find information more efficiently.
Feature Request
Feature Request
QR codes in Academy certificates for verification
We received a feature request suggesting the addition of QR codes to Academy certificates. These QR codes, when scanned, would link to a verification page confirming the authenticity of the certificate. This addition could increase the credibility of the certificates and enhance our corporate image, as validated certificates could be shared on social media or included in portfolios. The request suggests that this feature could also make the certificates more visually appealing.

Asset Objects

Cannot update Object Type
We have resolved an issue that previously prevented the update or creation of new object types. This fix applies to all users and aims to enhance your experience with our product.
Object Explorer: Error in tab
In the recent update, we have fixed an error related to the Object Explorer tab. Previously, users might have encountered problems while trying to open Incidents, Risks, Documents and Attachments. This error has now been rectified and further improvements have been made to ensure a smoother user experience.
Error message when searching for objects
An issue was encountered where an error message was appearing when trying to search for objects. This issue has since been addressed and resolved, and no further action is required from the user end. The resolution will result in an enhanced user experience and efficiency.
Object-Register: Tasks buttons
Updates have been made to the functions of the "Object-Register: Tasks buttons". Specifically, the options "Create Scope Items from Component Types" and "Create Scope Items from Object Types" have been modified. Now, only @Objects will need to be passed in, removing the need for the previous modal. As an additional measure, selecting more than 10 objects will trigger a confirmation dialog to ensure user intent. These changes have been thoroughly tested to ensure a seamless user experience.
Objects Register: Create Scope Items for Selected Objects
We've made an update to improve user experience when selecting objects. In the Objects Register, you will now see the total count of selected objects displayed at the bottom of the screen. This enhancement helps in easily keeping track of your selections.
Objects Import | Flexing/resizing is not good
A previous issue with the Objects Import functionality that caused display issues on smaller screens has been resolved. The problem occurred when reducing the size of details caused overlap with the tree section on the left. This has now been fixed to enhance your user experience while using the Objects Import service.
Object Types: Repeat Frequencies
A minor issue was identified where in the 'Repeat Frequency' area, both the 'first planned start' and 'repeat until' options were showing; this was not necessary. The bug has been fixed. Now, as originally intended, only 'Repeat Frequency' will display, allowing you to select the frequency at which certain actions or events are repeated (i.e., every 2 weeks).
Bulk update Objects not possible
We have addressed an issue that was preventing bulk updates of sub system codes. This error has now been corrected and you should be able to select and update multiple sub system codes as expected. This update applies to all users.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Remove "Checked Out To OrgUnits" tab in object
New Feature Update: We have made a change in object details for a better user experience. Earlier, users had the ability to add and remove records at will in the "Checked Out To OrgUnits" tab. We understood how this could potentially lead to inconsistencies with the actual status of the object. With that insight, we've decided to limit the functionality. It provides you with a clearer and more accurate status overview, thus reducing possible errors. This update will result in a more reliable system for all our users. It's noteworthy that this feature concerns only certain aspects of "Checked Out To OrgUnits".
Feature Request
New field in atbl_Assets_ObjectsCheckedOutToOrgunits
We've broadened the functionality of a specific database table related to asset tracking. With this feature update, users will now see a new 'HandedOver' field in the asset management portion of their interface. This enhancement was made with the aim of providing an insightful indicator showing whether particular records in a table are pending handover. Simply put, this update will assist users in tracking and managing the transition of assets, equipping them to make more informed asset management decisions.
Feature Request
Ability to display "[Name] - [Description]" for objects in Scope Explorer
Based on user feedback, we've now enhanced the Scope Explorer by allowing the display of object descriptions alongside their names. This change fosters a better understanding of what the object represents, without causing issues with BIM links. Previously, users had resorted to appending the object description to the name, which complicated the link between BIM and asset objects.


Objects Import > New Import goes out of bounds
In our latest update, we've resolved an issue where the Objects Import > New Import feature was not fitting correctly within the allocated boundaries. We have ensured that the layout now stays within the appropriate limits for a cleaner, more user-friendly appearance. This update is applicable for all users.

Assets Objects

Object Register | 'Add related object' vs 'Add records here' (neither is updating)
In the latest update, an issue was resolved where the 'Add related object' and 'Add records here' functionalities in the Object Register were not properly reflecting updates. Previously, users experienced a problem where changes weren't following along when focusing on a different object in the grid. Moreover, without a complete page refresh, updates did not appear correctly. With the recent fix, these functionalities should now deliver a more accurate and efficient user experience. This resolution is applicable to all users.
System Register type / scope-item | Error message
An issue was noticed where an error message was encountered when trying to access the Setup Tab. We've worked on this problem and the error has been rectified. This change will apply to all users. We're committed to providing a smoother experience for all.
Objects Import | Field Mappings | Matching names
In the latest update, we've addressed an issue with our Object Import feature. Previously, users were finding that the system was not automatically mapping field names from import spreadsheets, particularly when these field names contained spaces or other special characters. This was despite the fact that these field names were being generated by our system. This issue has now been fixed, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of the import process. We sincerely appreciate your patience and feedback as we continuously work on improving our software.
Objects Import | Re-uploading excel file after updating it does not flush old data
We have resolved an issue that affected the import of updated Excel files. Previously, when a user attempted to re-import an Excel file after making corrections, the system would not discard the initial erroneous data, causing confusion. We have now improved this function to ensure that re-uploading an Excel file will always start with a clean slate, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the data import process.
Objects Import | Table Column vs Property
An issue was identified with the object import function, where 'System', 'Subsystem', and 'Plant' were default connected to the 'Table Column'. This process was found to be a bit complex and unclear, causing inconvenience in data changes. Some users also reported inconsistencies with 'SubSystem' sorting. Updates were made to simplify this process, increasing the user-friendliness of the object import function.
Scope Item prosesser v Objekter
Users needed capabilities to view Scope Item processes attached to an object via a Scope Item in the object register grid. This was necessary to, for example, determine if an object has been outlined for preservation, especially when handling large quantities of objects. It was not possible to filter out items not scoped for preservation. This issue has been taken care of to assist users when mass-creating preservation scopes using the object register app. The display columns in the object register are expected to show Scope Item UID's, offering a more streamlined and efficient work process.
Object Explorer Error Meta
We've identified and resolved an issue with the 'Object Explorer' feature impacting the ability to list 'tag' for documents. You should now be able to operate this feature as planned. This change is implemented across all users. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience caused during this process.
Objects Explorer: TreeID/node in URL
We've made an update to the Objects Explorer feature. Previously, when refreshing, you may have noticed that your specific selection (TreeID and NodeID) was not being maintained. We’ve improved this now. Now when you refresh the page, the system remembers your TreeID and NodeID location, so you can pick up right where you left off!


If third party authentication (O365) fails we should show login failed message similar to sql login
We have addressed a bug that was causing third party authentication failures without notifying the user. You should now receive an error message similar to SQL login failure prompt if third party authentication like O365 fails. This update aims at improving your experience by promptly notifying you about any authentication issues, allowing you to troubleshoot immediately.
Currently exposing if a user exists when using sms login
We identified a bug that exposed whether a user existed when employing SMS login. This issue has now been rectified enhancing the application's privacy and security. Please ensure to update your application to avail the security fix.
09.07.2024 refused to connect after session timeout
We have addressed an issue concerning user redirection after a session timeout. Previously, you may have encountered an error message stating " refused to connect" when trying to reconnect to a session that had timed out. This may have required a page reload to restore your previous session. Now, you'll notice that, similar to how it works in other solutions, your previous session is automatically redirected and authenticated without requiring a page reload.
details/app frame fails
A bug was identified in the Document Register where users were only able to have one record open at a time, and were encountering an error message stating 'This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.' The bug was causing a refusal to frame login at Microsoft and failing to execute DOMWindow-origin. This issue was only affecting certain users.
SSO check causes long loading on login page
We've identified and resolved an issue causing a delay on the login page due to a Single Sign-On (SSO) check. To expedite the login process, the SSO check against the server has been temporarily disabled. This specially has a positive impact on users who are only using the NT site.
Unable to login with special (valid) characthers in email
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to log in using email addresses with special characters. Now, this login problem doesn't exist anymore. You should be able to successfully log in regardless of the use of special characters in your email, enhancing overall user convenience and accessibility.
Feature Request
Feature Request
TOTP authentication reset through GUI
A new feature has been introduced in response to feedback received. Previously, to reset the TOTP code generator setup, manual intervention was required in the database, usually leading to contactsupport. To streamline the process, users can now manage this themselves via their user account/profile pages, significantly enhancing user autonomy. This minimizes technical barriers and speeds up the reset process.

BIM & Digital Twin

BIM | Pipelines | Updating rooms from different orgunit
A fix has been implemented for an issue where rooms could unintentionally be updated in a different orgunit than intended. The system will now use a specific orgunit for insert/update/link during domainless runs of BIM datapipelines. As a result, it's important to ensure all asset objects stay within the same orgunit.
Data Pipelines | Query builder not working when use IN criteria
We have resolved a bug that affected the query builder in Data Pipelines. Previously, choosing the 'IN' criteria in the lookup functionality was not responding as expected. However, now you can smoothly use the 'IN' criteria while constructing a query.
Can't reject IFC Files in Document Register anymore
We identified and resolved a bug that was preventing the rejection of IFC files in the Document Register. This issue was due to a constraint conflict within our database, which has now been fixed by removing the obstructing foreign key. Now, you should be able to reject IFC files without any disruption.
Measure label contents are not centered
We've addressed an issue where the contents within the measure labels were not properly centered. This has been fixed now, enhancing the overall user experience. Please note that this was a bug and not a feature request.
You can save empty text in markup, this breakes all of markup
We have fixed an issue where saving empty text in markup could cause errors. Previously, the save button for entering text in markup was active even before text was entered. Now, saving without text entry is prevented, ensuring a smooth and error-free markup experience.
Create scope item: object with object relations fails
We have identified a bug while creating a new scope item in the BIM viewer. If an object has relations, the system should prompt a dialog for the user to select if the scope item should be related to the unique object or to related objects. But, at first instance, the dialog appears to be empty. It resurfaces correctly upon reloading indicating a rendering issue. We're investigating this and hope to have a fix soon.
BIM Approve Files / BIM review - Can Admin Doc users cant unfinalize reivew
We identified an issue where only the reviewer was able to unfinalize a review in BIM file approval process, creating a bottleneck if the review-responsible person was unavailable. This has been addressed and users who possess document administration capabilities are now able to unfinalize the review as well. This update seeks to streamline the process and avoid any delay in unfinalizing the review.
BIM Viewer | Can't download snapshot
We identified and addressed an issue with our BIM Viewer that had been preventing the download of snapshots from BIM models. This feature is now functioning correctly and users should be able to download these snapshots as needed.
Data pipelines Evaluate did not pick up changed files for NPK (SHB) -why?
We've resolved an issue related to our data pipelines feature. Previously, when files or models were used across multiple pipelines, our evaluation process may not properly identify matching objects in all pipelines. This issue may have resulted in a lower number of matched objects than expected. We've now improved this function to ensure that all matching objects are accurately recorded, regardless of how many pipelines a file or model is a part of. This should provide a more accurate and reliable evaluation process going forward.
Map tiles in BIM Setup (overview tab) displays tiles from OpenStreetmap. -this does not work on some customer sites.
The issue regarding the display of map tiles in the BIM Setup that was not functioning on some sites has now been solved. Users now have the ability to set a global default map tile provider. If the models don't specify it, this option will be set as default. The BIM setup now also uses the global default tile set. In absence of a specific model default tile set, it will revert to using OpenStreetMap.
Feature Request
Feature Request
BIM oppsett, IFC filer vise Orgenhet til dokumentprofil
A new enhancement has been made to the IFC setup application. Previously, users expressed a desire to filter IFC files based on the document profile's organizational unit. Responding to this feature request, an organizational unit column has now been added to the IFC files grid. Users will find the same column when importing files from the document registry. This update aims to improve efficiency and user experience.
Feature Request
Ønsker å kunne importere objekt data fra ifc til til properties
We've introduced a new feature based on user feedback. Users desired the ability to import object data from IFC to system properties. Initially, importing data from IFC to the object register was feasible, now we have made it possible to import to system properties as well. This enhancement should offer significant convenience.
Feature Request
Measures: filter mobile measures?
We have received a feature request that explores the possibility of slimming down the types of measures available on mobile devices. This could increase efficiency and user experience on mobile platforms. To determine which measures should be included, we may consider user preferences, general usage, or a standardised list. We will provide further updates as this request progresses.
Feature Request
DWG files to customers
We're excited to announce a new feature; the capability to publish DWG files to customers. Included in this update is the launch of the new backend and DWG Parsing. This improvement is designed to enhance your overall experience and is available for all customers. Enjoy!
Feature Request
Auxfile: link to fragment
We have introduced a new function that lets you attach auxiliary files, such as 2D plans, to fragments. This means now when you select a fragment, like the first floor of a specific building, it will also pull up related plans or drawings. This will allow you to have all the necessary information in one place, making navigation and understanding much more straightforward.
Feature Request
Measurements: Angles of surface in 2D
A new enhancement for measuring angles in 2D has been implemented. Previously, a complex calculation had to be made manually in order to determine the angles of a surface. With this new feature, you can easily and accurately find all the angles of a surface in 2D with a single click using the angle measure tool. This feature simplifies the process and increases efficiency.

BIM Integration

Document \ "View in BIM" should open in new tab
We identified and fixed a slight problem when previewing IFC-files in the Document-app which used to open the BIM viewer in the same tab. The "View in BIM" button has now been enhanced to open the BIM viewer in a new tab providing a more convenient and efficient experience.


Helgevold - Bug på oppretting sjekklister
A bug has been fixed that was causing an error message when creating new checklists. Previously, the system would not allow input in the field "created by" and would also not auto-fill this field. This issue has been resolved, improving user experience when creating checklists.
Checklist Library | "In Use" shows 1, but no scope-items connected
There was an issue in the Checklist Library where the "In Use" counter inaccurately displayed a count of 1, even when no scope-items were linked. Additionally, an error was encountered when trying to connect an existing scope item. This was identified as a bug and has since been rectified to ensure accurate reporting and seamless functionality.
Bug opening checklist app
An issue was identified where users experienced trouble when trying to open the checklist app. This bug has been noticed by a number of users across various organizations and efforts are being made to rectify the problem. The users may note this problem upon opening the app as per the details provided.


Related object does not work
We addressed an issue where related objects were not persisting in object details. Now, when you add a related object, it will remain even after refreshing the page. Furthermore, we've added a column with a link to the object for easier navigation between related objects.
Feature Request
Feature Request
We've made some improvements and fixed a few bugs in our reporting feature. These improvements address an issue which was causing error messages when running reports, and also resolve a concern where certain reports were over-fitted with predefined filters, which did not fall in line with the existing reporting app filter templates. This update is designed to provide a smoother, more streamlined user experience when using our reporting tools.

Completion & Meetings

Scope Items - Meetings - Kategorier
We addressed an issue related to the 'Scope Items - Meetings - Categories' feature. Users raised an issue regarding the display of all meeting types under categories, irrespective of whether they are published to the project or not. This has been rectified to only show those that are relevant to the project. Furthermore, making categories mandatory, not optional, has been implemented to align with existing solutions.
Discipline Discrepancy between Object and Scope Explorer
We've corrected a minor discrepancy you may have noticed between the Discipline labels in the Object Explorer and Scope Explorer. Previously, when 'Discipline' was added to the Object Explorer's hierarchy, full discipline names like 'Instruments' would display, whereas in the Scope Explorer, you would only see the initial like 'I'. We've now made sure that both will show the full discipline names for a more consistent experience.
Component Types | Completion Superuser is missing role to add/delete scope-items
A bug was identified where a Superuser was not given the required permissions to add or delete scope-items in the 'Component Types' section. This was due to missing role permissions in the standard setup. The problem has been fixed and now users with Superuser status should have the appropriate permissions for this task.
Sykehusbygg-test - systemet er veldig tregt
The meeting functionality was reported to be very slow during testing. Users described the system as tediously slow, almost to the point of being unworkable. Prompt attention was requested to address and rectify the situation.
Scope Items - Meetings - Ansvarlig for agendapunkt
A bug was identified in the 'Scope Items - Meetings - Ansvarlig for agendapunkt' feature that allowed any individual from the person registry to be added as a responsible party for an agenda item. The issue has been resolved and now, only those who are part of the project or have access to the meeting can be assigned as responsible for an agenda item, in line with the existing solution.
Meeting Setup - Obsolete
The obsolete 'Meeting Setup' feature, which was causing confusion for some users, has been addressed. This section will now navigate users to the correct place for setting up Scope Meetings, ensuring a smoother user experience.
Checklist Library / Checklist Details | Can't save Procedure
The issue with saving text in the 'Procedure' tab in a Checklist has been identified and resolved. Earlier, the 'Procedure' tab was free to edit without revision handling, which might have caused some confusion. We have now improved this feature for better user efficiency and experience.
scope-item w/checklist - participants | Gives error when signatures are only roles
In the recent update, an issue has been fixed regarding scope-items with a checklist. Previously, users encountered an error when signatures were designated solely to roles within the checklist library. The system now accepts checklists that are designated to roles only, not just those 'Fixed to Person'. This optimization allows a more effective and versatile utilization of our services.
Scope Item Report
In our latest update, we made some changes to improve the Scope Items reports. Previously, these reports were using the category 'CatAorB', but we have updated this to now show the 'PunchCategory'. This is part of ongoing improvements to make your data more accurate, useful and easier to understand.
Sync of Properties and Object Types
In the recent update, we have addressed a bug affecting data synchronization. Previously, objects types were not properly synced with properties, which also affected the views and the IsObjectConnection flag. Now, we have implemented a procedure that ensures all object types also exist as properties with the necessary views and flags. This will aid in a smoother and more accurate data management experience for all users.
Objects Import (NT) | Re-upload file not working + Properties are not shown in mapping
Improvements have been made to the 'Objects Import' app for ensuring a smoother user experience. The issue with uploading and re-uploading files has been resolved. Now, users will receive better confirmation and a prompt will be displayed to select the appropriate Excel Sheet tab in the workbook. Also, 'Properties' are now always included in the mapping-lookup together with the type 'Table Column'. Pre-selection mapping to 'Table Column' has been replaced with the new 'Property' type to avoid confusion. Finally, adjustments have been made to solve the re-sizing problems between frames in the app.
Scope Meeting - Remumber sections no response
We have addressed a bug affecting the "Renumber Sections" feature that resulted in no action or feedback when utilized. This issue has now been resolved to ensure smooth functionality.
System Registers | All Processes below System Registers have disappeared!
We've resolved an issue where certain processes under the System Register were not displaying as expected. While these processes were accessible through the Mega-menu, they had disappeared from their designated spots in the System Register within the setup app. This issue affected processes such as "MC Activity" and "Commissioning Activity" under the "Completion Activities" register, and "RFC" and "RFO" under the "Handover Register". We apologize for any inconvenience and assure you that the issue has been fixed.
System Register | Newly created Process is not showing in Register
We have resolved an issue where newly created processes were not showing up in the 'System Register'. This issue affected all users, causing created processes not to display in the 'Completion Activities' register. After this fix, all new processes will now correctly appear as expected in the 'System Register'. This was a technical error and we appreciate your patience as we worked to fix this.
Checklist Library | Scope-items do not get newest version of Checklist from Library automatically
Users reported a bug in the Checklist Library where updates to text and roles were not automatically reflected across all related scope-items. This issue means manual updates are required, resulting in time-consuming work. This was prevalent with the checklist "MC-M-37". The development team worked on this issue to make sure changes will sync across scope-items automatically so you don't have to manually update these individually.
Duplisering av signaturer
The issue regarding the duplication of signature fields has been addressed. It was found that revising a checklist in certain activities forced extra signature roles, leading to duplicate signature fields in some instances. To resolve this, improvements have been made to the logic behind new signature role creation during checklist revision, thus eliminating the occurrence of duplicated fields. These improvements aim to enhance user experience.
Checklists | 'Resp Code' from Checklist Library didn't populate scope-item
In the previous version, while creating a new scope-item utilizing the Checklist from the library, users might have experienced an issue where the 'Resp Code' wasn't automatically populating scope-items as it was supposed to. This bug has now been fixed, allowing for a smooth, automated scope-item creation process when using Checklists.
Create scope-item for selected objects in Objects Register | Times out or gives different error sometimes
A bug was observed in the Objects Register feature where the action to create a scope-item for selected objects was not performing as expected. Users reported instances of unresponsive behavior or a "column does not exist" error. This issue has occurred intermittently and caused some inconvenience. We're working on resolving this to ensure a smoother user experience.
Ingen mulighet å opprette Scope Items med prosesses Metting og Commissioning frå hjemesida
There was an issue that prevented users from creating Scope Items with the Meeting and Commissioning processes from the home page. This problem has been addressed and resolved. Now, these processes can be accessed as required.
It is not possible to create a new Meeting
We've identified a bug that was preventing users from creating new meetings. The issue has been resolved and you should now be able to create meetings without any problems. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
It is not possible to add Daily Log to Activity
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to add a Daily Log to an Activity. Although the Daily Log could be opened from the registry, it was not directly attachable to the activity. This bug has been fixed to improve your user experience.
Checklist Library | 'Publish and Approve New Revision' needs to autosave changes
We have improved the 'Publish and Approve New Revision' function in the Checklist Library. Earlier, it was easy for users to forget to save changes before publishing, but now the system automatically saves the changes for greater convenience. This feature has been designed to make your work more efficient and your user experience more intuitive.
An error appear when try to Generate Planned Series Items of Meeting
We've addressed a bug that was causing an error when attempting to generate planned series items for a meeting. This fix will ensure a smoother and more effective planning process for all users.
Scope-items / WF | Have to press 'OK' two times after editing title/description
We've addressed a bug that was requiring users to click 'OK' twice to save changes when editing a workflow. This was happening across all client accounts. Now, it only requires a single click to save your changes, making your workflow editing process much smoother.
It is not possible to create Meeting with Template
We have addressed an issue that was preventing users from creating meetings with templates. This bug was experienced across different platforms and has now been resolved. We encourage all users to resume creating meetings using templates and notify us if you face any troubles.
Properties have disappeared from steps after introduction of scope.
We addressed an issue where properties would no longer appear on the steps of a workflow, following the introduction of Scope Items. This was making it difficult to edit properties at stages other than step 0 and hidden properties couldn't be accessed. This problem is now fixed.
Performance asset scope view
A bug causing slow performance in the asset scope view was identified and fixed. This primarily revolved around a highly demanding query on the server, resulting in significantly larger amounts of reads than usual. The fix should result in significantly improved performance and efficiency. This update applies to all users.
Scope Meeting - New copy of meeting in serie doesnt set meeting series id
We've fixed a minor issue with the meeting scheduling feature. In some cases, when creating a new meeting within a series, it wasn't correctly being tagged with the series id. Now, every new meeting created within a series will be correctly associated with that series. Happy scheduling!
The numbering on checklist in the in Scope Item ic incorrect
We have addressed an error that was found with the numbering on a checklist within the 'Scope Item' section. The issue caused the numbering on the checklist items to display incorrectly, but this has now been fixed. Rest assured, the improvements will provide a better user experience. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Signed Scope Items are displayed on the home page
Addressing a bug we previously experienced, the occurrence of signed scope items displaying on the home page has now been successfully rectified. This improvement will provide a cleaner user interface and enhance your overall experience.
Adding a checklist to Scope Items - lookup menu does not works correctly
We've addressed an issue where the lookup menu wasn't functioning properly when adding a checklist to Scope Items. This bug has been fixed to ensure a smoother user experience.
test Merge scope items
We've resolved an issue where users were experiencing difficulties with merging scope items. This change affects all users and should streamline the user experience, enabling easier manipulation and merging of scope items.
Add/delete attachment in Scope Items / Must refresh to see changes
An issue was reported where users had to refresh the page to see changes after deleting an attachment. The problem has now been resolved. Consequently, refreshing the page is no longer necessary after deleting an attachment - changes will now be visible immediately. This fix enhances user experience by saving time and making the process more efficient.

Content Management

Content manuals: Feil i antall org enheter publisert til
In the previous update, users were experiencing an issue with the content manuals in Omega 365 where the number of organizational units published was incorrect. When a unit was removed, the detail was not updated correctly. This issue has been addressed and the system now displays the correct number of organizational units after any removal.
Should direct user to the clicked page when clicking on its container, not just when clicking on text
In response to user feedback, we have rectified a navigation issue that was present. Previously, users were only redirected to the desired page when they clicked on the text, not the container itself. This situation has been addressed and now, whether you click on the container or the text, you will be directed to the desired page. This enhancement will provide a more intuitive and seamless navigation experience.
Unable to edit articles
We've identified and solved an issue that was preventing users from opening and editing articles. This problem, which was prevalent across multiple users, is now resolved and everything should be working as intended now. Please continue to report any problems if they arise.
Content Items \ An unhandled error has occurred when rendering the contents of this tab
An error was reported where users were facing an issue with the HTML editor. The error message displayed was "An unhandled error has occurred when rendering the contents of this tab." Further technical specifics indicated it was tied to a 'FroalaEditor' not being defined. The software developers have identified and addressed this issue. This resolves the case where users were unable to render tab contents due to an unhandled error in the system.
Content item translations does not work
We've rectified an issue that was preventing the automatic translation of content items. This problem affected several users who attempted to use the Translation tab to create a translated version of a content item, but found that the text wasn't copied as it should be. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Forbedringer til navigering i content mgmt fra
We've received a feature request for improvement in the navigation of content management. The request includes the ability to add content not just underneath the section nodes, but also directly onto them. In addition, there's a need for the parent functionality that's already available to be displayed in the structure. We’re unsure if this issue is related to a bug. These changes aim to enhance user experience and provide greater ease of content management.
Feature Request
Copy/mal-funksjon i content items
Our new feature allows users to easily duplicate content items along with any relevant sections and data. This function is similar to the copy order feature, providing convenience in replicating an existing order with its contents and user details. This change primarily benefits tasks related to working on digital programs, where users can duplicate a template and input relevant information without having to set up content items from scratch each time.
Feature Request
Content Manual | Add column for "last released" in Section Items
In our recent update, we have introduced a new feature to improve your experience with the Content Manual. Now, in Section Items, you will find an additional column labeled "Last Released". This column is visible by default and not hidden, providing you quick, hassle-free access to this information. Enjoy the enhanced clarity!
Feature Request
Tabell visning i docs
In response to feedback, enhancements are being made to the table visibility in docs. It was raised that some table lines selected in the content editor were sometimes not visible in the documents view, which made large tables challenging to read. Furthermore, the column width was not optimally adjusted for the best text fitting. Changes will also be made to clarify the introduction section of the articles, as it was reported that it had become less noticeable and was blending with the rest of the text. Improvements in these areas will make our product more user-friendly and efficient.

Contract Management

In contract register NT link to Contract details does not work.
There were issues with a specific contract link not opening the contract details as needed. It was suspected that the redirect link may have been incorrect. This issue has now been addressed and corrected.
New UI correspondence app not showing
We have addressed an issue where trying to access correspondence within a contract was not directing users to the updated user interface page for correspondence register. This was causing a blank view of the register with no records visible. The problem has been rectified and users should now be rerouted to the new page properly, enabling them to view all the necessary records.
Adjustments in Contract Setup creates unfortunate situation when an element cannot be approved.
We have addressed a bug where contract elements were encountering approval issues due to specific adjustments in contract form setup. Previously, it was observed that changes made to a contract's verification steps could impact elements already in approval. This problem was identified when a particular verification step was marked as N/A, making the approval button inactive. We have now implemented a solution where unapproved verifications from contract elements will be removed if their associated "Verification For" step is changed to "N/A". Furthermore, users will receive warning notification before this change is applied to reduce potential confusion.
Procurement | Add support for scope
We've enhanced the procurement app by including support for scope-items. This upgrade resolves a previously identified bug/error. With support for scope-items, users can now maximise the full potential of the procurement app. As always, we're consistently working on improvements to give you a better user experience.
contract detail - elements shown in register are unfiltered
We've recently fixed an issue with the contract detail display. Previously, all elements were unfiltered on the register, which might have caused some confusion. Now, these elements are filtered to show those related specifically to a particular contract. We believe this will allow for a more streamlined and efficient user experience.
Bug in Actual Cost reporting in contract element register
We have addressed a bug that was previously causing issues with the reporting of actual cost on a contract element. Users would encounter an error message when trying to open the actual cost reporting modal in the contract element register. This issue has now been resolved and users should be able to report actual costs as expected.
BOQ It is not possible to update Cum Qty in grid. Field is not editable.
We've fixed a bug where users were unable to update the 'Cum. Qty' field in the grid as it was not editable. Now, this issue has been resolved, and users can seamlessly update information as needed.
BOQ contract-boq-batch Missing Bulk update on comments field.
We've resolved an issue where the bulk update feature on the comment field was missing. This feature is particularly useful when rejecting batch items, as adding comments is mandatory. The fix has been implemented across all users.
contract-boq-batch | Issues When trying to Import BOQ Actuals using excel and xml file.
We've resolved a problem that users were facing when trying to import Bill of Quantity (BOQ) Actuals using Excel and XML files. Previously, if users attempted to import Actuals with an Excel template, they would encounter a Grid Header Render Error. The import procedure should have filled Actual Quantity and moved the process to the Contractor Updating and Sending Batch step. Furthermore, no action was taken when trying to import BOQ Actuals using an XML file. The issue with the grid header crashing after using import from the Excel template has been fixed. This solution should streamline the process of importing BOQ Actuals using either Excel or XML files.

Core Backend Technology

Channels | Content is duplicated when going back and forth between parties
We have addressed an issue where users were experiencing duplicate content while switching back and forth between parties in the channel section. The attachments were also misplaced. This bug has been fixed to enhance your interactive experience and maintain the integrity of the content.
Application: workflow - NT: Workflow
WORD file not opening
We have addressed an issue that was preventing several users from opening Word documents in edit mode. Despite clearing their cache and adjusting the trust center settings as per standard troubleshooting protocol, the problem persisted. We have now resolved this issue to ensure smoother operations. Please note, this problem did not affect all users.
Cannot export properties to excel when both the where clause and the filter string are not provided
An issue was identified when trying to export properties to Excel without providing both a "where" clause and filter string. This situation also applied when no definition process was being used. Specifically, when trying to export from properties with grids, the operation would fail. Steps have been taken to rectify this issue as connected to another case. It's important to note that this issue was previously produced on scope-items without a register. However, users should now be able to successfully perform this operation.
Service worker dependencies are never cached
An issue was identified where service worker dependencies were not being cached as expected, leading them to be saved with every request. Additionally, cache headers were not correctly in place. This problem, classified as a bug/error, has now been addressed. Now, you can expect a smoother and faster access to services as the necessary dependencies are cached properly. Please note this change will apply to all our users, hence everyone will benefit from this improvement.
Unvalidated Redirect
We have identified and rectified an issue with our application's URL redirection function. Previously, the application did not verify URLs provided by users before redirecting them, potentially leading users to malicious sites if they clicked on tampered URLs. This issue could have been exploited to craft phishing attacks. With the update, all URLs used in the redirection function are checked rigorously to ensure user safety and security. This means you are always led to a trustworthy and correct site. We thank you for your patience and understanding while we addressed this issue.
Report viewer preview TIME ZONE error
A recent issue related to the Report Viewer was identified where a specific error occurred when using the 'equals' filter for date fields. Notably, this issue was only present when using the 'equals' filter, and not when using the 'greater than' operators on the same field. The identified problem has been addressed for all our users and should no longer cause any errors or inconveniences. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you come across any similar issues in the future.
Object Register | Can't Bulk Update 'System', 'Subsystem', 'Plant' etc. properties
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to perform bulk updates to certain attributes. Now, the functionality for bulk updating various properties has been restored, making it more convenient for users to manage data. Previously, attributes such as 'System', 'Subsystem', 'Plant' etc. couldn't be bulk updated, but this issue has now been resolved. This is applicable to all users.
Feilmelding ved 'Tøm cache' i oversetter-app
We have fixed an error that users encountered when trying to clear the cache after inputting translations in the translation application.
NT Import from excel log is empty no matter if import succeeded or failed
We have fixed a bug associated to the import from Excel feature. Regardless of whether the import was successful or not, the import log was previously empty. With this update, users can now see a detailed log of their import operations. This improvement would help users in tracking and understanding the process of their import actions better.
AssemblyloaderUpToDate health checks reports incorrect status
We've resolved a minor issue where the status of AssemblyloaderUpToDate health checks was misreported. This has now been corrected for a better experience.
Filnames with + in filename
We've addressed an issue where files containing a '+' in their name weren't downloading properly. This occurred when you tried to download such a file attached to a scope item. We've implemented a solution that ensures successful downloading of these files, similar to the process used in our Document application. It's important to note that files using '+' in their names will no longer pose any issues.
Import from Excel fails in Microsoft
The issue with importing from Excel has been addressed. Previously, users experienced a failure when trying to upload from an Excel template. This problem has now been solved with a system update, enabling a smoother and more efficient import process. Please note that this update applies to all users.
infinite loading when resetting password via SMS token
We've fixed a bug that caused an infinite loading screen, when users attempted to reset their password using an SMS token. This was particularly noticeable during the first login of the day, especially when trying to open the db-manager on dev-test. This issue has been resolved, ensuring smoother and more secure password resetting operations.
Soft delete on the apps table
We identified an issue where deleted apps were still visible in certain environments due to incomplete synchronization during the deletion process. This issue has been resolved by implementing a soft delete function for apps and app files. This now ensures full synchronization across environments when an app is deleted.
Error in prod when deleting vue files
We have addressed a bug that was causing issues in the production environment when deleting vue files prior to publishing. This has now been resolved for a smooth and error-free user experience.
Time Zone error opening scope items
We've addressed an issue where some users were encountering a "Time Zone" error when trying to open scope items. This problem was due to our use of static fields in CriteriaOperator. Now, all issues related to unexpected "AT TIME ZONE" errors should be resolved. This update ensures smoother interaction with scope items. We appreciate your patience as we worked on this solution.
Export to Excel not working in DB Manager
An issue with the exporting feature to Excel in the DB Manager has been resolved. Previously, only the headers would appear in the exported Excel files and not the data. Now, the data is properly included in any exported files. This fix is part of our ongoing efforts to improve functionality and user experience.
NT/Scope Client Appdesigner 'You do not have access to this page.' when using Compare
We resolved an issue where users were encountering an access permissions error when trying to use the 'Compare' feature in the NT app. This problem also caused the appdesigner to become unusable, requiring a reload. This issue has also been fixed for the 'Modules dependencies' button within the side navigation dropdown. Now, users should be able to use these features without any disruptions.
Timesheet error87
An issue titled "Timesheet error87" was reported, where the full details were given in an attachment. This problem was a bug and was reported by various clients. Please note that the specifics related to any client or proprietary information have been omitted from this message due to privacy concerns.
We've resolved an issue that was preventing the export of query results as an Excel document. Previously, users were experiencing issues with returned grid exports appearing as empty data-sets. This issue has now been fixed, providing a smoother experience for all users.
using System_FilesExtensionWhitelist breaks upload
We detected an issue where using certain file extension whitelists, such as PDF, caused issues with file uploads. This problem was especially prevalent when attempting to upload new items. Initial attempts resulted in errors and the user interface becoming unresponsive unless the page was refreshed. There was an additional issue related to uploading unwhitelisted files to our cloud storage. We've successfully resolved this issue by enhancing the error messaging system and making improvements to the upload queue's error handling.
PersonId is not set on jobs connection when using managed identity (guid)
We identified and solved an issue which was causing the "PersonId" to not be set correctly when using a managed identity. The solution, implemented within the code is the use of the 'WSID' attribute to specify the person id for a connection string. Rest assured that this bug has now been rectified, aiming to enhance your software experience.
Helgevold - Får ikke åpnet teamdok
We've addressed an issue that prevented users from opening the team document "kursplan" using a desktop application. Now, the document can be edited with the desktop app as expected. This bug fix improves the accessibility and usability of our platform's document management features.
Vulnerable lib system.text.json
We've identified a vulnerability in a library used in our system, known as system.text.json, in versions up to 8.0.3. Thankfully the issue has been detected and resolved, and we've made sure to update this to the latest, secure version. This fixes the potential vulnerability and ensures your data is kept secure. As always, we're committed to keeping our system robust and unbroken, ensuring a secure experience for all our users.
Vulnerable lib SixLabors.ImageSharp
In the latest release, we identified and rectified an issue linked to a vulnerability within a library used in our software. This is an under-the-hood adjustment that contributes to making our software safer and more secure.
Vulnerable packages identified in
We have identified and updated vulnerable packages within our system, enhancing the security and stability of the platform. This update will improve your overall user experience without affecting the functionality of our service. This applies to all users.
Robots.txt for public web sites is wrong and causing issues with sharing
We identified an issue with the Robots.txt file on public websites, which was blocking social media sites from accessing images and missing certain pages. This has been updated and streamlined to allow for better visibility and sharing capabilities across all our clients' websites.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Update postman collection to reflect NT API
We've updated our system following your requests to enhance its functionality and usability. The critical changes made are regarding the application interface to make it mirror changes within the API. This means, specific aspects such as 'Title' will now display a more detailed view including values such as 'Decision' and 'PrimKey' among others. Rest assured, all methods have been checked to ensure they continue to function as expected. These changes are already in effect for you to benefit from.
Feature Request
Support for running multiple sites on same app service
We've introduced a new feature that enables running multiple sites on the same app service. This update is designed to run on the same source code and update accordingly. The key difference lies in the authentication processes and accessing the apps from different sites. These enhancements address our user's needs for flexibility and ease of use.
Feature Request
Bulk destroy still using PrimKeys
A recent update has improved bulk deletion functionality. Before, the system used a default key (primkey) for deleting multiple records. Now, users can specify a custom key to delete records. This enhancement provides more flexibility and control over bulk data operation.
Feature Request
Support different error types on exceptions
We've introduced a new feature that enables support for various error types on exceptions. This upgrade enhances error handling and management, making it similar to the CT system in functionality. Multiple clients will benefit from this improvement, as it will provide more accurate and detailed error information. Please note that this is a part of our constant endeavour to improve and refine the system based on your valuable feedback.
Feature Request
Include documentation in Omega365 nuget packages
We are introducing a new feature in Omega365. This will provide an integrated documentation within the application parts for developers, making it easier for them to navigate and develop. This feature is designed to maximize developer productivity and reduce time spent on understanding code.. Please note, this update is relevant for our developers. End users won't see any change in their regular operations.
Feature Request
Publishing apps for local namespace should not update azure versions table
We've made an improvement in our application publishing workflow. Previously, updates made in the local namespace were affecting the Azure versions table. Now, we've refined this process to make sure these updates remain separate for a smoother user experience. Please note that no specific businesses were particularly affected or involved in this request.
Feature Request
Fix /qa-findings
We received requests concerning an older application that was not functioning as expected. A successful solution was created to tackle these issues. This update greatly improves the user experience by making the application more efficient and reliable. Huge thanks to our valuable users for their patience and understanding until we set things right.
Feature Request
Azure Front door not working with Sockets
The recent issue that was reported - related to Azure Front door not having compatibility with WebSockets, has now been resolved. An alternative to WebSockets has been implemented - SignalR, that works well with Azure. This enhancement was necessary to maintain the functionality of several important features.
Feature Request
Support for third party identity providers
We've made improvements to our system's accessibility and inclusivity. Now, it supports various identity providers in addition to the original Microsoft Entra, providing a more comprehensive OpenID Connect implementation. The update also considers the unique cases where there might be a need to configure multiple instances of the same authentication option. This feature expansion extends to the SAML authentication protocol as well. The aim is to ensure we cater to a wider user base and their distinctive needs.

Core Frontend Technology

Filter by selection function breaks the grd
We've fixed a bug where using the filter by selection function was causing disruption to the grid functionality. This solution ensures that null values no longer crash the grid when using DataGrid filter from the context menu. This update will enhance user experience on the grid operation across all platforms.
Task > Document Bulk Upload will fail with 1000 files with 1MB each or 500 files total 1.5GB in size
We identified an issue with the Document Bulk Upload feature under stress conditions. Previously, if an attempt was made to upload either 1000 files of 1MB each or 500 files accumulating to 1.5GB in total, errors were encountered. This concern has now been identified for resolution. It is important to note that this issue did not affect uploading smaller quantities or sizes of files.
Report filter-builder not working with bit-columns
We've fixed an issue that was affecting the report filter-builder when working with bit columns. This was preventing optimal functionality and has now been resolved to ensure smoother operation. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Data is not saved unless "v" is clicked - Should be saved when clicked outside of field
We've made a user-friendly update to improve the data save functionality. Previously, data could only be saved in the system by specifically clicking the "check-mark". Now, we've implemented autosave. So, when you click outside of any data field, any changes made will be automatically saved. This will reduce your clicks and increase your convenience.
personsimport | Fails to read import template
We've resolved an issue that was causing errors when attempting to use Excel templates to import person data. You should now be able to use this import feature without any issues.
Unchecking "Show All" grid filter throws render error
We have addressed a bug that was causing a render error when unchecking the "Show All" option in the grid filter. This issue has now been resolved and the functionality of the 'select all' checkbox in the distinct filter has been improved for a smoother user experience.
Can't expand Audit Log
We have fixed a bug that was preventing the expansion of the Audit Log. This issue has been resolved across all our clients' applications. You should now be able to access and utilise this feature as intended.
Mega menu links require clicking twice on mobile
We've rectified an issue concerning the mobile accessibility of the mega menu. Prior to this, users had to click twice to properly activate a link. The problem has been resolved resulting in a smoother, more efficient navigation experience on mobile devices.
Filter: Sorting alphabetically does not seem to work
We have resolved an issue surrounding the filter function that wasn't sorting lists alphabetically as expected. This update ensures that items in columns with a distinct target configuration are now sorted in alphabetical order. Please note that this issue had affected several users, hence it's likely that you might have experienced it as well. This solution should streamline your user experience.
Object Register | Bulk Update Column gives error
We've identified a bug when trying to use the "Bulk Update" function for the 'MC Package' column in the Object Register. While in some instances it is possible to update items individually or in small batches, there's an error that prevents the "Select all" option in a filtered selection from working as it should. We're aware of the inconvenience this can cause and assure you we're working on a fix for it. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Prosjektlenker med filter
The issue with project links not functioning as expected when using a filter in the URL has been identified and resolved. This issue was impacting many users, and their links needed to be converted to a new standard. This problem may have also affected other tables. All the necessary changes and solutions have been implemented to prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
We've fixed a bug related to the PropertiesGrid. Previously, if a property rowcol "ReadOnly" was set, it wouldn't just show the value on the grid but open up the object lookup instead. Now, it will correctly ignore all editors and only use a span to display the value. Thank you for your patience.
Grid: Filterrow error
A recent issue with the grid filter-row functionality, where exceptions were being thrown after applying filters, has been addressed. The errors were occurring specifically when trying to generate distinct filter lists with an 'exists' operation applied on the same column. The issue has been resolved and you should now be able to apply filters as intended without experiencing any exceptions.
I can't cancel a procedure while it's running, and need AbortController into the API.request for Procedure.ts in o365-modules
Users previously encountered an issue where they were unable to cancel a procedure while it was in progress. This problem has been identified and resolved by adding the AbortController to the API.request feature in an effort to enhance the user experience. This advancement facilitates the interruption or termination of running procedures.
Filter is not updated when a new value is entered in a field+ searching 'int' is broken
We've made improvements to the column filter functionality. Now, when a new value is entered, there's no need for a refresh - the filter updates automatically. Furthermore, we've resolved an issue where users were unable to search or filter integer-type columns. Rest assured, both search and filter capabilities are now fully functional for such columns.
FilterListDropdown not visible
A previous bug causing drop-down filter lists in data grids to render improperly on smaller screens has been successfully resolved. This issue particularly affected devices, like low-resolution laptops, when handling multiple saved filters. The drop-down lists should now overflow correctly on all screens, ensuring a smoother user experience.
Properties Grid random ID
We addressed a bug where the "Properties Grid" was occasionally generating an invalid ID because it started with a number. This error has now been rectified. Please, update to the latest version to take advantage of this fix.
Filters using "is true" / "is false" do not save correctly
A bug was identified that affected the functionality of filters, specifically when switching from "is true" to "is false". After saving, fetching data, and returning to the filter dialogue, the criteria unexpectedly returns to "is true". We have examined this issue closely and made necessary adjustments to ensure that your filter settings are saved correctly.
Adding Bookmarks on CT apps does not work
We fixed a bug that previously prevented users from saving bookmarks in certain applications. Users can now smoothly add bookmarks as desired. This fix enhances navigation and improves the user experience.
createNewOverrideFn in ODataGrid
We'd like to share an update on an identified bug which revolved around the auto execution of 'createNew' when 'createNewOverrideFn' is called within 'ODataGrid'. This occurred each time either the component was mounted or the entire application was loaded. We found a solution to this issue and 'createNew' will now no longer automatically execute when 'createNewOverrideFn' is provided. This update will streamline and enhance the overall user experience.
Verbose Error Messages
We recently resolved an issue where several error messages were unintentionally appearing on the user interface. This problem was identified across various clients but is now corrected, ensuring a smoother and more secure user experience moving forward.
Froala version 4.1.2. vulnerable
We have issued a fix for a vulnerability found in the Froala version 4.1.2. We have updated all hardcoded tags, moving from 'froala/v.4.1.2' to 'froala-editor', ensuring the stability and security of the platform. This is part of our ongoing effort to constantly update and maintain the safety and functionality of the system.
db-manager bugs
We've rectified several technical glitches in our system. The F5 key should now execute all content in a tab if no text is selected, correcting a sporadic malfunction. The issue with Alt F1 returning the same result on different tables has been solved and it will now maintain its last result. In addition, "deleted views" functionality has been improved, allowing content to be accessible and viewed appropriately. Lastly, new records panels are now properly displayed when switching to tables that are checked out. This should make for a smoother operational experience and we appreciate your patience as we continue to improve our services.
Cannot upload images in New Scope Item with the Upload File(s) button
We have resolved an issue where the Upload File(s) button wasn't functioning correctly on the New Scope Item page. Users can now upload images as expected without any hiccups. Previously, users were only able to include images in the description field through copy-pasting. This issue has been addressed and henceforth, users will be able to utilize the Upload File(s) button for their requirements.
Inputting decimals into a OColumn with format="1 234.12" rounds up the input.
We've fixed a minor bug that some users found when inputting decimal numbers. Previously, the system would automatically round up the final decimal digit. In the new update, your decimal inputs will be more accurately represented and will no longer round up automatically.
OMEGA 365 -Dokumentregister - Laste ned fil fikk tomt zip filen
There was an issue where users trying to download a file would instead receive an empty zip file. This issue has been identified as a bug and has been handled by our developers. The issue was reported by multiple users across different sectors. In essence, the automatic file transfer process malfunctioned and resulted in empty zip files instead of the required documents being downloaded to users' local PCs.
Summary row doesn't follow the flexWidth in DataGrid
We've fixed a bug that was affecting the summary row in our DataGrid. Previously, when using the flexWidth feature on columns, you might have noticed that the summary row wasn't properly adjusting its width to match the rest of the table. We're happy to announce that this issue has now been resolved. Now, when using flex-width columns, the summary footer will correctly adjust its size. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked on this problem.
New row not following when scrolling
We've addressed an issue where, while creating a new record within a grid and needing to scroll horizontally, the row for the new record was not scrolling in line with the grid. This problem seemed to occur depending on where the user's mouse pointer was placed during the scrolling action. We're happy to announce that this issue has been resolved and the scrolling of the main list will now be syncronized with the new records panel when it's at the bottom.
DataGrid - Layout and summary
The issue concerning the DataGrid's layout and summary function has been addressed. Previously, summaries were not included in the saved layout, requiring users to set this each time the app was loaded. This issue has now been rectified; the aggregates set by users in the DataGrid summary are stored in the layout, offering a streamlined experience.
Fields for Properties with lookup is too short.
We have resolved an issue related to the visibility of selected options in the property fields. Previously, the fields were too short, making it difficult to see what was chosen. For now, the input editor of the property list has been enlarged, allowing it to take the entire available width. This improvement should provide you a better view of your selected options.
Unable to see rest of Properties, PropertiesGrid overflowing
We've resolved an issue where the PropertiesGrid was overflowing, making it difficult to view the entirety of the properties. To fix this problem, we've now implemented a flexible display for the PropertiesGrid on desktops, ensuring proper overflow management. This should allow for a smoother, more efficient browsing experience.
Typing - into OColumn which accepts number changes content to NaN
We've resolved an issue where typing a negative sign (-) in the number field was leading to an error message (NaN). You'll now be able to input negative numbers properly. This update enhances the efficiency of adding or editing numeric values, improving overall user experience.
Searching within filter lookup does not seem to work
We have resolved an issue where the search functionality within the filter lookup was not working properly. This fix improves the distinct filter list search, enhancing the overall user experience. This applies to all our users, as the issue was common across the board.
Vulnerable JavaScript Dependencies
A vulnerability was discovered in certain JavaScript dependencies. These vulnerabilities were found in the JavaScript libraries "froala" and "Foxit" by external penetration testers. The issues were particularly severe with the "axios 0.21.4" library used by "Foxit". The concerned vulnerabilities have now been addressed to ensure a safer user experience. For more details on the specific vulnerability and its resolution, you can refer to the axios repository or related advisories. This update is crucial for all users to ensure a secure browsing and working environment.
OrgUnit lookup | Structure loading incorrect items
We have addressed a bug concerning the "OrgUnit lookup". Previously, it was loading more items than necessary in the "Org Structure" tab. The system is now improved and only loads the top nodes, similar to how it operates in our context selector. This enhancement ensures a leaner and more efficient navigation experience.
Error when procedure ends up .then block instead of .catch
We have addressed an issue where certain procedures incorrectly concluded in a .then block instead of a .catch block. This error happened during the running of the procedure. This has now been rectified to ensure proper functioning.
System Properties: Error message when trying to add a binding
We have rectified an issue that was causing an error message to appear when attempting to add a binding in the system properties. You don't need to worry about it as it has been fixed now. This update applies to all users.
Kan ikke filtreres på org.enhet
An issue was reported where filtering by organizational unit during mass updates of checklists was not being successfully executed. The problem has now been fixed. The dropdown menus nested by three or more levels will no longer close when clicked inside, thus making your interactions smoother and error-free.
Unable to edit some fields on scope items workflow register
A bug was discovered in the system where users were unable to add values into the "Pims Products" and "URL of the Solution" fields. This issue was likely caused by a recent update. The developers have resolved this by deprecating and replacing certain system properties. All users should now be able to edit these fields as normal.
Calendar overflow
An issue related to the calendar feature was identified and resolved. Previously, in certain conditions, users were unable to navigate to the next month, particularly September 2024. We've optimized the DatePicker function to improve navigation. If there's insufficient room to display the picker on-screen, it will now centralize for better visibility and accessibility.
DatePicker emits @update:modelValue twice
We've addressed an issue where the DatePicker function was being triggered twice, which could have led to potential confusion or errors. This bug has now been fixed through updates to the date-fns and vue-datepicker software. This update is applicable to all our valued users.
Scope-Items | If I refresh page with filter in 'Created By' column - Faulty 'Apply' button appears at bottom
A fix has been made to an error where a faulty 'Apply' button would appear after refreshing the webpage when a filter was set in the 'Created By' column. Previously, clicking this button would cause the grid to empty out. This has been addressed and the button should no longer be appearing under these circumstances.
Save layout icon issue
We have resolved an issue involving the 'save layout' icon, which previously would disappear after saving and only appear when there were unsaved changes in the layout. This has now been fixed and the icon's status should reflect the actual save state accurately. This fix should provide a more user-friendly understanding of the save state of your layout.
Not possible to create filter in lookups
An issue was encountered where users were unable to create a filter in lookups, as the system would automatically close when a column was selected. This issue has now been fixed, ensuring a stable and efficient lookup creation process.
One By One grid insert lacks await and sorting
We've addressed an issue with our DataGrid. Previously, when inserting multiple rows with parent-child relations, child rows were often left without a populated parent column. This was due to the system processing parent and child rows at the same time in different queries. Now, we've improved the system to allow for better sorting of rows and a sequential update process that accurately populates the parent column in child rows. This enhancement ensures cohesion and accuracy in your data entries.
Filtering in lookup always returns error on nvarchar columns
We found an issue where adding a "contains" filter to a specific type of column returned an error message. This has now been rectified. Users from various clients were affected, but the error has been fixed for everyone. No additional steps are necessary from your end.
[BUG] Buttons are unreachable in App Designer when the list is too big
In our ongoing effort to fine-tune your user experience, we've rectified an issue affecting the App Designer within 'Settings'. When too many records were added to a list, the top buttons became unreachable. Now, however, the list will become scrollable to ensure all buttons remain accessible at all times. We're continuously working to ensure our system is as user-friendly and efficient as possible; consider this update a vital part of those efforts.
On edge you can scroll away the navbar
We addressed a navigation bar bug that affected Microsoft Edge users. This error caused the navigation bar to disappear if users scroll in unexpected ways. This issue has been fixed and will no longer affect the usability of the site across different pages. Please note that this was solely a Microsoft Edge issue and did not affect other browsers.
personsimport | Still fails to read import template
We've resolved an issue related to the 'personsimport' function. Previously, users were experiencing trouble while trying to import data, and the 'First Name' column was missing when downloading the import template. These issues have now been fixed to improve the user experience. Please note that this update was applied on July 4, 2024.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Document plan import | Drag & drop support
We received feedback highlighting an issue with Drag & Drop support when using excel for document plan imports on the NT version of the software. Clients found lacking this functionality inconvenient. This issue has been logged as a feature request and will be evaluated for potential updates in the future. We appreciate your input in this matter as it helps us to continually improve our services. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Feature Request
NT DataObject Sub Selects
A new feature has been introduced that allows for the sub-selection of values from other views per row. Unlike previous setups, the setup for this is done in-app and not on setup tables. This handy feature, implemented on an as-needed basis, also comes with filtering support for added convenience, particularly for developers. Notably, it is designed to aid in handling one-to-many relations.
Feature Request
Text in grid is overwritten
We've improved the functioning of text selection in grid cells. Previously, if you attempted to select a part of a text within a cell and change the selection, it would overwrite the entire content of the cell. Now, when text is selected in an editable cell and a key is pressed, only the selected text will be replaced. This enhances usability and ensures smoother operation. Please note that this is only applicable for default cell editors.
Feature Request
Login Form needs multiple Login instances of same authentication type
We've introduced a new feature that allows multiple login instances of the same authentication type, such as multiple SAML or OpenID configurations in the login form. This will help enhance your security measure while also providing greater flexibility for your use.
Feature Request
NT Login forms needs custom login step names
We have introduced a feature where users can add custom names to login steps on the NT Login form. This feature will enhance personalization and accessibility, making it easier for users to understand and navigate their login steps. This has been rolled out to all users.
Feature Request
Propertiesgrid: Spin indicator while saving row
We have introduced a new feature where a spinning indicator will be displayed while a row is being saved. This enhancement aims to improve user experience by clearly indicating the saving process.
Feature Request
Add a property that allows tabbing in lookup within a grid
We've developed a new functionality based on your feedback. You can now use the "Tab" key to change fields in the filter row while inside a lookup within a grid. Before, pressing the "Tab" key would only change the column in the grid. This new feature enhances usability and offers a smoother navigation experience.
Feature Request
Eksport/import av data
We have upgraded the functionality in our system, allowing users to not only give a name to the sheet being exported, but also to assign a unique name to the file being exported. This enhancement presents an easier way for all users to organise and identify their exported excel files.
Feature Request
Sticky save section in app designer data objects
A new enhancement has been implemented to the app designer for data objects. You may now notice that the save section in the app is 'sticky'. This means the save/cancel buttons will stay visible at the top of the tab when you scroll down in an overflowing editor. This is similar to what you might have already noticed with the vue and ts files. This change has been made to improve the user experience.
Feature Request
Filter Dropdown / Search in DataLog
We've introduced an enhancement to the Data Log Import feature. You now have the ability to filter the Status and Message columns, making it easier for you to find specific information quickly. This is particularly helpful for identifying entries that have failed.
Feature Request
$useAsyncComponent macro
We've received a request to simplify the process of importing async components, as the current method requires excessive boilerplate. There were concerns raised over functionality issues when used offline. After discussion, a new macro is proposed to ease this process without causing offline issues. As a solution, we've developed a new compiler macro which injects 'importFn' as a second parameter for libraries thus simplifying the import of async components. This feature will enhance user experience by streamlining app development process.
Feature Request
Add getter or method to get the file urls
A new feature has been proposed for better offline handling. Instead of creating separate offline properties for components that require file usage, the suggestion is to introduce a new getter or method on the DataObject. This would yield various default GET request URLs for files. Furthermore, an override function for the offline extension can be included to incorporate necessary extra variables for correct file retrieval from IndexedDB. This enhancement aims to simplify the process and make file accessibility more efficient for offline usage.
Feature Request
Functionality for rendering properties as read only in grid
Based on users' feedback, we have enhanced the functionality of the system by introducing a feature that allows properties to be displayed as read only in the grid. Earlier, all properties in the grid were editable. Now users have the option to specify which properties should be read only. This gives better control over the grid data and improves user experience.
Feature Request
Support for import templates without dataobjects in grids
We've introduced a new feature that allows for the import of templates into grids without needing any data source. This new functionality offers greater flexibility and efficiency, enhancing user experience. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!
Feature Request
Support for pasting images in ORichTextEditor
We've added a new feature that allows you to paste images directly into the text editor. This feature had been missed by many users and hence has been reintroduced. With this feature, you'll need to provide a data object used for uploading the files. These images or attachments will be added as links within the text. Enjoy this reintroduced feature that enhances your text editing experience.
Feature Request
Need SaveFailed event to be added to DataObject in NT
We're happy to announce the addition of a new feature in our system based on your feedback. This concerns the inclusion of a 'SaveFailed' event to the DataObject, which behaves just as it does in CT. Now, whenever a data save process fails, the system will notify you by providing the failed row and the error details. This update enhances the system's functionality and responsiveness, making it easier to troubleshoot data saving issues.
Feature Request
Please add a warning on "EventEmitter and event helpers" in code snippets.
A new feature has been added based on valuable user feedback. Previously, there was no warning indicating that asynchronous functions may not work as expected when used in the "EventEmitter and event helpers" code snippets. This has now been addressed. Users will now be alerted when using async functions in these areas, helping to prevent confusion and potential bugs. Additionally, the import paths have been updated. This feature enhancement comes as part of our ongoing efforts to streamline your usage experience.
Feature Request
Movable modal and lookups
We've made an improvement based on user feedback. Modals and lookups can now be moved around the screen, making it easier to view important information while working. This enhancement is a result of our ongoing commitment to adapt and evolve our platforms to better serve your needs.
Feature Request
Column Group: Implement posibility to user custom component as a slot
The feature allows users to integrate their custom components into the Column Group component. This improves flexibility and utilization possibilities. This enhancement primarily targets our timeline column improvement. Since we have now fixed the header text slot functionality, you can further enhance your Column Group components.
Feature Request
Er det mulig å legge inn en «bryt tekst»-funksjon i kolonnene i Omega ?
The recent update addresses a feature request relating to text display ease in Omega's columns. Previously, reading long texts in the "description" column was cumbersome as users had to manually adjust the column width. With this new feature, you no longer need to adjust the width. Instead, text will automatically break and adapt to fit within cells, enhancing readability and saving time. The solution came in the form of introducing an autoHeight property to ODataGrid, which enables text breaks within cells.
Feature Request
Ability to specify MaxRecords for grid export
We've introduced an upgrade to better manage the amount of data you can export. Previously, there was no limit to the rows you could export, but now you have the ability to specify a maximum record count for grid export. More control has also been provided to developers to decide if the user can change the number of maximum records. This enhancement is aimed at increasing the ease and flexibility of data exporting for users.
Feature Request
Option for sorting on saved filters
Based on user feedback, we have implemented a sorting option for saved filters. This feature will especially benefit those who utilize numerous filters, enabling an easier and better-organized overview. The sorting is in alphabetical order as a default setting.
Feature Request
Update SortableJS / Sortable
We have updated our system to the latest version (1.15.2) of SortableJS/Sortable to improve your user experience. Previous issues such as item flickering or jumping to the end of the list while dragging have been fixed. Enjoy a smoother interaction with our application from now on.
Feature Request
allow to choose Layout when using Export/Import grid functionality
We've introduced an enhancement to the Export/Import grid functionality. Now, users can select their preferred layout while downloading templates for Update or Import. This special feature is designed to help reduce the number of unnecessary columns in the template, thus minimizing the likelihood of errors during updates or inserts. This makes the user experience smoother and supports efficiency by reducing the number of steps involved.
Feature Request
Searching/Filtering in System Properties dropdowns
A request has been made to improve the user experience by expanding the search and filtering options in system properties configured to be dropdowns. This feature request is aimed at matching the enhanced functionalities already available in CORE dropdowns. This improvement is intended to provide users a more streamlined and efficient navigation experience.
Feature Request
[Meeting] - Ctrl + S for å lagre agendapunkt
We've updated the feature based on your suggestion - reinstating the ability to use Ctrl + S as a shortcut to save an agenda point. We appreciate your input in making our tool even more user-friendly. Thank you for your constructive feedback!
Feature Request
Possibility to remove/hide header and footer in grid detail tab/grid side panel
We have updated with a new feature following user feedback. Now, there is a provision to remove or hide the header and footer in the detail tab/grid side panel, providing a more efficient use of the screen space. This option was previously available for headers, and now extended to footers as well.
Feature Request
Column Layout Tab in grids
The 'Column Layout' feature in grids has been enhanced. Previously, users found it confusing while shifting from one layout to another and there was no clear communication during significant delays. Now, the layout buttons will disable during a change and re-enable once the changes are applied. This makes it easier to recognize if the layout was clicked and provides clear communication during transitions.


Correspondence status - Change or Translate Status
We've identified an issue with the way correspondence status labels are displayed. The current label "Sent" may cause some confusion as it can be interpreted either as 'Sent' or 'Received'. To remove any ambiguity, the label will be modified to "Sent/Received". Our team is working on implementing this change.
Correspondence - When adding receivers to a correspondence the symbol is not easy to understand
The issue that has been identified pertains to the symbol utilized for adding receivers to a correspondence. The current design is perceived as not being intuitive. Users have suggested that the symbol should be more understandable or perhaps the modal could be changed. They have also indicated their preference for bringing this in line with other parts of the application. This issue has been recognized and is being worked on to deliver a user-friendly experience. Any changes aiming to enhance understandability will be implemented in due course.
Correspondence Journal - Should this be visible for both parties?
An issue was identified regarding the visibility of the Correspondence Journal, where currently both the sender and receiver can view it. In response to feedback, updates have been made to restrict visibility so that only the originator can view the journal. This change aims to enhance privacy and control over information flow.
+CC look up does not work.
We've addressed an issue where a user was unable to access the +CC look up functionality while setting up correspondences despite possessing the necessary permissions. We've also made an improvement so that the CC recipients are automatically suggested according to your correspondence distribution setup. This error and improvement will benefit all our users across the board bringing a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.
Correspondence - Disciplines not available
There was an issue where the discipline field, which is required in the correspondence process, appeared empty when creating new correspondences. This issue has been addressed and resolved.

Cost Management

Excel Export Adding Grid Format Parameter to Data
We've recently addressed a bug regarding the export functionality of our applications such as the cost-estimates tool. There was an issue which was causing the application to incorrectly apply the grid format to the exported values, with formatting inaccurately added both before the decimal and after. Users may have noticed this anomaly on data exported from multiple instances of services. This issue has now been corrected to ensure accurate data exports.
contract Invalid object name 'dbo.aviw_Workflow_ProcessesOrgUnitsHierarch
We have resolved a bug that some of you may have experienced. This bug caused an error message to appear, involving an invalid object name 'dbo.aviw_Workflow_ProcessesOrgUnitsHierarch'. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience as we worked to fix this. You should no longer encounter this issue.
Project: Project Not Found
We have updated the error message displayed when a requested project does not exist. Previously, it would misleadingly state that the "risk does not exist". Now it will accurately inform you that the "requested project does not exist". This change will enhance the clarity of the system.
PDF report Internal Changes, remove time in approved column
We have recently addressed an error related to how dates were displayed in the 'Approved' column of the ProjectChanges report in the PDF format. Previously, the dates included time, but we have amended this to show only the date details, removing any unnecessary information. This update will streamline the reading of your reports and make the approval dates clearer.
cost-wbscostprogstatus Error: Must declare the scalar variable "@Register_ID".
We've resolved an issue that was causing loading problems in the cost-wbs app. This problem particularly affected the scope items grid. Users won't experience these loading difficulties any longer with this release.
JavaScript Error on Cost-Dashboard
We've identified and fixed an issue that was causing an error on the Project Milestones section of the Cost Dashboard. This issue was also causing similar problems on We made sure to take care of the problem to improve your experience. The problem was related to certain resources not loading properly in the Cost Dashboard app. It's all taken care of now!
cost-changes App Datasource Issue
We've addressed an issue in the cost-changes app where an error message was displaying when loading certain articles. This was due to a concern with a column named 'CatAorB'. The problem has now been resolved to improve your overall experience using the app.
Error when opening Compare baseline. Tested in omega and training
We've resolved an issue that was causing errors when trying to access the Compare Baselines function. Now, users should be able to use this feature without experiencing these difficulties.
WP's not showing when using Navigation Tree
We've addressed an issue where the main table would go blank when using the Navigation Tree to access Work Package details in the WBS Cost & Progress. We've improved the functionality of grids to provide a better user experience.
Error when importing Actuals from excel
We've resolved an error that previously displayed a system message after successfully importing Actuals from Excel using the WBS Cost and Prog. app. Despite the display of the error message, your data was still successfully imported. With this update, this system error message will no longer be shown.
Error when uploading from excel with really small/high numbers
An error was identified during the upload process when using the Timephasing Import Forecast application. This issue specifically affects columns with very high or very low decimal numbers (E-number format), and results in an error message that highlights a failure in data-type conversion from varchar to numeric. This bug has been discussed and is under scrutiny.
COP - Importing Transactions not working as intended...
We've fixed a bug related to importing transactions. Before, some users were unable to import files correctly due to issues with the 'Choose and import file' feature, which failed to take the correct mapping into consideration. These users had to follow a more complicated process to import data. After the fix, users should be able to import transactions seamlessly without any issues or complexity.
Excel file error in "Timephasing Import Forecast"
We have addressed a bug that was causing an Excel file error when attempting to export data using the "Timephasing Import Forecast" feature. Some users were experiencing issues across multiple instances which resulted in an error message or a stuck parsing window upon downloading the Excel file. This issue has now been rectified to ensure a smoother and more efficient data export experience for all users.
WBS unexpected negative value
Previously with the new interface, there was an issue where forecasting resources from assignments didn't function properly, often displaying negative forecasted values for certain periods. This has been seen as an attempt by the system to keep the Estimate At Completion constant. We are pleased to announce that this issue has been addressed and the calculation of Forecast Value has been fixed. Users should now be able to use this feature with no issues.
Projects app - remove indenting
We've made some improvements to the visual display of the Projects app. We noticed that the indenting style we had previously adopted wasn't working well in many cases. As such, we've reverted back to a more standard view, where information is presented in a clear and easy-to-read flat list. We hope this will make your use of the Projects app more streamlined and efficient.
O365 Setup: Duplicate options in drop-down lists
We've fixed an issue where the dropdown lists in the setup of O365 were displaying duplicate options. Now, each option will only appear once in the dropdown lists. This bug was observed across multiple instances. We appreciate your patience while we worked on this issue.
Status Presentation → Commands → Merge Content Into Presentation
An issue concerning the 'Merge Content Into Presentation' command was observed. The command would trigger an error upon execution. However, it was understandably challenging to identify if this was associated with the endpoint and its execution, or if it was related to the permissions of the page redirected to post-execution. Users were unsure about how to assign permissions for this API endpoint. Good news is that this issue has been resolved, and 'Merge Content Into Presentation' command is functioning as it should now.
Need to create new drafts/load data for every change
In the Timephasing Import Forecast application, we addressed a few issues to enhance the user experience. Previously, when updating estimates from "Import Data into Forecast", a new draft had to be created to see changes in the "Forecast at Completion" column. We have amended this so that the changes are evident immediately. Additionally, we addressed the need for manual page refresh and data reload after updating the periodic forecast and committing changes, which now updates automatically. Prior issues related to data persistence from previous drafts upon creating or changing to a new draft have also been resolved. Previously, a page refresh was required to enable the "Load data" option when creating a new draft, we've made some improvements in this regard too. Now, the draft will be updated efficiently once you import into forecast and modify estimates.
Parent column populated only when using bulk commit and not "One By One"
We have made an improvement to the Copy and Paste functionality from Excel to the WBS Setup application. Following this update, when you copy and paste rows in a 'one by one' fashion, they will be committed correctly and the 'Parent' column will be occupied as expected. Previously, you might have noticed that this only worked well with a 'Bulk' action, but could be troublesome when committing rows individually. Now, this functionality runs smoothly for both methods. As part of this process, we have also fixed the red flag notification which stated: 'Could not retrieve values after bulk insert'.
WBS: Cost & Progress > Update Values From Previous Cutoff Period> Earned Value ≠ Actual Percent * Budget
We've addressed and resolved an issue concerning the calculation of "Earned Value" in the "Update values from the previous cutoff period" section of the WBS: Cost and Progress module. Previously, the calculation did not seem to tally with the Actual Percent multiplied by the Budget, which resulted in confusion. Rest assured, the error has been fixed, ensuring the Earned Value displayed is now calculated correctly.
Feature Request
Feature Request
"Bokført kost"-app viser ikke alle transaksjoner knyttet til prosjektets PNS
An improvement has been made to the "Booked Cost" app. In the past, the app did not display all transactions related to a project's PNS if these references to a parallel or higher contract element. This has been identified as potentially confusing since these costs are naturally included in the PNS Cost and Progress. In response to valuable feedback, this issue is now addressed to enhance your experience and avoid any confusion.
Feature Request
WBS - link to experience
We've introduced a new feature that allows you to link to experiences from WBS. Along with this feature, we've also added new tables and columns to enhance the overall functionality. This feature has been launched for all our users and clients.
Feature Request
Add pop-up message to confirm/not confirm updating estimates based on timephasing
We have recently added a feature in the Timephasing Import Forecast app based on user feedback. Now, when you import data into the forecast, a pop-up message will ask if you'd like to simultaneously update the Total Forecast shown in the WBS Cost & Progress app with the new timephased value. This additional step provides a more user-friendly experience by immediately updating estimates after importing, a task that previously had to be performed separately.
Feature Request
Missing fields in cost transactions
A feature request was processed following feedback during data migration tests. Users found that a few crucial fields from the cost transactions in Pims 365 were missing in Omega 365. To avoid possible data loss, we've enhanced the feature and added the fields in Omega 365. Specifically, three fields have been implemented into the Cost Transaction Register and Transaction Import apps - 'Project No.', 'Cost Center', and 'Activity Seq'. This change will empower each customer to use their own specific fields in the cost transaction register.
Feature Request
Add Remaining Estimate column in assignments tab in cost-wbs (NT) app
A new feature has been added to enhance user understanding and experience. Previously, users had some difficulties in comprehending why imported estimate values did not align with total estimates. To address this, a 'Remaining Estimate' column has been added to the assignment tabs on the cost-wbs application. This column displays the remaining portion of the assignment estimate calculated after the current cut-off. Additionally, the column headers 'Estimate in Proj. Currency' and 'Remaining Estimate' will now specify the project's set currency, if any, to avoid any confusion and simplify usage. This update should make it easier for users to refer to assignment data directly from the WBS detail application.

Daily Log

It is not possible to connect existing scope items to Daily Log
We have addressed an issue where users were unable to link existing scope items to the Daily Log due to an empty lookup menu. Furthermore, we have implemented a function to create new scope items directly from the Daily Log. This update is expected to enhance your ability to monitor and manage daily tasks more efficiently.
Daily log and scope items
We have updated the functionality concerning our Daily Log feature. Previously, a daily log entry was erroneously linked to "Activities". Given that this was no longer in use, we have smoothly transitioned this connection to "Scope Items". This has streamlined your access to log entries and we have ensured that the issue is now fully rectified for an improved user experience.
Daily log by objects shows deleted entries
We fixed a bug which caused deleted entries to still appear in the Daily Log by Objects section. Now, once any daily log entries are deleted, they will no longer be on display in that section. This update improves data accuracy and provides a cleaner interface.
Daily Logs by Org Unit and by Objects don't work as expected
We've made improvements to the 'Daily Logs by Org Unit' and 'Daily Logs by Objects' features. Previously, users were unable to view images using these features. This issue has been resolved, so the image viewing feature should now be fully functional.
"Heavy Rain" is shown twice in Dailylog-entry
We addressed an issue where "Heavy Rain" was appearing twice in the Dailylog-entry. This duplication problem has now been resolved. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Daily Log Entry -> Upload Observation - the QR Code only lasts five seconds
We've addressed an issue with the 'Upload Observation' feature in the Daily Log Entry section. Previously, the QR code would disappear after a brief five seconds; however, this has been corrected. Now, the QR code will remain visible on your screen until you choose to close the relevant window. We hope this adjustment enhances your user experience.
Daily Log Entries have columns for WF and Total WFs. Scould show Scope Items
We appreciate your feedback about the daily log register. We understand that instead of displaying the number of workflows attached, you'd prefer columns showing the number of attached scope items, including open ones. The system has been updated to now include both workflows and scope items. This change has been made to enhance visual clarity and improve your user experience. Please note that all scope items will be covered, not just workflow-specific ones.
Daily Log | Empty look up menu av Related Objects
We've updated the feature concerning the "Related Objects" lookup. It should no longer display an empty menu, provided there are objects to display. This was identified as a bug and has now been resolved for a smoother user experience.
Daily Log Images has no edit/location functionality
We resolved an issue regarding the editing and location functionality of images attached to a daily log entry. In the past, these images came with their own location details. If these details weren't present in the image data, users could directly add this within the attachment list. This functionality had been absent but has now been restored for ease of use and convenience.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Ønsker å kunne relatere sak til en dagbokføring
The recent feature request to link a case to a diary entry in the Omega365 system has been acknowledged. You will be able to associate a case with an journal entry soon, making it easier to keep track of related information. This feature is expected to simplify your workflow. This update will be available to all users across all sectors.

Doc Control, Review, Distribution ++

Statsbygg - REPLIES from FOXIT WEB is disappearing.
We've recently addressed an issue in our document reviews where users were unable to save their replies to comments. Previously, the "Add reply" function wouldn't activate the Save button, thus not saving changes. Additionally, any replies made in Foxit Web were not being stored and would vanish. We're happy to announce that these issues have been completely resolved and your comments or replies will now be effectively saved.
NT - CT missing Sorting in Correspondence
An issue was identified regarding absent column sorting functions in the NT version of the Correspondence Register, particularly in terms of the 'Sent date'. This problem was apparent across several clients, causing inconvenience and inviting questions about the missing sorting features. This issue is identified as a bug or error and steps to resolve it will soon be undertaken.
Drag and Drop Multiple Files to Document Register
We've addressed a bug that was causing an error when users tried to drag and drop multiple files (for instance, 100 files with 1MB each) into the Document Register. This issue has been resolved to improve your document handling experience.
Document Register/ Review - Document for revision is not displayed
The issue in which the document for revision was not being displayed in the Document Register/ Review has been rectified. This problem was noticed across several clients. Our recent updates should ensure a more seamless user experience in this regard.
Deliverables - Empty lookups
We've rectified an issue related to the 'Deliverables' feature. Previously, users experienced problems when uploading an external response file to 'Deliverables', as the lookups appeared empty and the document name failed to save when selecting the document number. This has been addressed and fully resolved.
Check process locks editing
We addressed an issue that affected the ability to edit documents during check processes. This issue has now been resolved and documents can be edited, even during ongoing checks. This fix applies to all users.
External Distribution Setup - Missing Main receiver in NT
An issue was identified where the main receiver was missing in the external distribution setup, resulting in everyone being listed in "CC" instead of "To". This has been classified as a bug and steps have been taken towards its immediate resolution so that main receivers can be correctly added.
Document Review pane - link to document profile
The issue with the Document Review pane, where the link to the document profile wasn't working, has been identified and fixed. It appears there was a missing document ID in the URL. Rest assured, this bug has now been rectified.
Links on home page and Layouts gone
Recently, some users noticed that the shortcuts on our home page were not functioning as expected. Additionally, users reported that the layouts saved and shared in the projects had also disappeared. We understand the inconvenience this may have caused and are looking into these issues at the moment. A solution will be provided as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Document Signature - Not working
We have resolved a bug related to the document signature feature. Some users reported that the signature functionality on documents was not working properly in the software. This issue has now been rectified and the feature should be working as expected. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Attachment Functionality - Merge Button/function not working at all
In the recent update, there was an issue with the merge button in the attachment functionality. This was a bug and it caused the merge button to not function as expected. The problem affected a range of users. The issue has been identified and steps have been taken to resolve it effectively.
Errors after proxy and CT-backend disablement
We've observed a bug causing difficulties with document review. This problem arose after certain components were disabled, leading to issues such as not seeing reviewers when prompted for a review and receiving error messages when trying to view document details. We're working promptly to resolve this.
Contractors cant upload replies to documents
We've fixed an issue where contractors were unable to upload replies to documents. Now, contractors can efficiently upload their responses to documents even when they're delivering through a delivery platform and safeguarding edit access. Additionally, contractors can now reply to older revisions of documents. This improvement ensures smoother communication and information exchange.
Document - HTML documents in NT
There was an issue with adding or editing diagrams in HTML documents on the platform. The problem has been addressed and rectified successfully. It is now possible to manipulate diagrams in HTML documents as needed.
Little mistake in NT documents-review-status app
We have corrected a minor inaccuracy in our document review status app where the columns were improperly labeled as "Full Name" and "Job Title". This update enhances readability and the overall user experience.
Dokumentregister: slette vedlegg under gjennomsyn pågår
In the document registry, users encountered an issue where they couldn't delete comments once added during the review process. This bug affected several clients. Our solution involves correcting the associated permissions to allow end users to remove their comments. This serves as a workaround while offline review capability is being developed in the review module.
Document delivery might pick up closed release codes in atbl_Arena_DeliveriesFiles_ITrig
There was an issue where the document delivery system could potentially pick up closed release codes. This has now been corrected to prevent retrieval of closed release codes from the system. This refinement offers improved system accuracy for all our users.
External distribution - Name is not wide enough
An issue was identified regarding the visibility of the entire syntax in the 'Name' field within our system. This issue has been rectified to make it more user friendly. It will now allow you to see the full syntax in the 'Name' field, enhancing your user experience. The issue was generic and affected multiple users.
Error when using filters Status + Document type
An issue was reported where the application was presenting an error when filtering by status and document type in the documents register. This issue only appeared when 'status' was filtered first, followed by 'document type'. However, when the filters were applied in the opposite order - 'document type' followed by 'status' - no error occurred. We are pleased to announce that this bug has been fixed and you can now apply filters in any order without encountering any errors.
Replacing Tag: Distribution Requirement is adding [ ] in back and front of tag
We've addressed an issue where unnecessary brackets were being added to the "Distribution Requirement" tag. This issue should no longer occur.
Main Area - Displays only name field on document profile
We've improved the document profile visibility in the Main Area. Now you can view both the name and the title of the documents, making it easier to understand and use. This update was made as a response to feedback we've received about enhancing readability for users.
Issues with templates in document control
We've addressed a minor issue that was identified in our document control feature. Previously, there was a problem when trying to create blank templates and only the first tag was functioning correctly in Excel templates. These issues have now been resolved for your improved user experience.
Preview of Document number/name not happening
An issue with the document preview feature has been resolved. Previously, users were unable to see a preview of the document number or name. This update fixes that problem, and the feature should now work as expected across all platforms. This update will improve usability and efficiency when using our services.
DWO - Error when downloading from template app
We have addressed a bug that was causing issues while downloading from the template app. This was experienced across a wide range of our clients. The issue has been successfully resolved, ensuring smoother operations with our application.
Opprette nytt dokument når det mangler utfyling av påkrevde felter.
A bug was encountered where new documents could be created without the required fields being filled out, which was against the intended process flow. This issue has now been remedied, ensuring that all necessary information needs to be provided before a new document can be created.
Dokumentregister: Eksterne får opprette "Nytt planlagt dokument" direkte fra Dokumentregister
A bug was identified allowing users to create a new "Planned Document" directly from the Document Register, even though this function has been disabled for external contracts in the settings. When a user creates a planned document directly from the Document Register, they end up on the document profile instead of Document Deliveries and can only upload attachments, not the main file. This issue has resulted in some time-consuming support cases. The issue has been fixed and now users should only be able to create a "New Planned Document" from the Document Delivery application as intended.
Bug/Error when downloading Review Comments in bulk.
An issue was encountered with the 'Download Review Comments' feature on our platform. Users were receiving an error when attempting to download a document package. This bug primarily affected the task of 'Document Register'. We're pleased to announce that this issue has been successfully resolved. Users can now download document packages without encountering any errors.
Replacement Tags not updating
We addressed an issue where the tags in certain documents were not updating as expected during the Tag Replacement process. This issue was faced by multiple clients. The document functionality has now been improved to ensure correct updating of tag replacements. This fix aims to facilitate better document management. No further action is required from the user's end.
Not possible to add text in freetext fields
In the recent updates, an issue was encountered where users were unable to add new entries in freetext fields and previous freetext data was missing. This problem has now been rectified. You will once again be able to add new listings via the Document Details app through FreeText Fields. This resolution addresses the bug/error reported in the past update.
Notification when delivering Client Response files in Deliverables
In the recent update, we've addressed a bug where users were not receiving notifications or emails when client response files were uploaded to the Deliverables section. This issue was present across all clients. The bug has now been rectified and notifications are being sent to Responsible parties as intended.
File not showing in IDC review - Urgent
Our recent release resolves an issue where users were unable to view files in IDC review. This bug initially prevented users from making any comments on the files. We're glad to report that this urgent issue has been promptly addressed.
tag replacement not working
We have looked into an issue where tag replacements were not working effectively despite visible values under tag replacement fields. This bug was encountered across various user profiles. We are happy to report that this issue has been addressed in the system and you should now be able to use the tagging feature as expected.
Apply Cover Page not working
There was an issue where the 'Apply Cover Page' function stopped working completely. This problem arose when attempting to re-apply a Word Cover Page template to a profile. The issue has been identified and efforts are under way to resolve this as soon as possible. Please be rest assured, the convenience and efficiency of your workflow is our priority.
SG - Cover page not working
We've addressed an issue where the cover page was not functional. This issue was experienced across various clients. Our team has worked diligently to resolve this and now, the cover page should be operating smoothly. Should you have any further concerns or issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Dokumentprofil vises ikke i register, ToBeSubmitted = 1 selv om dokumentet er importert
We noted an issue where some documents did not appear in the document register after running a document plan import. This was seen when the same document was manually created and then imported. The import status showed as "Update Document", however, the document remained unavailable in the document register. This issue has been flagged for further investigation and possible correction.
Unable to download documents to zip file
We've noticed that users were unable to download selected documents into a zip file from the Document Register, which was problematic for sending documents for new onboardings. This issue has been identified as a bug and we're happy to announce that it's been rectified. Please feel free to try downloading your documents again.
External Distribution - Mandatory fields not set
In the previous version, a bug was found where important fields that need to be filled when sending distributions were not marked as mandatory. This led to situations where distributions were sent out without numbers, which in turn could not be edited or added later. This has now been identified and fixed. Now, all fields from Syntax will be marked as required, ensuring all important information is included in the distributions.
Hystar Free texts field name not updated
We identified and resolved a problem with the label translation in the document application. Specifically, issues were with the names "Free Text 2" and "Free Text 3" not updating correctly. This has now been fixed, ensuring that correct translations are displayed.
CTP: Upload New Rendition does not work
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to upload new renditions, forcing them to instead upload the main file as an attachment. This problem has now been fixed, ensuring a smoother upload process.
Error in corr-details app
We've addressed an issue that was seen when trying to open the correspondence item from the correspondence register in the corr-details app. Previously, this was generating an error and preventing the preview of the file. This problem is now resolved and file previews should now be functioning perfectly.
Document Register - Unable to add WBS code
We noticed an issue where users were unable to add WBS codes from the document register, resulting in an error message. This issue has been identified and resolved. Users should now experience seamless functioning when adding WBS codes from the document register.
Format issue on pdf view
We've addressed an issue where the format of certain documents was being distorted when viewed as a PDF. The issue was recurring on certain procedures but has now been rectified. Rest assured, the native file format will be preserved even when you switch to PDF view. This update contributes to a smoother, easier document-viewing experience.
Unable to upload "New Rendition" File
In the recent update, we have addressed an issue where users were unable to use the "New Rendition" function. It was reported that this feature was inactive. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and reassure you that the issue has been resolved. Now, you should be able to utilise the "New Rendition" option with no further issues.
External Distribution - Include files not including files
We've addressed an issue where sending transmittals, including files, did not successfully attach files to the email. This has now been resolved for better email communications. Please note this update affects all users.
Doc search text content job
We've addressed an issue that was originally slowing down document processing times in the Arena Documents Text Content module. There was an instance where the module was only processing 10 files at a time whereas it should have been handling up to 100 files. By implementing a change to the application that allows for the selection of the top 100 records instead of just 10, we've successfully increased the processing speed for our end users.
Document Register | Add Object - 'Component Type' column has bug
We've fixed a bug that was causing a conflict in the 'Component Type' column filter within the Document Register. Additionally, we've made the process of selecting multiple objects easier by incorporating a 'Select All' checkbox in the modal. This update will streamline and simplify managing large quantities of objects and tags.
Supplier doc review - Offline - Unable to register comments
We've addressed an issue with the offline data file where user comments would disappear when marking a review as completed. This bug has now been fixed to ensure smooth and effective communication for all users.
Plan Import Fail Info
A bug was identified during the file upload process into the plan import module in NT. In instances where the file upload partially fails, users weren't provided with an accurate report detailing row failure-proportions and reasons due to the quick closure of the modal right after upload. Another issue was found where users clicking on the data log during the upload process seemed to interrupt it. We are addressing these issues by planning to keep the modal open, at least when there are failed rows, and to make the data log accessible even after the modal closure. Additionally, we will ensure that the data log review doesn't stop the upload process moving forward.
If the Review Response Code + Review Responsible' Name is of a certain length
The issue regarding the Review Status not formatting properly based on the document's width has been addressed and resolved. This issue generally occurred when 'Review Response Code + Review Responsible' Name was of a certain length. As a fix, text wrapping capabilities have been implemented. This solution has been thoroughly tested for any further complications.
Feature Request
Feature Request
External Distribution - Mail Templates - @DocumentList
We have updated our external distribution mail templates. You now have the flexibility to choose what document numbers you wish to include in the email. You can opt for the Contractor Doc No. or Client Doc No. instead of the CC Doc No. This is to provide you with more efficiency and reduce the need for manual editing of document numbers. Please note that this option is not implemented by default, and you can customize this on your own using the newly introduced tick-off option.
Feature Request
External Distribution Columns
A new feature has been requested that pertains to the addition of the 'Review Response Code', 'Contractor Rev', and 'Contractor Doc No' columns for external distribution processing. This enhancement is expected to aid in improving the efficiency and ease of managing data during external distribution. Please note that this addition is only a request and not an implemented feature.
Feature Request
External Distribtion - Created by
We've introduced a new feature in the External Distributions section which allows for the visibility of the person who created the distribution. This was implemented as a response to user feedback, enhancing the tool's functionality and accountability.
Feature Request
Add Delivery Verifed as a Column in Document Register
In a response to your feedback, we have added a new feature that incorporates the 'Delivery Verified Date' column in the Document Register. This added functionality aims to enhance your report extraction experience, allowing for more comprehensive data collection in various formats such as Excel, PDF, or CSV. This feature will be beneficial for creating ad hoc reports seemingly.
Feature Request
External Distribution: gjøre tabell fra @Documentlist mer UI-vennlig
We have addressed user feedback to improve the user interface of the External distribution (transmittal) table. The revamped table design aims to provide a more friendly and efficient user experience. Please note, this was a feature request applicable to all users and not specific to any client or company.
Feature Request
External Distribution - Setup
In the latest feature update, we've reviewed the request regarding the setup process for External Distribution. The consideration was whether it would be possible to simply set PRO, instead of setting a transmittal for each project. This query is part of our continued efforts to streamline and enhance the user experience. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
Feature Request
External Distribution Details- Additional columns
A new feature has been added for the users. Now, you will have more options to customize your External Distribution Details panel. New columns, such as "Contractor Document No.", "Contractor Rev", "Client Document No.", and "Client Rev", have been introduced to provide you with more detailed information. This enhancement provides a more versatile and comprehensive view of your data. Enjoy the upgraded functionality!
Feature Request
Download merged document pdf file
A new feature has been added that enables users to merge and download files directly, eliminating the need to create a new attachment. This enhancement boosts efficiency and simplifies the downloading process.
Feature Request
External Distribution - Equinor requirement
Based on users' feedback, a feature addition to our External Distribution has been implemented. Now, the list of Client revision, Client document number, and Review Class can be viewed and added to an External Distribution. This will allow a more in-depth and detailed overview for our users, improving the overall workflow and efficiency.
Feature Request
MHR - External Distribution - Need Status and Review Response Code column
We introduce a new feature in respond to user's request. This feature enables users to view the document status and review response code in the document list before sending the transmittal. This can be particularly useful for those who send external distributions to contractors and clients without a login availability. Enjoy this update!
Feature Request
Document External distribution - Due date to be included in mail that is sent to client
The feature to include due dates in emails that are sent out to clients was absent. Upon request, this feature has been reviewed for possible inclusion.
Feature Request
enable distribution requirements
The latest feature update incorporates a change based on user feedback. Users can now see 'distribution requirements' as a column in the 'documents delivery status' report. This enhancement was aimed at increasing the ease of usage and enhancing overall user experience.
Feature Request
Korrespondanseregister (NT): Må kunne velge "Main" som filtype
In our latest feature update, we have enhanced the file attachment process. Now, when you choose to upload multiple file attachments, you're no longer restricted to the first file being the main file. After uploading, you can now freely choose which file is set as the main file. This convenient feature was designed to provide a more flexible and efficient user experience. Enjoy the update!
Feature Request
Document | New powerful tag generator
A new feature has been suggested to strengthen the tag replacement system by leveraging data from different parts of the system not just the document metadata. This feature aims to support all Standard contract documents, potentially providing significant benefits to those handling contract documents as they could store data and have templates to automatically generate these documents. The proposal includes the creation of two new tables: 1. A tag generator table that links documents to external views. 2. A tags table that stores the field names from document details. The process would involve inserting field names into the DocumentsTags table, creating a new row in the DocumentsTagGenerator, running a query against the specified views based on criteria provided, and updating the tags in the document. Please note that the aim of this proposal is to automate many aspects of contract document generation, although manual input would still be necessary in some cases.
Feature Request
Edit 3rd party Review Status - Restrict to Orgunit
An enhancement in our software has been executed to provide a more refined control over editing the status for 3rd party review. Before, any change made within a single setup would modify the status for all rows. Now, it provides the ability to restrict modification of 3rd party review status to specific organisational units, ensuring that changes are limited to the designated scope. This improvement enhances the efficiency and precision of our status management system.
Feature Request
Add Published to Org Units Logic in Third Party Review Statuses
We've added a new feature that allows you to customize review statuses based on your project's specific needs. Initially, these statuses were global. Now, they can reflect the unique requirements of your organization's unit logic. This feature can adapt to various scenarios. For instance, a project might only need the status options of "Approved" or "Rejected" for third party review; while in different cases, a more formal setup that mirrors your document control procedure may be required. It also supports sequential reviews by different users before settling on a final release code for one revision. Note: This change was made in response to user feedback, with the goal of enhancing user-friendliness and meeting client expectations.
Feature Request
AI feature in documents-grid
We are introducing a new AI feature for our document register. Once users add their files to the register, the AI will take over and populate key fields such as Title, Revision, Revision Date, Release Code, Document Type, Originator Code, Discipline, and Classification. This is designed to simplify and streamline your workflow. Users can select their files, click on the new button named "Set meta data using AI" under "Tasks", and receive a notification once the process is complete. This notification will include a link to the processed documents for easy access.
Feature Request
Restrict download to native files for Clients and Vendors.
We've introduced a new feature that allows the limitation of download capabilities for native files. This update ensures a more controlled environment, safeguarding proprietary documents, and adding a layer of security to document management. Please note that this feature has been implemented based on user requests.
Feature Request
Batch Update in Distribution Setup
A new feature has been requested that would allow users to add reviewers or modify review responsibilities in batches within the Distribution Setup. In essence, this is the same concept as the Distribution Overview Bulk Update Persons, but from a Setup perspective. This could potentially streamline and enhance the review process by reducing time spent on individual changes.
Feature Request
Planlagt UFG og Prognose UFG i distribusjonsoversikten
End users provided feedback that the distribution overview tool was lacking Planned UFG and Forecast UFG features. The need to hone specific dates for bulk distribution updates was also noted. In response to this feature request, the specified updates have now been implemented, enhancing the functionality of the distribution overview tool.
Feature Request
Report: Document Review Status: Default columns only focus on review status
A feature update has been implemented to improve our document review status report. The changes include a modification of default selected columns and order to enhance the clarity and utility of the report. The column previously known as "Remaining Review Days" has been renamed as "Days Left" and is accompanied by a tooltip that explains it represents the number of days left until the review is due. Additionally, adjustments have been made to the column widths for a better fit. This aim of this update is to provide a more user-friendly and useful review status report for our users.
Feature Request
Obsolete Reasons - Reason missing column
We have introduced a new feature that addresses a previously reported issue with missing columns in the "Obsolete Reasons" section. We have ensured to refine the user interface for the various users for smooth operations. Please refer to the attached screenshot for more details.
Feature Request
Adding Bulk update to Distribution Overview (Person)
A new feature has been added to enhance the Distribution Overview. Users are now able to perform bulk updates for individuals. The improvement was needed for better workflow synchronization. All clients will benefit from this feature.
Feature Request
Ability to add a native file to a document when you are uploading its pdf, rather than having to use the DD App
A new feature has been introduced that allows users to add a document's native file during the process of uploading its PDF. This removes the necessity to use the DD app each time a file needs to be attached. This feature would also be beneficial when users have included a file as an attachment rather than its native form.
Feature Request
Add Upload Date (Delivery Date) as a Column in Rejected Deliveries Box.
We've made a feature update based on your request. Now, there's an additional column indicating the submission date of documents for verification in the 'Rejected Deliveries' section. This will help users to keep track of when contractors submitted their documents. This feature should enhance record keeping and accountability for all parties involved.
Application: deliveries - CT: Document Deliveries
Feature Request
IDC Response Code in Distribution Overview
A new enhancement has been proposed within our system. The request is to include an additional column called 'IDC Response Code' in the Distribution Overview section. We appreciate your inputs and suggestions as they enable us to improve and develop our offerings better. Trialing and testing of this potential feature will be underway soon.

Document Management

Vi klarer ikke å avslutter en gjennomsyn og returnere et dokument
We've addressed a bug where users were unable to complete a document review and return a document. This issue generally resulted in an error message when trying to finish the review. We suspected that this might have been caused by an invisible comment on the document. Now, you should not face any issues when finalising your document reviews.
Digital signatur i EC forsvinner når jeg laster ned dokumentet.
There was an issue detected where the digital signature in certain documents becomes lost upon download. This problem affects multiple documents from different sources. The issue has been recognized and attended to.
Kommentarer gitt på gjennomsyn av feks IFC filer vises ikke
We have fixed an issue where comments made during file review, such as IFC files, were not visible outside of the review app. This means those who needed to see why a file was rejected could not see the comments. This has now been resolved, and comments can now be generated in the attachment tab or seen on the document profile as it previously did. This was identified as a bug/error, and has been improved for better user experience.
Error when bulk uploading large batch of documents
We've fixed an issue that was causing errors when users tried to upload large batches of documents using the bulk uploader app. Previously, attempts to upload around 1000 files totaling approximately 3GB resulted in error codes. This problem has now been solved, allowing large batches of files to be smoothly uploaded.
Interface bug in Document Plan Import
Title: Document Plan Import Interface Bug We have identified and fixed a bug in our system related to the Document Plan Import interface. Some of you may have experienced issues when trying to navigate the system after performing a large batch import, such as the scroll functions being unavailable. This was also causing problems when attempting to load up to 1000 document profiles at once. We have resolved these issues which emerged after our most recent system update. We apologize for any inconvenience you might have experienced.
Free text fields not available in doc plan import
An issue has been addressed where free text fields from 6 - 10 were not available in the document plan import application. This was crucial for onboarding new clients. With the bug resolved, users can now select these free text fields in the column chooser of the document plan import tool.
Merge function functionality
We have identified and addressed issues related to the attachment merge function. Our users were reporting that bookmarks were not appearing correctly and that the sort order for files was incorrect. These issues should now be resolved.
Document Templates
A bug was identified with the functionality of Document Templates. Previously, the specific template would not convert to NT as required. The issue impacted multiple clients. The development team has addressed the bug and the Document Templates feature should now work seamlessly across all platforms. This fix is part of our ongoing commitment to improving user experience.
Client contractors unable to deliver documents due to render error
We have resolved an issue where contractors were experiencing permanent rendering errors in the delivery app when changing or clearing the orgunit. This prevented the delivery of documents. This bug has now been fixed, ensuring a smoother, more efficient working environment.
Revision not displaying for project copies
A bug was identified that caused issues with displaying revisions for copied projects. Particularly, this was experienced after generating a project duplicate for concurrent engineering. The project duplicate would fail to display a revision correctly and wasn't able to have its revision increased. This issue has been noted across various clients.
Omega -Kommentarer til ifc modeller
An issue was identified in the new user interface (UI) of our system where suppliers are unable to view comments on models typically found in the "Review" section. This differs from the old UI, where these comments could be easily seen. This discrepancy disrupts established routines for our suppliers. The development team consider this as a bug and will correct this issue in the next update, ensuring consistency across both the old and new UI.
Dokumentlevering | Et par mangler i NT versjon
We identified and worked on a couple of issues in our system. All files were defaulting as a 'native file' even when there are multiple profiles involved. This has been rectified. Additionally, a feature enhancement was made where you now have the ability to mass update file types (Native/Preview/Attachment). This will greatly improve your experience of managing files and file types in the system.
scope workflow ID link incorrect and leads to broken app
We've addressed an issue where clicking the workflow ID link resulted in a broken app. This link has now been fixed; clicking on the ID will successfully redirect you to the related workflow. This update improves the overall user experience and functionality of the Document Details app.
contractors unable to add review comments
Users, especially contractors, have reported an inability to add or save comments on their document reviews. Even though everything seems fine upon testing, there has been an issue noticed where the Consolidation Panel records do not automatically reload after adding a comment to the PDF, but this doesn't seem to affect saving in any way. These issues surfaced after a recent update, leading to questions about potential changes in logic or permissions. The situation is currently under investigation.
document review comment importing still intermittent
We fixed a bug issue where contractors experienced intermittent success with importing document review comments. The issue was initially resolved for 'drawings' documents but persisted in 'reports'. Contractors also suggested possible limitations on the size of the document or file types for import. Another hurdle was documents with multiple pages struggling with the inclusion of all comments. This bug fix will improve the efficiency of importing comments, especially for offline revisions and comprehensive documents with multiple comments.
Distribution Setup - Error "OrgUnit_ID"
We have resolved an issue that was preventing edits and saving changes due to an "OrgUnit_ID" error message. This problem was particularly affecting the "Sirona Distr." setup. Rest assured that this issue has been successfully fixed and functionality should be back to normal.
Document Plan Import Broken For Some Users
We have identified and resolved an issue with the document plan import tool which was not functioning properly for some users. The issue was that the tool was not progressing beyond the parsing stage for specific users. Please note that the issue has been addressed so that every user will have a seamless experience with the document plan import tool now.
O365 Setup Error
We have addressed an issue in our O365 Setup that was causing an inaccessible "arena-setup" page to appear behind the Review Settings tab. The glitch that made this text rapidly appear and disappear while navigating through various pages within the O365 Setup app was also resolved. This update will provide a smoother and more efficient user experience.
Fix vertical alignment
We have rectified an issue related to vertical alignment. Detailed information about this issue was not provided, but the problem was identified and has been resolved successfully. This change is expected to improve the user experience.
In Document Detail View - > Cannot translate META Fields (H2GS)
We have resolved an issue in the Document Detail View where certain META fields - specifically, "Free Text" - could not be translated or modified. These fields are now configurable and can be adjusted according to specific requests. This update makes the software more customizable and user-friendly.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Can previous revisions of documents be included in external distributions
We have introduced a new feature request based on user feedback. Now, users can include previous versions of a document in external distributions, an improvement from only having the option of sharing the latest finalized version. This enhancement allows better historical traceability and flexibility in document exchange. Please note that the update will impact all clients, so as long as a document has been revised, its previous versions can be included.
Feature Request
Concurrent Engineering
We have added support for concurrent engineering in modification projects. This new feature enhances our project modification capabilities and allows for multiple engineering processes to occur simultaneously. This implementation was requested and will benefit various users across different sectors. Thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions.
Feature Request
Document register - General Search Box
The latest feature request highlights the importance of a General Search Box in the Document Register. This feature upgrade aims to enhance the user experience by allowing simultaneous search across multiple columns (Tags). This is projected to vastly optimize the process, making data access smoother and more efficient.
Feature Request
Action Click for handover Warning is on OPE but Action Click for Handover Conflict is on Status Column
Our latest product update makes an important adjustment for greater consistency. Previously, the Action Click for handover Warning was on the OPE while the Action Click for Handover Conflict was placed on the Status Column. We've made sure these actions are now located in the same column. Consequently, this minor tweak aims to enhance overall user navigation and efficiency. Furthermore, to prevent accidental overwriting of revisions, we have also introduced a confirmation box when clicking OPE. This simple feature requires an extra confirmation step, ensuring you won't alter your work by mistake.
Feature Request
DeepOcean: Possibility for bulkupdate in Document Plan Import
The feature for bulk updating of distribution requirements through Document Plan import has been introduced. This enhancement was made addressing user feedback and will definitely improve user efficiency by allowing mass changes in one action.

Documentation for Operation, FDV Doc Requirements

Scope Item / kan ikkje åpne Doc-Register Docoment for å legge til i Scope Item
There was an identified issue where users were unable to open the Doc-Register Docoment to add to Scope Item. This bug has now been addressed and fixed. Now, users will be able to perform this action without any hindrances.
DFO error
An error in the processing system, referred to as 'DFO error', has been identified and we are actively working on fixing it. This error was prominently reported in our Omega 365 process. We appreciate our users for reporting this issue. We assure you all necessary steps are being taken to resolve this as soon as possible. Please continue to report any irregularities observed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Follow-Up Items

Follow up: related scope items grid / view is very slow
We've addressed an error that was causing a significant slowdown and frequent timeouts in the follow up item app's scope items view. The scope items grid and lookup in both Follow Up and Incident register apps should now function smoothly. Your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue is much appreciated.
Error message when opening app
An issue that was causing an error message to pop up upon opening the app has been fixed. This addresses the concern reported by several users. Now you can use the app without any hassle. Please update the app to the latest version to enjoy this improvement.
Duplicate in Action assign to
We've addressed an issue where duplicates were appearing in the 'Action assign to' list. This has now been fixed to ensure a smoother user experience.


My Actions is broken
The 'My Actions' function that appeared to be malfunctioning has now been fixed. It was identified in the Omega platform. This improvement will be beneficial for all users, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience.
When setting up system properties for boolean must be an option to indicate default value, otherwise filter fails
An issue was identified where filters weren't working as expected for properties in the grid that didn't have a boolean type property default value set. Consequently, users had to manually update values for the filters to work, as there was no capability to denote if the value was blank. Now, a solution has been implemented, such that you can filter results for 'Is false or not exists' on boolean properties in data grids. This fix enhances the overall user experience and efficiency.
link in my actions on home page for actions in content items are broken
The previously broken links in the 'Actions Assigned to Me' section on the homepage have been fixed. This was particularly affecting links created from content items. The issue has been swiftly attended to, thus ensuring all personal actions are correctly directed now. The solution ensures a smoother user experience on the platform.
Scope Item - Opprett punch item
The issue titled "Scope Item - Opprett punch item" was a reported error. It was raised due to an error message regarding Cat A/B when initiating a Punch Item in Scope Item. Questions were raised about which processes can be selected - specifically, whether it should be all that are defined as 'Is Punch'. Additionally, it questioned if this means that Cat A/B needs to be defined as 'Enforced' for all processes that are 'Is Punch'. This issue has been recognized and is being addressed.
Homepage 'Admin' dropdown links to broken app
A bug causing the 'Admin' dropdown to link to a non-functional part of the website from the homepage has been fixed. This was previously referencing outdated views of the workflow. All users can now access the correct, updated views instead.
Client Audit Trails don't generate logs
We've identified and fixed a bug that was preventing Client Audit Trails in workflows, scope items, risks, and documents from generating logs past a certain date in July. This issue was affecting several users across various sectors. We appreciate your patience while we worked on this resolution. You should now be able to see a complete log of all your activities.

Home & General stuff

Person Reports to Chart not working
We have resolved an issue regarding the 'Person Reports to Chart' functionality. Previously, when attempting to access this feature, it would display as blank and the search function would not operate correctly. The issue has now been addressed and the functionality improved for a smoother user experience.
Photoarchive missing preview
We have addressed an issue where the Photoarchive was missing its preview. The problem has been resolved by updating the URL building process in the application. Now, users should be able to preview images in the Photoarchive successfully.
Links no longer working
Some users have reported issues with the functionality of links within our application after recent updates. This issue particularly affected access to the Document Module. We are aware of the inconvenience this has caused, particularly since resolving the issue has required users to manually update bookmarked/recent apps. Steps are being taken to address this, and we aim to provide a more seamless solution in the near future. We appreciate your patience as we work on this matter.
Helgevold - Får ikke se aksjoner
The user has reported a bug related to visibility of personal action allocation and creation. The user also encountered an error message when trying to lodge a general inquiry about the problem. The issue has been noted and resolved accordingly. For more details or assistance, please reach out to our support team.
O365: Actions assigned to roles do not appear in MyHome or scope item register for role members
We've identified and fixed a bug that was causing some issues with action assignments in the MyHome section. Previously, if an action was assigned to a role, individuals in that role would not see the action appear in their MyHome area. This has now been corrected to ensure smooth and accurate action representation.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Use ActionSheet for the scope items sections dropdowns in home
We've made some updates to improve your experience on mobile devices. Now, whenever you're viewing scope registers in the home section, they will automatically use an Action Sheet for easy toggling. This update not only adapts to your device (desktop or mobile) for a smooth interaction, but will also provide explanations when buttons are unavailable. Enjoy this user-friendly upgrade brought to your experience.
Feature Request
Improve myhome notes styling for mobile
Users reported that the notes section on mobile was not visually appealing and lacked ease of use. They suggested improvements such as displaying only the title of each note on the home page and utilizing a bottom sheet instead of a modal for user-friendly navigation. They also requested a simpler note editor. These suggestions have been taken into consideration and the notes feature on mobile has been redesigned for an improved user experience. This update applies to all users.

Incident Management

DWO - Lessons learned error after migration
We've rectified an issue that was causing errors in the 'Lessons learned' feature after migration. You should now be able to use this feature without any problems.
Clicking "upload observation" wipes incident text
We've fixed an issue where the text from an incident report was being wiped out upon clicking 'upload observation'. With this fix, all entered text is now saving properly, preventing any accidental loss of data. Rest assured, filling out an incident report has now been made more user-friendly.
Missing Scrollbar in Register Incident Application
A minor inconvenience was found where the "Register Incident" window did not have a scrollbar. This issue made certain elements, such as save, delete, and submit buttons, non-interactable if the text content exceeded a certain length. We have fixed this problem by adjusting size styling and adding overflow for the app, ensuring all options are always accessible regardless of text length.
Incident is missing promoted processes.
We have fixed a bug where the incident was missing promoted processes. Users can now find buttons for mandatory processes based on the incident setup, enhancing workflow functionality. This allows users to create scope items with predefined processes effortlessly.
Unwanted empty text lines in the textboxes
We have addressed a bug that was causing unwanted empty text lines to appear between paragraphs after editing and saving an incident description or summary. This situation was disrupting text formatting and needed constant adjusting. Now, you will no longer see these empty lines post-save. This fix will provide an improved text formatting experience.

Jobs Talents & Candidates

Broken URL's inside talent apps
We've fixed some malfunctions within the Talent Profile apps. These included broken URLs that were preventing the download of templates and the preview of profile pictures. Additionally, we've adjusted the character limit for the 'state' or 'province' fields to accommodate locations with longer names. This resolves the issues experienced across multiple users.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Jobs Persons - > Copy data from Admin Resp to Service Contact for Assignment Category = L0
We have implemented a feature for jobs related to persons. Now, the data from the "Admin resp" field is automatically copied to the "Service Contact" field for individuals whose assignment likelihood equals L0. This feature will streamline data input and increase overall efficiency.

Link Projects

Import from XER/Primavera: Activities with more than 0 free float are on critical path
We've corrected a bug impacting the import function from XER/Primavera. Activities that were showing up on the critical path, even when their free float value was greater than zero, should now be correctly categorized. This ensures that the critical path feature is now more reliable and accurate. Please note that these changes are across all clients.
Link Plans - View schedule for domain - includes deleted activities
We have resolved a minor issue affecting the way the "Link Plans" feature displayed scheduled activities. Previously, this feature was including deleted activities, which could cause confusion. This is no longer the case, only relevant, active activities will be displayed moving forward.
Import Calendar from Template: UI Issue
We have rectified a minor visual issue pertaining to the feature of importing calendars from templates. Previously, this may have caused inconsistencies in the user interface. This update enhances the user experience for better readability and functionality when importing calendars from templates. Please note, multiple clients have had an encounter with this issue.
Link-planner: Layouts not saving
We have addressed an issue where the layout on the link-planner was not saving correctly. Previously, hiding the base columns did not activate the save icon. Upon refreshing, the base columns reappeared. We have now corrected this error, and the layout saving function is working as expected. This benefits users who want to customize their gantt chart displays.
Import issue
An error was reported during the import process. This issue has been detected and reported by multiple users. The problem is currently being addressed, and we're working diligently to provide a solution as soon as possible. This information is crucial for ensuring smooth and error-free operations for every user.
Progress is not calculated at summary level
We've resolved an issue where progress was not being calculated correctly at the summary level. The process now accurately takes into account the selected weighing option (set per plan), ensuring that users can trust the accuracy of their progress reports. Multiple clients had experienced this error and will benefit from its resolution.
Change wording from "task" to "activity"
We've implemented a change to our terminology. Instead of referring to "tasks," we now use the term "activities." This change reflects our aim to consistently use the language that is appropriate and clear for our users.
Link-Planner: Progress sometimes resets to 0
We've fixed a bug where the progress tracker would sometimes reset to 0 after a refresh, even when changes had been made. Now, your progress should save and display correctly.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Commenting and progress reporting
A feature has been added to improve commenting and progress reporting, with inspiration drawn from other platforms. The aim of this development is to enhance your interaction with the system and ensure smoother progress tracking. This feature is now available to all users.
Feature Request
Link to Link
We've introduced a new functionality as per your requests. Now, you have the ability to navigate to the associated link plan directly, improving efficiency and user experience. This feature was implemented as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. Thank you all for your valuable suggestions. Your feedback helps us keep making our service better.

Mobile Apps (Web)

Feature Request
Feature Request
Disable drag and drop on myhome for mobile
We've updated the mobile functionality based on your feedback. In order to improve usability, the drag-and-drop feature has been disabled from the home screen on mobile devices.
Feature Request
Mobile workflow - improve styling
We've made some improvements to the design and layout of our mobile app. This update introduces better spacing for a less cramped and more comfortable user experience. This enhancement was requested by users who wanted a more user-friendly interface. We're confident the changes will make the app easier and more pleasant to use. The update was implemented across all clients.
Feature Request
Move advantage into admin for mobile
The feature allowing 'advantage' to be moved into admin for mobile viewers has been successfully implemented. The enhancement was completed by shifting the advantage button into the admin dropdown for mobile users. This feature will enhance the mobile user experience for all our valued users.
Feature Request
Scope Item Execution - edit sections
We have introduced a new feature that allows you to edit sections. You can now modify the section title and the person responsible for the section. The editing option is tucked away neatly in a menu to keep your user interface clean and organized. This feature is accessible on both mobile and desktop platforms. On mobile devices, it's hidden behind the bottom sheet, while desktop users can access it through a convenient button that triggers a modal.
Feature Request
Journal component - improve mobile styling
We've made some enhancements on our Journal component, focusing on improving its styling on mobile devices. This update was based on your valuable feedback and it is aimed to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface across all our apps.
Feature Request
Scope Item Execution - better separation for sections
We have introduced a new feature that improves the visual separation of sections on mobile. This enhancement effectively organizes content for enhanced readability, without compromising the clean and intuitive layout. Initially, this feature worked well on the desktop version, now we've extended its benefits to deliver a better mobile experience as well.


Notifications missing
We have addressed a bug concerning missing notifications. Previously, some users found they did not receive notifications for workflows they had forwarded to others. We've made changes to ensure that users now receive notifications when these forwarded workflows are closed.
Get work flow email even though I have select "do not send notifications e-mail"
We have addressed an issue where users were still receiving workflow emails despite having opted not to receive notification emails. This anomaly has now been rectified to respect users' notification preferences.
When closing a WF all people involved should get notified
We addressed an issue regarding workflow notifications. Previously, users forwarding a workflow to others didn't receive a notification when the task was completed or closed. This made it hard to track what was done and by whom. This has now been rectified and users should receive appropriate notifications, enhancing tracking and communication.

O365 Components

Reports Register > Filter Template > Orgunit_ID IN LIST
In the latest update, we have fixed an issue that was encountered when trying to select a list of specific units while using the Report Viewer. Users were previously only able to get partial results for a summary of values from these specific units. This has now been addressed, and the 'in list' operator in the Report Viewer's filter builder should work as expected.
OOrgUnitsLookup doesn't clear value
We have made updates to correct an issue where values were not cleared appropriately in the Org Units Lookup when setting newSurvey.OrgUnit to null. The Org Units lookup will no longer utilize internal display value when bind is used. This bug fix is applicable to all users and should enhance the usability of the system.
Issue with FileUploadButton being disabled when allowUpdate is false
We have fixed an issue that occurred when a file upload button was mistakenly deactivated. This hiccup took place when the allow-update function was turned off. Now, the file upload feature should work as expected regardless of the allow-update function's status. This resolution impacts all our users.
Sometimes getting error message when saving property value
We noticed that some users were occasionally encountering an error message when attempting to save a property value. This issue has now been resolved by improving the clearing functionality for system properties. Please note that this was not a universal issue and was only affecting certain users.
Feature Request
Feature Request
PropertiesGrid headerButtons style props
We have added a new feature that enhances the functionality of custom buttons in the grid header. Initially, when using custom buttons, it caused the search column to be misplaced. This feature includes prop support that lets you add row styles successfully without misplacing the search column.

O365 Flutter

Feature Request
Feature Request
Option to use desktop home in the flutter app
We have received a feature request for an option to use a desktop home interface within the application, specifically designed for tablet use. The proposed modification calls for a switch in the application settings that would allow users to alternate between mobile and desktop home interfaces. The desktop home interface on a tablet provides an optimized utilization of application features that might usually work best on a desktop. The default setting will, however, remain the mobile interface.

O365 Grid/Pivot

DataGrid Columns drag bug
We have resolved an issue where columns in the Details and Main applications were incorrectly moving in sync, despite being linked to separate data sources. This error was noticed when trying to move certain columns. Thanks to the fix, you will now be able to individually adjust columns in the Details and Main apps without experiencing any undesired syncing.
Unable to filter by dates on o365 grid - see attached
We have addressed a bug where users were experiencing difficulties when attempting to filter by dates on the main grid. This issue has now been rectified, enhancing the overall user experience.
Feature Request
Feature Request
DataGrid Copy/Paste pastes previous copied rows
A feature has been upgraded related to the DataGrid function. Users previously reported issues when pasting rows as it seemed to paste old copied rows. The improvement in the system has now streamlined the process by eliminating the separator between new records and the main list. Instead, functionality buttons for committing pasted rows have been relocated under a dropdown, which can be accessed via the save or cancel button on a pasted row. This update aims to improve your user experience and make the DataGrid more efficient and user-friendly.

O365 Operations Team

Import Transactions app, fails on Import pending transactions
We've fixed a bug that was causing issues with the 'Import Transactions' feature. Previously, this feature was failing to import pending transactions due to an error related to not providing "OrgUnitIDPath". This issue has now been resolved, improving the overall functionality and reliability of this feature.
Document register, strange behaviour on date picker
We have resolved an issue with the date picker in the document register. Previously, when a date was selected and then changed, the system would display the previous day's date. Now, this function works as expected, showing the correct date that is chosen. This update would enhance the accuracy of your date entries.
It is not possible to create workflows via the lessons learned register
The issue of creating workflows via the lessons learned register has now been fixed. Previously, old technology was impeding this process, notably limiting the register's usability. This issue has been timely addressed to ensure seamless project evaluations.
Error in grouping windows in posted costs
An issue which was causing errors in the grouping windows of posted costs has been resolved. Users were experiencing problems as contracts were displayed instead of the expected WBS in the system. This issue has now been rectified with an update that ensures only Project and WBS are displayed in the tree view.
Account number related columns to be added to new Pivot datasources
A new update has been made to enhance your experience by adding account number related columns to some data sources. This improvement was made following user feedback and aims to further streamline workflows, making it much easier to use the service.
External Distribution Templates not possible to check content when the list i long
We have addressed an issue where it was difficult to review the content of external distribution templates when the list was long. Previously, there was a lack of a splitter or a detail page, making it cumbersome for users to go through each template and check its content. We've now fixed this problem, improving the usability of the interface when dealing with long lists of templates.
AP: Performance issues in "Import Timephasing Forecast" app
In the recent update, we have addressed a performance-related issue in the "Import Timephasing Forecast" application which was identified by several users. The problem became apparent when handling large numbers of project items, which caused slowdowns, delays in updates and apparent errors during Excel import. Fear not! While the application perceived as sluggish or even failing at times, we confirmed that data was actually being successfully incorporated, even in high load scenarios. We aim to achieve consistent functionality and minimize any hiccups, so stay tuned for further improvements! Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Resource | It should be possible to create Scope Items from Resource position.
We've made an update addressing an issue where it was not possible to create Scope Items directly from the Resource position. Now, users can not only create new Scope Items from this position but also add existing ones. This change aims to increase the ease of use and efficiency of the system.
[Meeting] - Meeting: Sync future meeting is missing in scope meetings
A bug was identified where future meetings were not being correctly synchronized in the scope meetings. This issue was encountered by multiple users. It's now been addressed and resolved, ensuring streamlined functioning for the scheduling and sync of future meetings.
Kontraktselement: Knytte til arbeidspakker på tvers av org struktur (Felleskontrakter)
A problem was acknowledged where the users were unable to estimate costs across various shared contracts in multi-project contexts. Previously, it was possible to associate work packages across all organizational structures, but this functionality was abruptly removed, which proved inefficient for projects sharing contracts. To rectify this issue, we've introduced a "Do Not Restrict To Context" button. This includes an additional option to de-select if users want to access work packages beyond their current context. This enhancement is intended to improve the experience for users working with shared contracts in multi-project environments.
Dashboard elements broken
We've recently resolved an issue where certain dashboard elements within the app were malfunctioning. With this new update, you'll notice a much smoother and error-free dashboard experience. Enjoy using our improved service with ease.
Milestone Skyline - Milestone ID not shown in card
We have fixed an issue where the Milestone ID was not showing on the card. Now, the Milestone ID, as well as the link to the Milestone, will be displayed on the card. This update enhances the visibility and accessibility of key Milestone details.
Scope Meeting - External Participants
We have addressed a bug related to the External Participants in Scope Meeting. Previously, when external participants were added, they were not visible in the Participants list. This issue has been now resolved to enhance user experience.
There is a error than adding document to Scope Activity
We fixed a bug that was causing an error message to appear when adding a document to Scope Activity. Despite the error message, the document was being added successfully. We also resolved an issue where the checkbox wasn't correctly indicating when a document was selected. You should now have a smoother experience when working with documents in Scope Activity.
Report filter-builder is not working properly
We made some significant improvements to the report filter-builder for a smoother and more intuitive user experience. The previous issues including difficulty in displaying input editors until editing, malfunctioning "between" function, and failure to cancel changes have all been fixed. We've also addressed an issue where the IsEmpty function required a third input. These changes will simplify the process and save you time when creating filters.
Redirect from CT to NT app, if NT app exists and has OFC enabled.
An issue arose concerning redirecting between different app types. This was due to recent changes that left certain redirects obsolete, especially when the app IDs between two apps were not the same. A solution has been implemented, adding redirect logic particularly where app IDs for different app types were not matching. Consequently, redirection should now work as expected.
The area is not possible to select and add "register" as a column for better filtering
We've made some minor modifications to improve your ability to filter processes. We've removed the difficult-to-select area on the Processes register. We also added a "Register" column to the Processes grid. Now, you should find it easier to filter your processes by type.
Error Messging on Doc Delivery
We have made improvements to the document delivery feature. Previously, it wasn't clear when a document was waiting for delivery in Document Deliveries. With this update, users will receive better and clearer error messages. This should help users understand when documents are ready in Document Deliveries awaiting Delivery. This update applies to all users.
WF Error: Message when trying to delete a Workflow
We've recognized and fixed an error users were experiencing while attempting to delete a workflow. Previously, a 'conversion failed' message was appearing during this process, which has now been resolved for smoother user experience. All clients should now be able to manage workflows without encountering this error.
CT Home Page links not able to open when moved to NT
We received reports of an issue where certain links on the home page were not accessible due to a migration process. This was especially concerning as it affected important document review links. We have addressed this issue to make sure all links are updated to the latest version during such migrations. This is necessary to ensure uninterrupted access for our users.
WBS cost and progress - display of time interval
An issue was identified with the display of time intervals in the WBS cost and progress feature. The current display uses the project's start and end dates instead of the work package's start and end dates. This created an inefficient graphical display and forced users to unnecessarily scroll through the table. A solution has been implemented to enhance the user experience. The graphic display now utilizes the work package's start and end dates, leading to an improved and more user-friendly interface.
Ansvarsoverføring: Legge til ny fane for fullmakter
A new feature has been added to address some issues in the system. There is a new tab that shows the privileges a user has and allows for the transfer of these privileges to another user if the individual leaves.
Error in IDC
An issue was identified when users tried to access the "IDC" tab from a document with a status marked as "IDC in Progress". Users were met with the message "No record retrieved by the DataObject!". This bug/error has now been resolved. Please note, this issue was experienced when trying to use "Go To IDC" function.
Risk Reports - Record Selection Ignored & Reporting Changes from Grid
We've recognized and addressed a glitch in the 'Risk Reports' feature. The application was previously generating reports for an excessive number of records, rather than focusing on the specific record selection. We have corrected this issue to ensure the application now accurately generates reports based on your specific record selection. This change will improve report accuracy and save users time when generating reports.
Error message when opening an incident (Invalid Object Name)
We have resolved an issue that previously caused an error message to appear when opening an incident in our dev-test environment. The reported error was "Invalid Object Name". This issue has been addressed and fixed to ensure smooth operation. Rest assured, this technical hiccup has not influenced your data or operations.
Projects: Error when opening projects app
There was an identified issue in the Projects app that was causing an error message to appear. This has been resolved and should no longer interfere with usage of the application. This fix will apply to all users of Projects app.
Missing tooltip in Scope Item meetings
A bug was identified with the absence of a tooltip in Scope Item meetings, which caused some confusion regarding access restrictions. This issue has now been fixed to enhance the user experience and clarify the access restriction's role. The names of the clients and projects involved in this issue are not disclosed to respect privacy concerns.
Completion scope-item -> Checklist | Missing data in lookup
We fixed an issue where the 'Resp Code' lookup, crucial for task assignment and description, was missing in the Completion scope-item activities within the Participants/Signatures tab. Initially, this was available in the Checklist Library only. With this enhancement, users can utilize the 'Resp Code' lookup more effectively across all activities.
Scope meeting / The error appears when the user tries to move MOM to the document registry
An issue was identified where an error displayed for users while trying to move Minutes of Meeting (MOM) to the document registry. This issue has now been addressed and users should be able to perform the action without encountering any errors.
Scope Meeting - Adding url
We've addressed a minor issue where typing in a URL without prefixing it with "https://" or "http://" in our meeting sections resulted in a bad gateway message. Now, the system automatically includes the correct URL protocol if it wasn't initially provided, improving the user experience by eliminating any misguidance and ensuring that all links are accessible. This enhancement will make the process smoother and more user-friendly for our users.
Fix error message when importing Actuals
We've updated the error message generated in the WBS Cost and Progress feature when importing Actuals from Excel. Now, if the baseline is not enabled for reporting before importing the actuals, the system will display a more clear and user-friendly message to indicate the issue. This will improve understanding and streamline the process.
Error message when opening a plan: Error: Can not update, Item closed #2594810
There was an issue where an error message appeared when attempting to open a plan, with the message indicating that the item could not be updated as it was closed. This issue has been identified and resolved to ensure a smoother user experience.
STRING_AGG bug in O365 Review Settings
We have addressed an issue that was preventing the grid from loading in the Document Control's Review Settings in O365 Set Up. Users were encountering an error related to STRING_AGG. This issue has now been rectified and the grid is now operational as expected.
Checklist Library | Paste into Procedure tab removes format
The issue of failing to preserve text formatting when pasting into the Procedure tab has been fixed. Previously, when transferring formatted text from any source to the Procedure tab, only plain text was transferred, eliminating the original format. This problem was particularly important as the Procedure tab is used for Certificate Text and sometimes the full Checklist itself as a Procedure document. We're happy to announce this issue has been corrected, improving the overall user experience.
String_agg overload in aviw_arena_documents
A comment on a bug or error regarding 'String_agg overload in documents' is noted. There seems to have been a problem with document delivery. This was rectified by adjusting the Filename column. The issue has been fixed in the production view and this should help to prevent the problem from reoccurring. The fix has been implemented across all clients, ensuring a smoother document delivery process.
Scope Object (Scope Items) - Grid missing Details App
A bug was identified in the 'Scope Object (Scope Items)' where the details app was missing from the grid. This has now been rectified, ensuring a smoother and more comprehensive user experience.
Unable to export risk report inside risk detail app
Issue: There was an issue with exporting the risk report inside the risk detail app, likely due to an outdated API route. Fix: This has now been addressed. The necessary updates have been made to the application part, which will now obtain the report ID from a specified process report. Users should be able to export risk reports without any issues.
Missing Feature: Download Zip for Scope Items
A previously overlooked feature allowing the download of ZIP files with checklists for specific tasks has now been refreshed. Initially, this feature was exclusive to completing activities and didn't extend to 'scope items', but due to user feedback, it's been successfully extended. It’s now possible to compile and download your checklists with or without attachments, offering improved flexibility and convenience for your task management needs.
DWO- Resource manager error after migration
We've resolved an issue regarding errors with the Resource Manager following migration. Previously, the Resource Manager was producing an "Object aviw_Workflow_Items" error in the Resource Overview and Person Apps. This issue has now been addressed and fixed. The update will be beneficial to all users.
scope-workflow: incorrect field bound
We've addressed a bug that was causing incorrect field binding in our scope-workflow feature. Previously, when making changes, the binding was to the 'name' field instead of the intended 'orgunit' field. This issue has now been fixed to ensure proper field binding, enhancing the functionality and experience for you.
Risk Assesment | Recent values in lookup
We've eliminated the "Recent values" that were previously displayed in the consequences values during the Assessment of Risks task. This change was prompted by user feedback, and we believe it will streamline the risk assessment process. Please note that this update applies to all users.
WBS Cost & Progress - Error when setting baseline
We've rolled out a fix for an error that was occurring when setting a baseline if the current baseline wasn't set on the project. Previously, the system was generating two different error messages. We've now tweaked the system to check if the baseline is locked before confirmation in the "Set Baseline" dialogue. This should streamline the process and make it smoother.
Dropdown for Object register should visible from Doc register
We've addressed an issue where the dropdown for the Object register wasn't appearing from the Doc register as it should. This function has now been enabled, enhancing user experience. This update is relevant for all users, and the fix has been implemented across all platforms. Enjoy smoother navigation between Object and Doc registers with this fix.
TAG Replacement not working on Excel Files
An issue was raised concerning the replacement of tags in Excel files, which was not functioning as expected. Previously some tags were being replaced correctly, however, the feature has now stopped working altogether. This created a problem as the Excel file was set to be used extensively as a Document Template. After reviewing the issue, it has now been marked as a bug/error. Please note that any disruptions may have affected multiple clients who use our service. Remedial actions are underway to resolve this.
Contract elements | PDF is not generated when element is sent to other party.
We've fixed a bug that previously prevented the generation of a PDF when a contract element was shared with another party. This issue has been resolved and the functionality tested and confirmed to work as expected. Now, users can comfortably share their contract elements with other parties and the corresponding PDF will be generated as it should.
spelling error
A spelling error was identified and has now been corrected in the "Obsolete Reasons" feature. This update will help ensure the accuracy and legibility of the information provided. This enhancement is now available to all users.
Scope-items: Column Severity
We have addressed an issue where Scope-items in the 'Severity' column were displaying colors even when no severity level was set. This issue has been corrected and you should now see no color for scope-items without a severity level set. This change will lead to a more accurate visual representation of scope-items according to their severity.
Meta setup broken in H2GS
The issue with the unavailability of the 'Meta' setup for documents in the system following a recent update has been successfully resolved. This fix allows for the necessary data configuration to proceed as required.
Cannot link Scope Items to Document
We've rectified an issue that arose when attempting to link Scope Items to a Document. An error message was displayed citing a naming convention violation or non-existence of the object. This problem was fixed by eliminating workflow items from the document details app. This update will provide a smoother, error-free experience when opening item lookup.
Generate Planned Series of Activity / shows the wrong number of Activiteties in seria
We've resolved an issue where the feature "Generate Planned Series of Activity" was displaying the incorrect number of activities in the series. Rest assured, it was generating the correct number of activities. With this fix, the count you see should now reflect the true amount of planned activities in the series. This bug fix will ensure a more accurate and user-friendly experience.
Doc register report 'reviewcomments' throws razor error
We've resolved an issue that was causing an error when trying to access the 'reviewcomments' report in the document register grid. You can now access this report without any complications.
When clicking on a WBS-item, it navigates to another projects WBS-item
A previously encountered issue, where clicking on a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) item directed you to another project's WBS item, has been successfully resolved. Rest assured, navigation in the WBS Cost & Progress will no longer jump to unrelated items or projects.
Pivot - Data not loading correctly for some reports
We've rectified an issue that was bothering some users while attempting to open certain pivot reports. Some users may have noticed that data was not appropriately loading during the use of the "Time-phasing by WBS" pivot report. This problem has been addressed, we've optimized the data handling in the "Pivots" application to enhance your experience.
Pivot: mangler en del kolonner, eller riktig benevnelse av kolonner
An error was found in the Pivot application where there was a lack of columns or the appropriate naming of columns. This has been fixed by adding the column "Forecast Value Actual Cost Prev Diff" to the report - Time-phasing by WBS. This update will better meet user expectations as all column names are now in local language and all necessary columns are included. This update has been introduced to improve the overall user experience in Pivot application.
Missing feature: deleting multiple scope items
We have identified an issue where users were unable to delete multiple scope items at once. This feature was previously available under tasks in activities. We understand the inconvenience this might have caused and are working to address the issue.
Chart handler application part returns an error
We've identified and fixed an issue where errored images were displayed instead of the expected charts due to an error in the chart handling application. This issue affected multiple users but is now resolved. We apologies for any inconvenience caused.
When setting new forecast with Expert Judgment, Total Forecast needs to be populated for all future periods
We've addressed an issue where when updating the total forecast using Expert Judgment, only the current period was reflecting the adjustment. Now, updates made to the forecast will be applied to all future periods as well. This improvement ensures better accuracy in tracking and planning.
system-register header text not aligned with localized-strings usage
We've fixed an issue where the header text in the system register was not correctly aligning with its usage in localized versions. Previously, the string 'Title' was inaccurately translated to 'Contract Name'. We have made the necessary updates to ensure this is no longer an issue, except in the system register apps. Users should now see 'Title' correctly displayed across the apps rather than 'Contract Name'.
contract detail app referencing CT instead of NT inside contract-element
Our recent update has addressed and corrected an issue that was occurring within the contract detail app. The problem was causing certain errors to occur when users clicked on the contract name at the top of the contract-element. With this update, users should now be able to navigate this feature without experiencing any issues.
Helgevold - Forhåndsvisning av dokument i Bid manager - bug
We've addressed a bug affecting the preview of documents in the bid manager, where users were shown an error message indicating lack of access. The issue, specifically occurring while copying files from the document register in the contract-procurement app, has now been resolved. You should now be able to preview documents comfortably.
WBS Setup - Include closed not working
We've resolved an issue where the 'Include Closed' function in the navigation tree wasn't accurately reflecting data in the register and the WBS Cost & Progress application. The function now accurately corresponds with the data displayed in the setups and grids.
Contract | Meeting must be linked to scope items
In response to user feedback, a bug was fixed in the contract details part of the application. This change has enabled support for linking meetings to scope items for a better workflow. Previously separated tabs for Workflow, Meeting, Interface, and Activity have been consolidated into one called Scope Items for easier navigation and smoother user experience.
Pivot article: app crashing
We addressed a bug that was causing the app to crash. The issue lies with the pivot article functionality. We've worked on a fix to stabilize the app and to prevent such disruptions in the future. This update will enhance the overall user experience. The fix was carried out for all our users.
Date of third party review / verification
The issue regarding the date fields for third party review or verification in the Error & Omissions process was resolved. The fields missing or renamed included the date when verification started, the deadline for the verification, and the completion date of the verification. Now, all these functionalities are restored and working as expected.
Include objecttype and description of the objects in scope-workflow-new
We have made a correction to the format in which objects are displayed in the 'scope-workflow-new' app. Now, it's much easier to identify and understand since it includes both the object type, name and description. This bug fix has simplified the overall visibility and clarity of listed objects for higher user convenience.
Error when downloading "Report Previous Versions"
An issue was encountered while trying to download the "Report Previous Versions" from the Status Reports feature. Users experienced an error message upon clicking a file name to download. This bug has been identified and is currently being attended to.
WBS Cost & Progress - Time-phasing Tab
The recent issue termed as "WBS Cost & Progress - Time-phasing Tab" dealt with an SQL error involving an undefined variable. This error led to inconsistencies within specific tables and thus was limiting certain operations. The issue has been resolved by defining the variable and restructuring the functionality correctly. This fix will increase bothaccuracy and reliability when performing SQL-based operations.
WBS App - Selected WBS change when Include closed is selected
We have fixed a bug in our WBS Cost & Progress app that was causing selected WBS to change when users clicked on "Include Closed" in the Navigation Tree. This issue also caused the tree to occasionally appear empty or display a WBS tree from a different project. Now, the WBS selection remains unchanged even when "Include Closed" is chosen.
Fix link to nt boq-batch app
A fix was performed on the link associated with the BOQ batch within the contract-boq-batches app. Originally, the link directed to an unavailable CT app (contract-boqbulk). The link has now been updated to lead to the NT app (boq-batch). This change improves navigation and usability within the application.
Project Changes error msg
We've addressed an issue where the error message incorrectly stated "Name can not be blank". This has been rectified to accurately convey that the "WBS To" field must be filled out.
db-manager: Hovering tables refreshes col.list
We've addressed an issue where the field list would unexpectedly refresh when hovering over tables. This update enhances the stability of the fields object within the results tab, thus improving overall user experience.
Action from Home Page not working
We have resolved an issue where certain actions could not be triggered from the home page. You should now be able to open and execute these actions directly from your home page, gaining quicker access to your important tasks.
detail app does not reload on register index change
We fixed an issue where the details app wasn't updating when the register index changed. It's now been adjusted to respond appropriately whenever alterations on the object-register occur. This enhancement will provide a smoother and consistent user experience.
Document delivery status: Timeout
We have resolved a bug where the document delivery status report was timing out. Now, the document delivery status app should function smoothly without any unexpected delays. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to continue sharing your feedback.
Sub Org Unit Subscribers missing workflow steps
We fixed an issue where users in a sub-organizational role, who have access to a particular workflow in a parent organizational unit, were unable to see steps in the "send to next step" dropdown. This problem has been addressed, enhancing user experience and workflow efficiency.
contract-element-report apps utilize CT which no longer prints to pdf
There was an initial issue with certain applications previously able to print reports upon load not functioning as intended, causing reports to only render on the page. This resulted in users having the additional task of manually printing their reports to a PDF. We're glad to announce that we've rectified this problem, and users will now be able to download revisions as PDFs in contract elements, reinstating the feature of automatic report print-outs as before.
can not edit reminder message in Scope Items Workflows
We have corrected an issue that was preventing the editing of reminder messages in Scope Items Workflows. You should now be able to modify these messages without any problems.
Wrong calculation in "Total new forecast" column
We've addressed an issue that led to incorrect calculations in the "Total New Forecast" column within the Timephasing Import Forecast application. This problem presented itself when cumulative actuals had a value of "0". The application has since been enhanced to allow updating of actuals in the Import Forecast if these actuals have changed after the draft scenario was created. This improvement also includes an implemented 'Show All' button that switches on a filter based on the Current CutOff.
Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
We detected and amended a minor glitch in the system that was causing a security vulnerability, known as 'Reflected Cross-Site Scripting'. The issue was identified during an external penetration testing. Neither your data nor your operations were impacted by this. We continue to prioritize your security and enhance our systems to prevent any future occurrences of similar issues.
Action and Resp Transfer need to be re-built to accommodate for Scope Items
We've made an update to the Action and Responsibility Transfer feature. Initially, it was only built around workflows, meetings and activities. Going forward, the feature will also accommodate Scope Items, making it more comprehensive and effective for all users. The implementation details have been handled by our developers, ensuring smooth navigation within the updated feature.
Review Status: Error message "Grid Header render error"
An issue arose when attempting to finalize a review that was assigned to a different individual. Instead of displaying an expected error message, the system presented an "Grid Header render error" message, which was unexpected. This issue was categorized as a bug and has now been resolved for all users. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Attachment from a different WF added
A bug was found where an incorrect image was being attached to the user's workflow. This issue was seemingly random and appeared to connect an image from a different workflow to the user's current workflow. The issue has now been resolved by modifying the image naming system - images will now include a date in their file name to ensure the correct image shows up in the image preview.
Estimate - Restore from estimate fails
We've resolved a bug that was causing errors when attempting to restore estimates from the archive. This fix will improve the functionality of the estimate restoration process and prevent a recurrence of duplicate error messages.
Bug in cost project setup
We've resolved a bug related to cost project setup. Previously, you may have encountered an error when trying to set "Locked For Cost Reporting" in a cost project. This issue has now been fixed. You should now be able to update this setting without any hiccups.
Empty lookup for Process Templates when creating new procurement.
We have resolved an issue where the 'Select Process' lookup was not updating after changing the organizational unit during new procurement creation. This has been fixed to ensure the lookup list for 'Select Process' automatically refreshes and is accurate for the chosen organizational unit.
Cannot generate PDF Incident Report
We addressed an issue where users were unable to generate PDF incident reports. This has now been resolved, and the function is working as expected. This fix ensures smoother functionality and improved overall user experience.
The publishing functionality of risk tags does not work
We identified an issue concerning the functionality of risk tags publishing. Users were unable to view risk tags depending on their organisation unit. For example, when a risk tag was placed on the top node and published to projects, users associated with those projects could not see the tags. We've fixed this, ensuring the visibility of tags is now functioning as expected.
Moving MOM to doc register removes attributes
We have fixed an issue where moving a Meeting of Minutes to the Document Register caused its attributes to disappear, requiring users to re-enter the information. This bug fix ensures that all attributes now persist when documents are moved around.
WBS-Setup: Click on link to navigate to WBS Details -> error message
We've fixed a bug that was causing an error message when clicking on the WBS ID link in the WBS Setup application. Previously, clicking on this link would result in an error, but this issue is now resolved.
COP - Downloading individual files from the portal gives "No routes available" error.
Users previously encountered a "No routes available" error when trying to download individual files directly from the portal. This issue has been identified and fixed. Now, users can smoothly download individual files without any error.
Risk Reports not working
We're happy to announce that the issue with the risk reports not working has been resolved. Previously, reports were opening in the window but were not downloading. Thanks for your patience as we worked on this fix. Now users should be able to download these reports without any problem.
Hystar can't complete a review
We had an issue recently where the 'Mark My Review as Completed' option wasn't functioning as expected and did not switch to 'Re-open Review'. This problem has been identified as a bug and fixed. You should now be able to finalize your reviews without any difficulties.
Email links not updated to Scope links
We've corrected an issue where email notifications about workflows contained outdated links. These problematic links have now been updated so you will correctly be directed to scope items. This guarantees seamless and correct navigation in response to notifications for old workflows.
CT Corr Error Message
In the latest update, we've addressed an issue found in the CT Corr app. Previously, an error message was displayed stating that a Document Type must be selected, even when there was only one option available which had been auto-selected. Now, if a valid document type is automatically selected, no error message will be displayed. This makes the user experience smoother and more hassle-free.
Workflows in Omega is not sent to Client when closed
We've resolved an issue where certain workflows were displayed as open on the client site, despite being closed in our system. This fix ensures that workflow statuses are accurately reflected across all platforms.
Meta setup in Object Register missing
We've resolved an issue related to the meta setup in the Object Register. Previously, meta fields would not display in the Object Register after being set up, and the update process proved very long without finishing. This was essential for the appropriate functionality of the Documents. The problem should now be fixed and meta setup properly functioning. It's significant to note that this solution has been implemented to benefit all our users.
scope-item: Participants; Error on hover / Role
We have addressed an issue where an error used to occur when hovering over a specific role in the Participants scope-item. Now, hovering over this role no longer triggers any error. This applies to all users.
Document Plan Import / Does not work Upload From Excel
There was an issue with the document plan import feature, specifically with uploading from Excel. This bug was reported by multiple users across various companies. This issue has been identified and will be addressed promptly. Thank you for your patience.
External ID gone from Scope Items workflow - need this back asap
The previous issue with our software, where the 'External ID' from Scope Items workflow was unavailable, has now been resolved. This field is valuable for tracking the specific status of individual tickets. The issue was that it was no longer editable under 'Edit Workflow Basis'. Now, this problem has been fixed, allowing for optimised ticket tracking functionality.
Scope Items Detail - Error creating New Scope Item on Section when it is the first or none of the existing Scope Items are open
There was an issue where users encountered a primary key constraint error when creating a new Scope Item within a Section, given no previously connected Scope Items existed or if all previous Scope Items were closed. This issue has been resolved and you can now create a new Scope Item under any circumstances.
Checklist Library | Can't delete a checklist after it has been signed, BUT signature later reset
A bug was found that prevented users from deleting a checklist after it was signed, even if the signature was later reset. However, after resetting signatures and clearing the checklist, users should now be able to delete it from a scope item. This issue was experienced by multiple users. The issue has been successfully resolved.
System Org units app - three does not load
An issue was encountered where the 'System Org Units App' would not load on tier three. The problem has now been addressed and corrected. You should be able to use the application without any hitches.
Horizontal overflow with scope workflow step text
We have addressed a bug that was causing text to overflow its intended container, leading to horizontal scrolling. This issue has now been fixed to improve your experience. Thanks for your understanding.
Cost Projects after cut-offs generated from Task > Generate cut-offs, message does not go away
A bug was identified where the warning message would not disappear after successfully generating cut-off dates for newly created projects. This issue has been resolved. Now, the warning message correctly disappears once the cut-off dates are generated, without the need for a full refresh.
Creating new project from Cost projects
We've addressed a bug that was causing an error to be shown in the Details Panel when creating a new project in the Projects App. Now, you can create projects without running into any errors. And if the Detail Panel is shown, it will refresh once the project is saved. Users that initially do not have the Detail Panel shown will find that it displays correctly once a project is created and clicked on.
When deleting a scope item (workflow) there is no immidiate indication that is has been deleted
The issue with the deletion confirmation of scope items, such as workflows, has been resolved. Now, when a scope item is deleted, there will be an immediate alert or redirection back to the register. This will ensure users have real-time confirmation that a deletion has been successfully performed, thus improving the overall user experience.
Daily Log Entry | Wind Level does not save
We've made an update to address an issue where the selected wind level in the daily log entry wasn't being saved. You'll now find that the wind level you choose will be successfully saved for your reference.
Projects: Un-standard app style
A visual discrepancy was observed in our app's appearance that deviated from its standard design. This issue has been addressed and the app's style has been restored to its customary design, thereby ensuring consistency and an improved user experience.
Scope Item - Transferred To Operations not showing in Detail
The issue regarding the "Transferred To Operations" not displaying correctly in the detail app has been addressed and fixed. Users should now see this aspect functioning as expected without any problems.
Check Items (manual) in Scope Items does not works
We've made an improvement to the "Check Items" function located in the Scope Items. The issue where pressing on "Check Items" was not yielding any results has been fixed. This update enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that the manual check items function operates as expected.
Wrong links in Daily notifications
Issue: Incorrect Links in Daily Notifications A problem has been identified in daily notification emails where the provided links are incorrect following a workflow migration to scope items. The issue, specifically, is a missing "/" between ".com" and "nt" in the URL, rendering the link unusable. This problem exists across several clients. We recognise this issue and are working towards a solution. The goal is to ensure that notifications contain accurate, clickable links that direct users to the correct pages. We appreciate your patience while we rectify this problem.
Shared Folder Document - Missing Workflow Linkage
We have rectified a bug related to shared folder documents in the workflow. Previously, the workflow was not populating the link to the shared folder document. This issue has been resolved for all users. Now, you should be able to see and access the related workflows from the shared folder document.
Missing link to Object Types app under the Complete section in Setup
Just to keep you updated on some recent fixes, there was an issue where users couldn't find the link to the 'Object Types' application under the 'Complete' section in the Setup. You may have had to manually enter a link to access it. Good news, this bug has now been solved. You'll find the link is back where it should be, making navigation a whole lot easier. Thanks for your patience while this was sorted out!
Scope Items: Checklist
We have addressed an issue in the Scope-Items app pertaining to checklist updates. Previously, users experienced problems when attempting to do a bulk update due to the necessity of setting both the Checklist_ID and ChecklistRevision. This issue has been resolved, making the process smoother and more efficient. This impacts the checklist function across multiple clients, contributing to overall improvements in user experience.
"unknown" org unit in org unit structure
In the previous version, users faced an issue where the organisation unit field in the New Scope Item automatically filled in with the user's current context. However, in the organisation structure tab, the parent of the selected organisation unit displayed as "unknown". Additionally, a warning displayed, "Unable to pin selection". This bug was also found in the organisation unit dropdown for user roles. We have resolved this issue with the latest update.
An error aprear when one created Scope Item from Checklist and send to step 2 Execute
We have addressed an issue that caused an error when creating a Scope Item from a Checklist and proceeding to the Execute step. Now, users can smoothly create a new Scope Item with the same process from the registry without encountering any errors. This was previously recognized as a bug. We appreciate your patience while we worked on this fix.
Project Links not working after Proxy removal (NT missing)
The issue with Project Links not functioning correctly after the removal of a Proxy has been resolved. Previously, users were experiencing issues with accessing Project Links; however, the necessary changes have been made and they are now functioning properly. This update has been applied across all user accounts.
"Begrens til kontekst" for milepæler fungerer ikke
The issue, "Limit to context" for milestones not working, was reported by the end user. Despite the context setting for milestones being set, linked milestones from higher up the system seem to be displaying. A solution has been proposed which involves limiting the display of Milestone Types to the row's context, thereby eliminating unnecessary milestones. This resolution aims to maintain user-friendly controls and provide a more efficient system for managing milestones.
Document register in TEST - is not set automatically
A previous issue with document profiles not automatically setting the Revision number has now been resolved. This fix ensures that the Revision column is automatically populated once the Release Code is set, enhancing document handling efficiency.
Document Type Filter not working
We have rectified an issue with the document type filter function in the document register. Previously, the search function wasn't functioning correctly, which required users to manually select the document type from the full menu. This issue has now been fixed, and the filter should operate as expected.
Not user -friendly selection of period in Booked Cost app
We've improved the usability of the 'Booked Cost' function. Previously, users had to navigate through a range of criteria and values without a guide. Now, a default filter has been applied that uses choice of cut-offs specific to the project and the filter feature also accommodates cut-off criteria. This will make it easier to find, select and apply the best fit parameters in the 'Booked Cost' app.
Clear Cache error
In the latest update, we addressed a bug affecting the "Clear Cache" function under the "Translations > Common Tasks" menu. Some users previously reported an error when attempting to use this feature. We're pleased to announce that this issue has been resolved, and you should now have unrestricted use of the 'Clear Cache' function. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Channel not working
We have resolved an issue that was impacting the functionality of a certain channel. Any inconveniences this might have caused were addressed and now you should experience no further difficulties with this aspect.
Status Report issue
An issue with the status report layout has been addressed and resolved. This problem has been experienced by various users. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Home page Notes not loading (Froala error)
We've resolved an issue where notes on the home page were not loading due to a problem with Froala. Now, everything should be working smoothly again.
Scope Meetings - Lookups not restricted
We've addressed an issue with the Lookups functionality in the Completion Section that wasn't working as expected. Previously, the inherited setup wasn't listed leading to the List being empty. Also, the Main Area and Discipline fields were empty when they should have been populated with inherited values and the WBS field wasn't listing the project WBS. This issue has now been resolved.
selectionControl.selectedRows >> selectionControl.getSelectedRows()
We've made updates to the selection control functionality. Previously, occurrences of 'selectionControl.selectedRows' were present, but based on recommendations, these have been updated to use 'await' and 'selectionControl.getSelectedRows()'. This change improves the accuracy of determining the number of selected rows and retrieving selected rows, if the information is needed. The update is in effect across all applicable parts of our system.
Edit URL dialog in meetings is confusing
We've updated the edit URL dialog in the meetings section to make it less confusing. Previously, the OK button was disabled, which could lead to some uncertainty. We've resolved this, so now the button won't be disabled while editing. This change brings our functionality more in line with the standard practices on the web. This fix will improve your user experience.
Error in orgchart app
We have addressed an issue where an error message was showing up when trying to preview the Organization Chart in the orgchart app. This problem should no longer occur, thus enhancing your user experience.
Create Scope Item in a Scope Item
A bug was identified where users were unable to create a scope item within another scope item. This issue has now been fixed and you should be able to perform this function without any error messages. Update your system to the latest version to enjoy this improvement.
Scope Items execution app - Add objects
We have resolved a minor issue that was affecting the functionality of the Scope Items execution app. Previously, it was only possible to add objects to the app if an object was already present. However, in our latest update, we have ensured that users can now add objects to the app, even if no objects are currently attached. We hope this improves your experience using the Scope Items execution app. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
There are 2 identical “Object” fields in Scope Items
We identified and resolved an issue where there were two identical "Object" fields in the Scope Items section. Any changes made in one field mistakenly mirrored in the other. This duplication has now been removed for easier and error-free input. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter.
Lookup "Discipline" is empty in Scope Items
A bug which was causing the "Discipline" lookup to appear empty when creating Scope Items in OrgUnit has been noted and marked for resolution. This situation of unselectable published Disciplines was also visible with checklists. We are currently working to fix this problem.
Error when Bulk delete in WBS Setup
We resolved an issue that was causing an error when trying to delete multiple records at once in the WBS Setup. Now, you can successfully delete multiple records without encountering any errors.
DWO - Mistake on picture preview in incident dashboard
We addressed an issue concerning an error in the picture preview on the incident dashboard. This problem has now been successfully resolved, enhancing the clarity and precision of the visual data represented on the dashboard.
Documentation Manuals - Message template used when notifying on subscriptions contains wrong link
We've recently rectified an error regarding the message templates for Documentation Manuals notifications. Previously, these templates contained incorrect links - this issue has now been fixed, ensuring users are directed to the appropriate URL when notified about subscriptions.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Add long text/string option to system property data types and add option to set property to ReadOnly
New features have been added to enhance the system property data types and to increase its utility for users. Now, a 'long string' data type has been introduced, similar to the long text type in portal forms. This allows users to expand the vertical length of the text box, enabling visibility of more wrapped text. Moreover, now there's an option to set a System Property as 'Read Only' on the front end. Users can use shadow triggers to populate computed values to the System Property without the risk of overwriting the values. These were requested features and they aim to improve the user experience, and to provide a smoother, more efficient workflow.
Feature Request
Code search doesn't redirect to file.
Improvements have been made to code search functionality. Previously, clicking on a file name in a code search would not open the file in app designer. This issue has now been addressed and users can now directly access objects through code search.
Feature Request
Activities on the homepage are not displayed correctly
The homepage has been updated to correctly display activities. Previously, some activities that were not supposed to appear on the homepages of certain users were still being shown. Now, these activities are only visible to the relevant participants. This change enhances the homepage's user-friendliness and relevance to the individual user.
Feature Request
Please add bulk update in Workflow Processes -> Access -> Can Create and Issued Workflows Only
A new feature has been requested to enable bulk updating in Workflow Processes, specifically for the 'Can Create' and 'Issued Workflows Only' access settings. This feature is intended to streamline the process and make it more efficient.

O365 Rental

Feature Request
Feature Request
Public detail-app for Rental Objects
We have introduced a new feature which provides detailed information about rental objects through an app. This app accepts a unique ID to display important details about the object and the product. It will even display the current order that the object is involved in. Additionally, users can create a workflow or scope-item about the current object, such as reporting damage. It's also possible to log in and view the order to which the object is linked, provided that access is granted. For convenience, a link to this app will be printed on all objects. In place of the Object_ID, we will use a unique, changeable ID printed as a QR code. This allows for bulk printing of QR codes, which can then be assigned to each specific object later on.
Feature Request
Include closed-btn in products-register
A new feature has been added to the product register. It now includes the option to view "closed" items in the grid. This enhancement aims to improve ease of access and navigation for users.

Omega 365 Core Technology Platform

WBS setup | WBS does not change when one changes Context.
We've addressed multiple issues in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) setup. One change you'll notice is that the WBS now alters correctly when you switch the context. Also, we have solved the visibility problem in the WBS setup, meaning you no longer need to press "Name" and "Title" to fetch the WBS for certain units. We aim to make your experience smoother and more efficient with these updates.
Noen activitetar har Step og Responsibdle i aktivitetsregister
We've addressed an issue where some activities were incorrectly displaying "Step" and "Responsible" in the activity register. These should now appear as regular entries when opened.
Assigned action not visible on home page
We've fixed a bug where assigned actions were not visible on the home page. Even when you changed Context or attempted to reload the cache, the problem persisted. This issue, especially evident with actions due for the same day, has now been thoroughly resolved. We strive to make your experience as smooth as possible.
o365setup Workflow menu group with depreciated apps on migrated client
A bug was identified where the deprecated Workflow menu group was visible within the migrated client interface, and such visibility created errors while attempting to view any configuration apps. This issue has now been detected and remedied. This update improves user experience by shielding the Workflow menu group from view to prevent any error notifications from arising.
Omega internal report titles visible from client solution
In the latest update, we've addressed a minor issue where internals reports, including US Tax Reporting and Payroll 'test', were unintentionally visible in the menu list. This issue has now been resolved and such reports will no longer be visible. Please note, this fix applies to all users across our different clients. Thanks for your understanding and continuous support.
Translation facility broken
We recognized and addressed an issue with the translation facility in our software which was not allowing correct translations of free text fields. The issue was particularly noticeable when comparing the base strings of different solutions. Due to this, you might have experienced inconsistencies in translations. This has now been fixed, and additional translations have been provided to ensure smooth operation.
We are seeing a lot of duplicate apps in o365setup
Title: Duplication of Apps in O365Setup We've identified and fixed a bug where multiple copies of the same apps were appearing in O365Setup. Now, you should only see each app listed once. This issue was known to occur across several clients. We appreciate your patience while we've worked to resolve this.

Org Structure, Roles & Access

Module / Role problem for app 'objectsimport' (NT) | Won't let me in even if I should have access now
Previously, there were some access issues with the 'objectsimport' application. Despite having roles that should have granted access to the module, users were unable to gain entry. Furthermore, there were errors when attempting to add module access in the application for 'objectsimport'. Thankfully, these complications have now been addressed and rectified.
Workflow Aviw error in Access Request
The issue relating to an error in the Access Request workflow has been fixed. Previously, users experienced an interruption when attempting to access specific data. This problem was related to a bug and it has now been corrected, improving the overall functionality and user experience for all customers.
Scope Item | Missing access to scope item from notifications
We've identified and rectified an issue where some users couldn't access certain notifications about scope items. Now, when you receive a notification of a new scope item where access should be allowed, you should be able to see and interact with it without any issues. This resolution enhances the interaction with the Contract Management scope items, offering a more efficient workflow.
App system-roles | Error message when opening system role dev-test
An error message that was appearing when opening up the 'system role dev-test' in the app has now been corrected. Previously, this was causing some confusion and potential disruption when using the system, but this should no longer be an issue. The problem had been identified and rectified by our developers. The solution should be implemented across all client platforms. No specific clients are affected more than others.
Unable to add risk to Activity
An issue was encountered where users were unable to add a risk to an activity. This problem has been identified and dealt with accordingly. Users can now expect a smooth experience when adding risks to activities. This resolution affects all users.
Image archive - sharing out of context
The issue titled "Image archive - sharing out of context" relates to a problem with permissions in the image archive. Specifically, the current process allows the album owner to share albums outside of their organization or make albums public. This situation may potentially lead to sensitive information being shared without proper authorizations. The request is for a new feature that allows control over who can set an album as public or add users outside of their organization to the sharing list. Efforts are in progress to implement this feature to enhance data security.
Switch from CT to NT makes recent links in mega menu not work
We have fixed a bug in the 'Omega 365' that caused recent links in the mega menu to not operate properly when switching application modes. Now, the links should direct you to the correct application without leading to an error message, resulting in a more user-friendly navigation experience.
Workflow error in Access Request application
There was a bug that caused a workflow error in the Access Request application. This issue has been discovered and addressed in a recent update. As a result, the functionality of the application should be improved and the workflow error should no longer occur. This issue affected a range of users, but measures have been taken to rectify the problem.
Error message when Access Request is received
We have addressed an issue where users were encountering an error message while attempting to approve access requests. Despite the error, access was still being granted, but we have now rectified the situation to eliminate any confusion or uncertainty. This resolves the previously reported glitch and ensures a smoother, more reliable access request approval process.
Workflow Processes needs updating inside system-role-setup
A previously reported issue concerning the need for updates in the workflow processes inside the system-role-setup has recently been resolved. The focus of this solution was to improve the general scope of the system. Numerous clients were affected by this matter, but due to confidentiality, we cannot release specific names. However, we can assure you that enhancements have been made to ensure a smooth and more efficient user activities.
custom permissions overview app outdated
We have addressed and resolved a problem related to the outdated custom permissions overview application. Previously, some consumers might have experienced workflow-related errors. We have now updated the system to prevent such disturbances, ensuring that our services continue to function effectively and efficiently. Our team fixed this bug promptly to ensure that your work is not interrupted.
Copy Roles - Invalid column name 'Item_ID'.
We've addressed an issue where copying roles in an access request would display an error message saying "Invalid column name 'Item_ID'". This problem has been rectified and you can now copy roles without encountering the error.
Removed all system roles but still see "Activities" and "Import Transactions" applications
We fixed a bug where users were still seeing the "Activities" and "Import Transactions" applications in the menu even after all system roles had been removed from them. Now the "Import Transactions" application access is properly configured based on individual permissions. Don't worry if you see these applications even after role removal - now it includes only those you're permitted to use.
Capabilities on Role/OrgUnit
A recent issue regarding the limitation of capabilities to corresponding organizational units has been resolved. Previously, a user's role or capabilities were not exclusive to the specific project they were assigned to. As a result, the ability to use one role in one project and another in a different one was unavailable. With the new update, not only will users have the ability to be assigned different roles across different projects, additional privileges such as internal treatment, client representation, client workspace usage, distribution management and distribution view have been updated. Furthermore, finalized administration rights, cancellation of task checkout, management of planned dates, delivering and verifying DFO will be implemented.
Complete System Administrator | Can't update or insert new "Resp. Codes"
We've recently fixed an issue which was preventing the "Complete System Administrator" role from updating or inserting new "Resp. Codes". This issue was hindering the system enhancement ability. Following the solution, individuals with this role will now be able to modify or add new labels without any problem. The update will be visible to all the clients.
Sub-org unit users can see all org units with system properties, involved parties, and scope org unit dropdown
We have addressed an issue where users at the bottom levels of an organization were able to see all organization units, including those outside their hierarchical line, through the OrgUnit_Lookup Input Editor. Now, such users will only be able to see their parent organization units, which will secure confidential information within the system. This issue was also affecting our online platform. Rest assured, interactions within our system are now more secure and reliable.
o365setup apps appears twice in setup
We've addressed a bug causing the o365setup apps to display twice during the setup process. This improvement ensures a smoother, less confusing setup experience for all users.
Setup-scope-groups - not possible to edit (refers to Meetings=
A bug was identified that hindered the editing of Scope Groups, showing an error related to meetings. This issue has now been fixed and editing features are now fully functional.
System Roles | Can't add new Role Type in NT
We have resolved an issue where users were not able to add new Role Types in the System Roles. Now, the function is operating as intended, allowing users to create and edit custom Role Types as needed.
Did not get the role 'OrgUnit Creator' when creating a new top level orgunit
We've identified and fixed a bug that was preventing users from gaining the 'OrgUnit Creator' role when creating a new top-level orgunit. This issue was previously limiting user access within the newly created orgunit. The issue was particularly prominent at Carbon Circle. It's important for users to know that, after creating a new top-level orgunit, they should now be assigned the appropriate role and gain sufficient access.
Feature Request
Feature Request
System Modules | Adding tables is too difficult
We've identified that adding new tables to System Modules could be streamlined. Currently, users can only add one table at a time before needing to find it in the grid to edit or delete. In response to your feedback, we've improved the functionality, enabling the addition of new rows to grids similar to other interfaces. Please note that the button will now only be for “read mode.” This change aims to make the user experience more efficient and convenient.

Planner Gantt View

Scope Plan | Actual progress is divided on 100
We've addressed a bug affecting the Scope Plan feature, where the actual progress was incorrectly divided by 100 - resulting in progress that had reached 100% incorrectly displaying as 1% instead. We've resolved this issue and ensured accurate aggregation of progress data. This fix will improve project visibility and tracking accuracy for all our users.
Scope plan | Not possible to save version to link
We've addressed a bug where users were experiencing difficulties while trying to save versions to a link in the Scope Plan. Unfortunately, the specifics of the issues are not clear from the provided details. This issue was reported by multiple users. This fix should improve the overall usability of the Scope Plan feature.
Scope Plan | Not possible to open gantt when scope items is closed
A bug was identified when trying to open a Gantt while scope items are closed, resulting in an error. Temporarily, setting the process to "Allow edit of closed workflows" has been a solution to resolve this issue. The bug has been dealt with successfully, ensuring smoother operation. This update is beneficial for all users.
Feature Request
Feature Request
When saving a print-out layout certain user choices are not saved.
We received a feature request regarding the saving of certain user choices in the print-out layout. Users expressed the need for the 'Collapse' and 'Hidden' options in the Preview to be saved. Previously, it was noticed these choices were not preserved. Upon receiving this request, proper actions have been taken to ensure this user preference is now saved as desired. This feature enhancement aims to improve user experience and meet user requirements more thoroughly.
Feature Request
Westcon wants thicker lines in the grid in print
A new feature has been introduced based on user feedback. The print grid lines can now be made thicker for improved visualization. This modification was requested to enhance the clarity when printing current plans. Adopting this enhancement ensures that your prints will be more precise and easy to read.

Planning & Scheduling

Scope plan | DCMA not working
There was a bug affecting how the scope plan functioned, specifically with the DCMA not working properly. This issue has been detected and solved by our team. The bug was a widespread issue, impacting several of our clients.
Scope plans | Loading slow
We've addressed an issue where the loading time for scope plans was longer than expected. Users experienced around 10 seconds delay to load 21 records. This has been recognised as a bug and steps were taken to resolve this issue to enhance your user experience.
It should be possible to add WBS directly from plan. Lookup now shows No result
We've fixed a bug that was causing an issue with adding a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) directly from the plan. Previously, the lookup showed "No result", but this has been corrected. Now, you should be able to seamlessly add a WBS directly from your plan.
Scope plan | Not possible to adjust column width on last column
We have addressed a bug that was preventing users from adjusting the width of the last column in the scope plan. You should now be able to modify the column width effortlessly. Thank you for your patience as we worked on this fix.
Control Plan - Error on adding more than one sub row
There was an identified issue when adding more than one sub row to a parent row on the control plan, which was causing an error. This issue has been rectified and users can now add multiple sub rows to a parent row without any interruptions.
Link - All created and updated fields are null for all records.
We have fixed an issue where the 'Created' and 'Updated' fields were appearing as null for all records. Moreover, the 'Deleted' field wasn't showing updates upon performing a soft deletion. This issue has been resolved and you should now be able to see the appropriate data in these fields.
Link - Field "Parent" should either be non-editable, or a lookup like "Parent_ID"
We have addressed an issue related to the "Parent" field in a link. Earlier, this field was behaving like a free-text box, creating errors. This bug has now been fixed. This improvement should add to the user's convenience and improve their experience while working with links.
Actual Start/Finish not updating correctly in Link, and also allows edit of completed activities after completion.
We've addressed a couple of crucial areas this time around. Initially, there was an issue where the Actual Start/Finish update was not executing correctly in Link. This has been taken care of. Moreover, we've locked down the ability to modify certain values after an activity has been marked as "complete", keeping your work consistent and ensuring no accidental changes.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Control Plan > Open selected scope item in new window
A new feature has been added to enhance user multitasking capabilities. Now there's an "Open selected scope item in new window" option available in tasks. This feature would allow users to view different tasks in separate windows, significantly improving ease and efficiency of task management.

Portfolio Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
URL param to force which plan to open
We've added a new feature that makes sharing specific plans with other users easier. Now, when you share a link, you can include a parameter specifying a particular plan. This ensures the recipient directly sees the intended plan when they open the link. The feature prioritizes the plan specified in the URL over any local storage settings.

Procurement / Bid Manager

Helgevold - Error in Bid register
We've resolved an issue where an error message was appearing in the Bid Register. This issue had been reported by multiple clients. The problem is now fixed and you should be able to use the Bid Register without any issues.
Bug in Portal Form setup
An issue with our portal form setup had caused some confusion as values seemed pre-filled but were not actually. Additionally, trying to add a space in the "Text" field was inadvertently toggling select on a row. Both these issues have now been resolved. We've removed the "Text input" tooltip for clarity and modified the "Text" column functionality so spaces can be added without affecting row selection.
Empty Default Document Type lookup
Issue: Empty Default Document Type Lookup Description: Users have reported an issue with the default document type lookup field in the Procurement Setup, which they've found to be empty. As a result, they're unable to add documents to Procurement. This issue is consistent across multiple users. Solution: Upon investigating, a proposed solution was made to the system's code, which successfully resolved the problem. Users can now see the expected values in the lookup field and can add documents to Procurement as required.
Helgevold - Meetings in Bid are in CT)
We have addressed an issue where the Bid Manager was displaying meetings in the wrong timezone. Previously, instead of showing meetings relevant to the Scope Item, the system was directing users to the general Meeting Register. This has now been corrected and meetings will be displayed in the appropriate context.
Error uploading file
Previously, an error message was occurring when users attempted to upload a file. Despite the error, the document was successfully uploaded after refreshing the page. This issue has now been fixed so that the error message will no longer appear during the uploading process.
Published to Portal field is not displayed in stage info tab
We've fixed a bug where the 'Published to Portal' field wasn't showing up in the stage info tab. Now, users should be able to see this field properly.
Bug when uploading documents as Bidder in portal
We have addressed the issue where users were able to upload only one document at a time and received an "undefined" error message during the upload process. This issue was identified and resolved to ensure similar occurences are prevented in future. The update will enable users to upload multiple documents seamlessly, providing a better user experience. Please update your software to experience this enhancement.
No route matches the supplied values...
We addressed an issue where users encountered an error when attempting to access certain documents across various parts of our platform. This issue was mainly faced when users tried to view uploaded documents in the Bidders Submissions section, files in One to One communications and in the Status tab. The issue has now been resolved, improving the accessibility and functionality of documents for all users.

Quality Management

Customer Survey | Duplicate Survey does not copy Sections
We have rectified an issue with the "Customer Survey" feature. Previously, using the "duplicate survey" function generated an error, preventing the successful copying of survey sections. This issue has now been fixed, and users should be able to duplicate surveys—including their sections—without any problems.
Follow Up Items app: After selecting a Responsible, the value is blank. You have to Save/navigate away for the selection to stick.
We've corrected an issue in the Follow Up Items app where the selected value wasn't immediately visible in the 'Responsible' field. Now, the chosen value displays correctly without needing to save or navigate away.
Lessons Learned > Activity Lookup uses Complete Namespace
We've made an adjustment to the Lessons Learned feature. Previously, it was using the complete namespace in the Activity Lookup function. Now, it turns to Scope Items instead, a more user-friendly approach. You might notice changes whenever a new relation table is created or when documents are used in a Related Workflow - it's all part of the improvements! Don't worry, it's designed to be better, not more complicated.
Follup up Items is too slow
We have addressed an issue where the loading time for follow-up items was significantly longer than expected, taking up to 18 seconds to load 47 records. This problem has now been fixed to optimize performance, aiming for a loading time that is under 5 seconds, and preferably less than 3 seconds. This improvement will enhance user experience across our system.
Actuals column in Follow Up Items limits character at 50 or so, needs to be allowing much more
The character limit for the 'Actuals' column in the Follow Up Items has been increased. This change ensures that the 'Actual' field in the Follow Up Item app can now accommodate more text. This improvement is available to all users.
Follow-up Items, new records bottom bar - Responsible pop-up not showing data
We have made an update regarding the 'Follow-up Items' feature. Users previously experienced an issue where no data was displayed in the 'Responsible' column pop-up when adding new records at the bottom of the Follow-up Items. This issue has now been resolved and data will now be shown as expected in the 'Responsible' column when creating new records.

RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety)

The error appears when Rams Log opens
We have resolved an issue where users encountered an error when opening the Rams Log. The necessary updates have been made to ensure smoother usage in the future. This fix improves the user experience for multiple clients across various sectors.

Resource Management

Ressursoversikt | Ukentlig oversikt viser feil prosent
We addressed an issue in our Weekly Overview section. Previously, the review indicated that all resources were overloaded, which wasn't the case. This bug has now been identified and resolved, leading to more accurate resource reporting on the Weekly Overview. Please note that this impacts all clients.
Error Object aviw_Workflow_Items violates naming convention Or does Not exist
An issue was discovered where a particular object, identified as "aviw_Workflow_Items", was not adhering to the specified naming conventions or was found to be non-existent. This issue was primarily identified in three apps - resource-positions, resource-assignmentsoverview and resource-person, all of which are part of the resource module. However, a comprehensive check is recommended for all apps within this module since some may have been overlooked during the initial review. This bug does not pertain to any particular client or company.
resource-persons Error: Object aviw_Workflow_Items violates naming convention Or does Not exist
We've rectified an issue that was causing an error message to pop up when opening the "resource-persons" app due to a failure of the system to recognize the 'aviw_Workflow_Items' object. This bug has now been addressed and the application should run smoothly.
Person register -> resource person redirects to blank page
We've addressed an issue where, within the person register, clicking on the ID-link to view a resource person would lead to a blank page. This page now opens the associated resource-person and resource-persons apps as expected. We appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this bug.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Ability to view monthly/weekly hours
In the latest update, a new feature has been implemented allowing users to view project assignments either on a weekly or monthly basis in terms of hours instead of percentages. This comes with a newly added "Hours" summary type that can be accessed from the dropdown menu. With this feature, users can now see the total sum of assignments at the bottom of the page.

Risk Management

Språkblanding i risikoregisteret ved valg av type - risiko / mulighet
In the latest update, we have addressed an issue where the filter lookup values for uncertainty type in the risk register grid were not translated appropriately. Now, users should correctly see these options in English, ensuring consistency in language throughout the application. This issue was a bug and has been promptly fixed.
How to link Promoted Processes to Risk?
We have resolved an issue that was preventing the linking of promoted workflows to Risk. Previously, promoted workflows added in the setup weren't appearing as options in Risk details. This has now been fixed, so you will be able to add promoted workflows to Risk as usual. We thank you for your patience while we worked on this issue.
In Promoted Processes it's only possible to setup workflows, not scope items
We resolved an issue that existed with the Promoted Processes feature. Previously, users could only set up workflows and not scope items. This issue is now fixed, allowing for either workflows or scope items to be set up based on the user's needs.
riskregister | Counting workflows as mitigating measures, should be scope items
We have addressed a bug where workflow items were incorrectly being counted as mitigating measures, even though they should have been considered as scope items. This issue has been resolved in the recent updates. Now the risk management process should work more accurately.
Helgevold - Dashbord
There was an issue where the dashboard was not functioning correctly. It has been addressed and everything should now be operating normally.
Risk Dashboards - reports not working
The issue with the Risk Dashboards where reports were not functioning correctly has been addressed. A problem has been identified and fixed where users were unable to view their reports. This affected several of our clients. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this issue.
Risk Register Reports not updated to handle Scope
The issue concerning the update on the Risk Register Reports to handle Scope has now been resolved. Previously, users might have noticed inconsistencies in the reports and some elements on the Dashboard. The Reports now utilize Scope Items instead of Workflow Items, which should result in a smoother, more efficient user experience. This update affects all users.
Missing columns in grid: Schedule TPE Min, Most Likely, Max
We've resolved an issue that was previously hiding certain columns in the grid. Now, you should be able to view the Cost TPE Min, Cost TPE Most Likely, Cost TPE Max, Cost TPE Expected and Schedule TPE Expected columns accurately. Thanks for your patience with this.
Statsbygg- Mangler nedtrekkspil org.enhet i risiko-visning
We've resolved an issue in our risk visualization feature. Earlier, a dropdown arrow was missing, causing confusion among users. This issue has now been fixed. The dropdown arrow is visible again, and the functionality uses the full width of the field.
Omega -Feil/forbedring
A user had noticed an issue with the "Dashboard, Quality - Uncertainties" feature. Previously, it was listing both open and closed uncertainties, which was not useful for the user. They requested a feature to filter out the closed uncertainties or remove them from the list. This has now been rectified, with closed uncertainties being filtered from the list.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Objekt "popup" funksjon i OMEGA 365 risk modul fungerer ikke
The "popup" function in our risk module was not working as expected. This issue has been addressed. The fix will ensure that the functionality is back to normal, improving the overall user experience. Please note this change will apply to all our users.
Feature Request
Request for a column on implemented measures in the risk register
There is a new feature request to add a column for implemented measures in the risk register. Currently, only open measures can be seen at a glance and the user expressed the need for a clear overview of completed measures as well, without having to check each risk individually or open the 'show mitigating measures and activities' (which shows all). This request is aimed at improving the visibility and understanding of how many measures have actually been taken, even when there are no open measures. This should enhance the general user experience and task organising. This request was raised by multiple clients.

Scheduler / jobs

Scheduler is running jobs even though it is stopped
There was an issue with the job scheduler where it continued to execute tasks even when it was marked as "stopped". This particular bug might have also been affecting the logging process. The issue was identified across multiple users.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Include parameter in jobs log
A new feature has been added to the system. Now, if there are any parameters involved with your jobs log, they will be included. This feature enhances the details within your jobs log, providing more comprehensive information for your usage.

Scope Item Workflows

Helgevold - Mine ting: Møtekalender
We addressed an issue regarding the meeting calendar which was no longer functioning with the original setup. This issue has affected multiple users across different areas. We are continually working to ensure seamless usability for everyone.
Send Reminder recipient incorrect
There was an issue with incorrect recipients being selected for the Send Reminder feature. Instead of choosing the designated 'Action By', it has been inadvertently picking up the unit responsible. This bug has been identified across multiple clients. Work is underway to correct this and ensure that reminder recipients are selected appropriately.
Breadcrumbs missing between Interface Scope Register and Scope Interface Item
We have corrected an issue where navigation breadcrumbs were not displayed for users when moving from the Interface Scope Register to the Scope Interface Item. This fix will allow easier and more intuitive navigation through the interface.
Default View should not show new item row in Subscope
We addressed a minor issue where, upon creating a new interface, the '+' New Records Panel was visible by default in the subscope tab. Moving forward, the panel will no longer be automatically visible, optimizing the user interface for a more streamlined experience. Users will now need to click on the '+' to open it.
Scope Items cannot be opened
Users previously faced an issue where they were unable to access certain scope items from their mobile devices on the Omega 365 Home platform. These affected scope items were often ones that were created within Scope Plans and Schedules. The issue has now been identified and fixed.
Required Properties show no indication of requirement
We've addressed an issue that many users faced where required fields in our scope workflow did not clearly indicate that they were mandatory. Previously, users may have struggled to proceed without knowing which fields were essential to fill in. We have now made it easier to identify these necessary fields offering a smoother user experience. A helpful error message will also appear if a required field is overlooked, making it clear which fields must be filled in.
Person vHover no longer on subscribers ?
We have resolved an issue where the hover effect was missing for shared persons. The function has now been restored, improving your experience while using the service.
Filter: Items assigned to me, are incorrect
We identified and addressed an issue where the filter, specifically related to items assigned to oneself, was not displaying correctly. This bug concern has been resolved for all users.
Delete unsubmitted Workflows not working
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to delete unsubmitted workflows. The problem may have appeared as if the function was paused. This has now been rectified and you should be able to delete unsubmitted workflows smoothly again.
Error message when creating workflows
An issue was previously reported wherein an error message was appearing when users tried to create workflows. The problem has been found and fixed. Users should now be able to carry out workflow creation without running into the said error message.
Edit Workflow Basis -> OrgUnit vs Action By
We've resolved an issue that was causing inconsistencies between the "Action By" and "OrgUnit" columns within your workflow. Now, both columns display the same values, ensuring smoother and more accurate data representation.
Scope item details showing info from different scope item
We've fixed an issue where the scope item details were displaying information from the wrong scope item when first loaded with the Scope Items panel hidden. Now, even if the detail panel is closed, switching between scope items works effectively. This update ensures that you're viewing the correct details for the right scope item at all times.
Properties "Hide Until Step" no longer works
We've identified and fixed an issue where properties set to be hidden until later steps in the workflow weren't keeping hidden as configured. Now, these properties will appropriately remain hidden until the right step in your New Scope Item app. We took note that some users observed all properties being visible, regardless of their settings, which isn't the intended behavior. This bug has been addressed to ensure a smooth workflow experience.
Milestone lookup inconsistent
We've fixed an issue with the milestone lookup feature that was functioning inconsistently. Earlier, it was dependent on the Org Unit column, but we've updated it to rely on the Action By column for improved performance. This change aims to streamline the process and enhance user experience.
Bug: Scope Item properties not refreshing properly
We addressed a bug that was affecting the refreshing of properties/configurable fields when creating a new WorkFlow or Scope item. Regardless of the process chosen, the new properties were not properly updating. This issue has now been resolved for a smoother user experience across all workflows and scope item creations.
Not possible to assign milestone to scope item
We've resolved an issue where it was not possible to assign a milestone to a scope item. Previously when attempting this action, the lookup was empty and an error would appear. This has now been rectified to improve your experience.
Better way to handle Action By - Unnecessary Sharing
We've made a crucial fix to the workflow relating to 'Action By' and 'Access Management'. Previously, if you selected an organization unit by mistake, there was no option to remove it. This could potentially share access or information unintentionally. We have now rectified this issue, enabling the removal of the organization unit before submission, safeguarding against such accidental sharing. This enhancement substantially improves the confidentiality and security of your workflow management.
Helgevold - Skalering av vindu opprette sak i lessons learned
A bug was discovered leading to an issue with window scaling during the creation of multiple tasks connected to a project evaluation. It led to difficulty in accessing data from lookups since the window was too narrow to allow scrolling. We have addressed this by improving the window scaling in the 'create new' section of our Lessons Learned app.
Case import - import with link to interface
An issue related to the case import functionality was identified where cases with links to interfaces weren't functioning as expected. More specifically, the issue was about the interface not connecting to the case during import. To address this, a fix has been applied that ensures the correct linking of workflows to the interface even if a particular field (CatAorB) is not provided during the import. This resolves the problem and smoothens the workflow import process.
Notification received but no access on ticket
We've addressed an issue in a certain system where some users were receiving notifications for tickets they can't access. Clicking the link in the notification previously threw an error message. This has now been resolved ensuring visibility and accessibility of tickets when notifications are received.
Close At Last Step Only workaround
We've addressed an issue in which the 'Close at Last Step Only' function was not preventing users from setting a closed date in the register as expected. The software bug was affecting various users. We've now fixed this issue to maintain proper workflow. Please make sure you've updated your system to experience this improvement.
Cant' delete or close WF
We addressed an issue that was preventing users from deleting or closing workflows. Previously, the option to delete was missing in Process Details and attempting to move to "Close Workflow" caused an error. This issue has now been resolved - users should now be able to delete or close workflows as expected.
Unable to change properties of scope item
We've fixed an issue that was preventing the modification of scope item properties, even for those who had the appropriate permissions. This will greatly improve functionality and user experience.
Properties' name stating "null" when checked as required
We've resolved an error where property names were incorrectly displaying as "null" when set as required. This issue has now been fixed, ensuring that property names display correctly under all conditions.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Please Include the Related Workflows in the Exported Workflow Report
We have introduced a new feature that lets you include relevant workflows in the exported workflow report. This can either be presented as a list or as URLs for your convenience. This feature has been deployed in response to a request to provide a more in-depth overview when exporting workflow reports.

Scope Items

Proccess lookup in 'Create Scope Items for Selected Objects' in object register is not filtered correctly
An issue was reported where the process lookup in 'Create Scope Items for Selected Objects' within the object register was not being filtered correctly. In some instances, this allowed users to create scope items with a process type that they didn't have access to. This bug has now been addressed for improved usability and security.
Creating scope items in the checklist without mandatory feilds
We've identified and fixed a bug that previously allowed users to create scope items in the checklist without including mandatory fields. Now, all required fields must be completed for the creation process to be successful. This adjustment ensures that no critical information will be missing from scope items on the checklist. This fix applies to all clients.
Restrict To Context doesn't work in Milestone dropdown
We've successfully resolved an issue where the 'Restrict To Context' feature wasn't functioning correctly with the Milestone dropdown selection within the scope-workflow. This update ensures better performance and usability of these functions.
Scope Properties GroupByHeader is not editable
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to manually edit the 'GroupByHeader' field. Previously, this feature relied solely on lookup data and any changes required developer intervention. However, we have enhanced this feature and it is now editable, offering much needed flexibility. This update is applicable for all users.
Scope - Step Names in setup is under Purchase
An issue was identified where Step Names in setup were incorrectly placed under Purchase when they should have been in Scope. This was recognized as a bug and has been corrected. Clients affected by this bug have been notified and they can now proceed as intended.
Missing strike-through on Role field when a person is assigned in Scope Items Signatures (scope-item-responsibilities)
We've fixed a bug that was preventing the 'Role' field from showing a strike-through when a person was assigned in Scope Items Signatures. Additionally, another issue where the role would disappear when the lookup opened has also been solved. These changes aim to improve your experience and efficiency when using this feature.
Nye deltakere i møte har ikke kryss i boksen for Møtereferat e-post
We've addressed a concern regarding our meeting system. Previously, new participants didn't automatically have the box checked to receive an email copy of the meeting minutes. We understood this was causing some inconvenience. Therefore, we've made improvements - now the box for email distribution of meeting minutes to new participants will be checked by default. This will streamline the process and ensure everyone stays up-to-date.
Required properties do not have markers (stars) in Scope WF
We've resolved an issue where required properties within the Scope WF function were not being appropriately marked. This was an essential visual indicator previously, and has now been restored for better user experience.
Error when trying to update resp. code in Scope Items Signatures (scope-item-responsibilities)
We have fixed a bug that was causing an error when trying to update the responsibility code in the Scope Items Signatures grid. This issue has now been addressed and you should be able to make these updates without any problems.
Unable to delete scope items
We have resolved a bug that was preventing the deletion of scope items. This issue has been addressed and all users should now be able to remove scope items as needed without facing any hurdles.
Unsubmitted Workflows should probably change name to Unsubmitted Scope Items
There was an issue noted about potential confusion related to the term "Unsubmitted Workflows". This referred not only to Workflows but also to Activities/Scope Items drafts. As a result, it has been suggested to change the term to "Unsubmitted Scope Items". This aims to provide clearer understanding and better alignment with the consolidation of Scope Items. Please note that this issue has been addressed and has been updated accordingly for easier use.
Scope Items series do not need No Planned Start set item.
A recent adjustment has been made to the process of creating Scope Item series. Previously, meetings were set with no Planned Start date, meaning the meeting that was currently underway would be set as "No Planned Start". Going forward, this will no longer be the case. The first meeting in the series will now be the one set as "No Planned Start". This update is designed to improve organization and scheduling.
Missing field in Scope Items Grid, No Of Tasks
A bug was identified where a previously available field in the Scope Items Grid that showcased the count of completed tasks out of the total tasks was missing. This feature was particularly useful for process steps marked as DSCOT (Disable Step Completion with Open Tasks), as it allowed those responsible for the step to discern if it could be completed. The issue has now been resolved and the task count field is again visible in the grid.
Filter "Jeg skal signere" og "Jeg har rolle/ansvar" fungerer ikke helt
There was an issue with the filter functionalities "I must sign" and "I have a role / responsibility" not working as expected in our system. Users who filtered tasks by "I must sign" received fewer activities than when they selected "I have a role / responsibility" and "Sign. status" = 1/2, even though theoretically, they should be signing all of the activities in both filters. This issue has been worked on to ensure better filtering accuracy.
Scope Items - Procedure / Conclusion Emoticon
We have resolved an issue which was preventing emoticons from working in all Checklist Library checklists and those linked to scope items. Now, users should be able to use emoticons as intended. This fix is applicable to all our users.
Can we have section Awaiting my signature more specific that this is Activities to be signed.
The section of the system labeled as 'Awaiting my signature' has been updated for better clarity and specificity. It is now clear that only activities that require users' signatures will be included in this section. This adjustment helps improve understanding and avoids any potential confusion.
Deleting a property from a Process gives an error in scope workflow
We have addressed a bug that caused errors and loading issues when removing properties from a process assigned to a workflow. This error previously occurred within the 'scope-process' and caused an indefinite loading state in the 'scope-workflow'. This issue has now been fixed to ensure a smoother user experience.
Scope Item Planner - Loss of data without any notifications to user
We identified an intermittent issue where changes made by users in the Scope Item Planner were not being saved. This resulted in unexpected loss of data without any notifications to the user. We have addressed this by implementing safety checks to ensure data is stored correctly when entering and exiting the cell edit function.
Scope Item | Action By lookup not showing recent
We've resolved an issue where the 'Action By' lookup wasn't showing recently selected options. Just like our 'OrgUnit' lookup, 'Action By' will now include your most recent selections for easy access. This update should enhance your experience and make the process quicker and more efficient.
Object Explorer - Scope Items Tab Columns
We've identified a glitch in our recent version that resulted in some columns being absent in the Object Explorer Scope Items Tab - specifically, the 'Planned Finish', 'Completed', and 'Checklist'. This issue has been detected in comparison to the existing version. We are now focused on restoring these columns to ensure you have all the resources you need. Please stay tuned for the next update.
Scope Explorer: CatAorB to PunchCategory
In the Scope Explorer, there has been a modification. The term 'CatAorB' has been replaced by 'PunchCategory' throughout. This was identified and rectified as part of a bug fix. This change will be applicable to all end users.
Milepælsboksene i Milestone Skyline må vise mer informasjon
An update has been made to improve the display of information in the Milestone Skyline. Before, the milestone box only showed the week, but now it has been enhanced to show the actual date. Furthermore, the naming based on the contract number has been refined to also include the contractor. These improvements aim to enhance user experience. Please note that these changes impact all users.
Actions/Step resp should be added to Shared with
We have resolved a minor bug related to the 'Shared with' feature. It was previously possible to assign actions to individuals who did not have access to the specific scope item. Now, if an action is assigned to someone who doesn't have access, they will be automatically added to the 'Shared with' list, ensuring smooth collaboration and workflow.
Fjerne apper fra meny som ikke er OFC
We've recognized that some users were facing inconvenience due to the presence of outdated application shortcuts or recently used applications in their menu, which were no longer accessible after an upgrade. This usually resulted in a blank screen message indicating no access which led to confusion and dissatisfaction among users. We've addressed this issue by implementing a script to automatically remove such non-functional shortcuts and applications at the time of upgrade. This update applies to all users and aims to improve their user experience.
Question on Plans in relation to Scope
Here's a brief note about a resolved issue for your convenience: The issue was related to managing plans when shifting over to 'Scope'. Previously, users were able to update their plans via 'Project Status > Plans & Schedules'. There seemed to be confusion over not having access to previously created plans when navigating to 'Scope > Scope Plan and Schedules'. Our team has fixed this bug to ensure smooth transition and accessibility. Rest assured that you will now be able to continue updating your plan within the updated system and your previously created plans are now readily accessible. We aim to provide a user-friendly interface for your convenience.
Scope Items Detail - Earned value and hours
We fixed a display issue where 'Earned value' and 'Earned hours' weren't showing correctly in the Scope Items detail. Now you can view this data as needed, without having to go to the data grid.
Search for roles under "Responisble" in Scope Items?
In previous versions, users faced an issue where the search function under the "Responsible" column in Scope Item wasn't working as intended. This issue affected numerous users. This has now been identified and rectified. Rest assured, users should now be able to search for roles under the "Responsible" column with ease.
Title: Error When Adding Properties to Object Register We'd like to inform you of a previously reported issue where some of our users encountered error messages while adding properties into the Object Register, which is necessary for the importation of Spool Register. This issue has now been addressed in our latest update. Please note that specific clients or company names related to this issue are not mentioned to maintain privacy.
IT is not possible to open related scope Item from Scope-WF.
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to open certain linked resources from the Scope Workflow page, despite being able to access the same resources from other areas. This issue was causing an error page stating, "You do not have access to this page" to appear. It has now been resolved for a smooth experience.
Scope Items activity detail app: Tasks and Checklist totals
We're making tasks more visible within the Scope Items activity detail app and moving the Checklist total. It'll now be located next to section totals for easier viewing. This change addresses the visibility concerns raised by some users.
Scope Items - activity detail - MS Word report
A minor issue related to the feature of exporting scope item reports to MS Word has been identified and reported. The feature was absent, but the team has reviewed and addressed the issue. For the end user, expect an improvement in the overall user experience, especially in the process of exporting scope item reports.
Control Plan | Loading slow
The issue of slow loading with the Control Plan has been addressed and fixed. Previously, users might have experienced some latency while attempting to access this feature. We have improved the performance to ensure a smooth and efficient user-experience. This update applies to all our users and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the previous issue.
Control Plan --> checklists - Issues with saving checkitems
Users previous experienced a problem with saving checklist items in the Control Plan. They would fill out the results and set the status to complete in the same transaction, but only the results section was saved. This bug has now been resolved to ensure a smooth user experience.
Scope Items detail - Punch status
We've addressed an bug where the 'Punch status' was missing on the checklist header. This crucial part of our functionality is now restored and you should be able to view this information without any problems.
Scope item scoping
The issue regarding the availability of a scope item version of the activity scoping app has been resolved. Previously, users had difficulty understanding whether such a version exists. We are pleased to inform that modifications were made to address this concern. This update is applicable to all our users.
Scope items signatures app
We identified an issue where users could not find a suitable replacement for the activities signature application in scope items. We are looking into this and will ensure that a solution is found and implemented to provide better performance and usability.
Scope Item register - does not update correctly
We've addressed an issue with the Scope Item Register. Previously, when users changed a scope item from one process to another (e.g. workflow type to activity type), some fields like 'Step' and 'Responsible' weren't updating correctly. This issue has now been fixed.
Handover type is missing from scope items
We've identified and resolved an issue related to handover types in scope item registry. Previously, users were unable to connect handover types to specific scope items, impacting their ability to configure handovers. The bug has now been fixed, ensuring that handover settings are implemented correctly and improving overall user experience.
Scope Meeting / Go to execution app
In the Go to Execution app, there was an issue where a Related Document was duplicating. This bug has now been addressed and fixed for users across multiple clients. This solution is expected to provide a smoother and more reliable experience within the app.
Object Import fungere ikke
We've fixed an issue that was causing the Object Import function to spin indefinitely. Now, you can import objects without any problems. This update is applied to all users.
Agenda / Section Responsibilities on the home page
We have fixed an issue where all links from the Agenda/Section Responsibilities were leading to the same agenda item, instead of the respective items. This was occurring on the home page. Also, even though there were 9 items on the agenda for which users had responsibilities, only 6 elements were displayed. This has now been rectified for a more accurate representation of various responsibilities.
Cleanup of setup menu
We've conducted a thorough clean-up of the setup menu to enhance user experience. Certain applications have been deleted, while others have been reorganized. As part of this revision, particular apps have been moved from the "Complete" to the "Scope", "Assets", and "Quality" categories to streamline access and functionality. This was necessary to ensure the setup menu remains user-friendly, efficient, and organized.
Scope-Item: Systems listing
We have addressed an issue where assigned systems were not displaying correctly for certain scope-items. You can now view these systems either directly on the objects linked to the scope item, or through the objects' properties linked to the scope item. Thank you for your patience while we resolved this issue.
Email Notification about actions completed - wrong link
We've addressed an issue on email notifications related to completed actions. Previously, the link given in the email led you to the initial portion of the Meeting record rather than to the specific area where the action was finalised. The link now correctly guides you to the exact completed action location. This fix enhances navigation and user experience.
Begrens scope item til 1 stk målobjekt
An issue has been addressed regarding the limitation of a scope item to a single target object. This improvement was formerly requested and it will give the option in the process setup to put such a restriction. This marks considerable progress in enhancing work processes.
Channel WFs: Svar på aksjoner kommer ikke med når channel WF sendes tilbake til kunde.
We addressed an issue involving the absence of responses to actions when channel workflows were sent back to customers. Whether this was an intentional feature was uncertain, but the problem has been dealt with nonetheless.
scope-item-execute: Add Systems
We've fixed a bug concerning the listing of systems impacted by a scope item. The list of systems is now displayed under the current object list and grouped by the object type. This will enhance the visibility and improve the user experience when identifying affected systems. This fix is relevant to all our clients.
Punch Items App - Custom Category groups other than A,B
In the new Punch Items update, there was an encountered issue where the options for Categories were limited to A or B. Users may have experienced difficulty, especially in cases where they were used to employing other categories such as C. A resolution has been provided for this situation, and going forward, users will be able to add new categories beyond just A or B.
Columns missing from Scope Items Signatures (scope-item-responsibilities)
We've fixed a bug that led to certain fields being missing in the Scope Items Signatures section of our system. The fields included 'Completion Phase', 'Checklist', 'Activity closed' and some ID fields. In addition, the 'System', 'Activity Code', and 'Delete Action' were also not visible. All these missing fields have now been restored for a smoother user experience.
Related Objects not included in Scope Item or Scope Item Report when created from Object Register
We've fixed an issue that was causing related objects to not be included in the Scope Item or Scope Item Report when created from the Object Register. Previously, only the primary object was appearing in the created Scope Item. Now, any related objects are appropriately listed and displayed, enhancing your ability to track and report on your work.
Copy Activity to existing/planned
In the recent update, we have addressed a system bug which was causing an issue while copying an Activity to an existing/planned activity. Previously, the copied Activity's Checklist was transferred to the setup, but it did not appear subsequently in the Agenda. This anomaly has now been corrected for all users. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to continue providing your valuable feedback.
Awaiting my signature should follow signature sequence from scope item.
There was an issue where users were unable to sign an activity if they were not first in the signature sequence, even if the activity appeared in the "Awaiting My Signature" section. This issue has been identified and corrected. It's ensured now that the signature sequence is strictly followed.
Checklist Library Apps - Activity Group in Grid
We have resolved an issue in the Checklist Library App where the 'Activity Group' remained present in the grid, despite its removal from Scope items and setup. The update ensures that the Checklist Library Grid now correctly reflects these changes, improving users' experience.
An error appears if a new Scope Item has process with Cat A or B
We've addressed an error that previously occurred when attempting to create a new Scope Item with either Cat A or B processes. This will help enhance your user experience by providing smoother and more efficient functionality.
Scope Processes: Enforce Cat A or B / Punch Category
We've made an adjustment to the labelling within our Scope Processes feature. The label "Enforce Cat A or B" has been updated to "Enforce Punch Category". This change allows you to register a punch category when creating a new workflow or punch item. You should now be able to save the record with a punch category without any issues.
Execution app: Link name
We've made a minor adjustment to enhance your user experience. Previously, a specific link was labeled as '[Process] Setup'. To simplify and make things clearer, we've renamed this link to 'Setup'. This minor fix was part of the bug/error correction process.
Scope Object (Scope Items) - Mangler felter i Grid
A correction has been made to an issue with the Scope Object (Scope Items) where certain fields were missing in the Grid, as compared to Scope Items. This bug fix ensures that all necessary fields appear as they should, improving the overall usability of the system. This addresses points such as item status, preservation location, sorting by groups, and more. Clients of multiple sectors stand to benefit from this improvement.
Poor performance in Scope Item registers
We've noticed a delay in page loading times for certain registers in our testing environment, with some pages taking up to 7 seconds to fully load. Our initial assessment suggests this is isolated to specific sections of our system but we're committed to rectifying this issue to ensure a smooth user experience for our valued users.
WF Scope Items, when a scope item is issued status field in check lists cannot be updated
We have addressed a glitch that was impacting the status field in checklists whenever a scope item was issued. Previously, users had the ability to update the description and result but were experiencing issues when attempting to alter the status tick box. This issue is now resolved.
Punch Items App - Actions in grid
After receiving feedback from our users, we identified and fixed an issue related to the Punch Items application. In the new Punch Items Grid Columns, a feature allowing the view of Actions was missing. Now, this feature has been included, reminiscent of its availability in the previous version. This update improves navigation through the Punch Items application, making it easier to understand and use. As always, we constantly aim to enhance your experience with our products.
Scope Process Setup - Process list includes closed processes
We resolved an issue where the process list was unexpectedly displaying closed processes when being added to a scope process. Now, the list will no longer include processes that have been closed.
Scope Items - All attachments
We addressed an issue where "All Attachments" tab was not displaying attachments made in sections. This has now been improved to show all necessary attachments seamlessly. This update will enhance user experience and workflow efficiency on the platform.
Scope-items-new: Shutdowns lookup incorrect (Showing duplicates)
There was a bug that caused the 'Shutdowns' lookup to display duplicate entries. This was due to improper filtering on orgunit_id as the view joined against descendants. This error has been addressed and rectified to ensure that the system only shows correct and unique entries, improving your user experience.
Malmøter viser på hjemmeskjermen
An issue concerning the display of meetings on the home screen was addressed. It involved confusion on whether particular types of meetings (like those without a start date or ones that the user isn't a participant of, but has created) should appear on the home screen. This concern has been fixed to ensure that only the relevant upcoming meetings are reflected on the user's home screen.
Scope Item: Setting Closed should set Completed
A bug has been identified and fixed that previously could cause issues when closing a scope item. If the 'completed' field hadn't been set, it would not automatically update upon closure. The issue has been resolved, and now when you close a scope item, the 'completed' field will automatically update if it hasn't been set by the user.
Change objects in Scope Item detail
We have identified an issue regarding the "Change Object" function in the Scope Item detail that wasn't previously available. This is an oft-used feature, and we recognized its absence as a concern. We have now created this feature, making it much easier to modify your scope item details. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Scope Object (Scope Items) - Mangler filtreringsmuligheter
The previously reported issue concerning the missing filter dropdown options in the "Scope Object (Scope Items)" section has now been addressed. Earlier, users expressed the need for additional filtering options such as "Activities where I have a role/responsibility" and "Activities where I should sign". The filter option "Show all scope items/remove filter" was also requested to be removed. These changes are aimed at improving user experience and making navigation easier.
Missing column on meetings which are is Template in register.
A minor issue was identified regarding the ability to filter meeting templates in the system register. Previously, it was possible to utilize a 'template' column in the old register for easy administration. This feature was absent in the recent update. We've rectified the problem, and you can now see and use the 'template' column in the meeting register. This enhancement will allow for improved management and usage of meeting templates in the system.
Interface migreringsscript: Funn etter migrering i banenor-test
We have identified a few inconsistencies while comparing the content in the scope-interface detail app vs interface detail app in the test environment. Some of the metadata related to the interface, such as status, planned closure, closure, and system information do not seem to be appearing correctly in the app. Data related to involved parties have not been migrated correctly either. The 'Meetings' section seem to have no links, while the sections for tracking items, links, and objects are unclear due to absence of data at the time of test database creation. Similarly, no documents have been found and the status of activities is uncertain. The 'Attachments' section appears to be fine. We are working to rectify these issues to improve user experience.
access-request Object aviw_Workflow_Items violates naming convention Or does Not exist
We have identified and resolved an issue where the 'access-request Object aviw_Workflow_Items' was not adhering to our conventional naming standards. This bug was mostly technical in nature and has been dealt with by our development team. End-users wouldn't have noticed any disruption, and functionality remains as expected.
Cannot re-open Scope Item Workflow.
We've resolved an issue that was preventing the re-opening of Scope Item Workflows within the system. The 'Re-open' button was missing in the Workflow details of Tasks and it has now been successfully added back. This will enhance functionality for workflow management across all users.
Scope Explorer - Subsystem showing up under wrong and multiple Systems
There was an issue where subsystems were displaying incorrectly and under multiple systems. This has now been rectified, ensuring the proper organization and visibility of subsystems. This adjustment will greatly enhance the user experience and system management for all users.
Unable to copy scope-workflows
There was an issue where users were unable to copy scope-workflows. Encounter of an invalid column name 'CatA' lead to an error when executing certain workflow copy steps. This was identified as a bug and has been under review.
Scope Items - "WBS Name and title "column shows only name
We observed an issue where the "WBS Name and title" column in Scope Items view was showing only the name. After addressing this bug, the column now correctly displays both name and title. This update gives you more clarity and information at a glance.
My Actions APP fungerer ikke
There was an issue related to the "My Actions" app which was not functioning properly in certain scoped environments. The deletion of a particular view, aviw_Workflow_MyActionsAll, had impacted functionality frequently used by users. A new view, aviw_Scope_MyActions, wasn’t yet available, preventing a quick hotfix. The issue has been addressed to ensure the functionality of the new view aligns with the old one and supports scoped items.
Helgevold - Bugs møteregister
We identified and resolved an issue where users had trouble sending meeting minutes. The error appeared while trying to add an external party and while sending the meeting minutes to the participants. Please note that these issues have now been fixed and you should be able to carry out these tasks without any problems.
atbl_Scope_ItemsResponsible - not populated correctly
We've detected and fixed a bug in our system. Previously, when a role was added somewhere, not all role members were being assigned responsibilities correctly. That issue has now been resolved. Everyone within a certain role who is added will now have their responsibilities correctly assigned and displayed.
Frekvens fungerer ikke
We've resolved an issue where it was not possible to set the 'Frequency' value in scope items. This problem occurred when there was no existing frequency value and clicking on the value field would fail to open any settings options. This is now fixed, and the 'Frequency' field should work as intended.
Scope Register Layout shuffles on reload
In a recent update, we addressed an issue some users were experiencing with random column reordering in a saved layout in the Scope Register whenever refreshed. Now, system columns will always remain at the start and end of the grid. Additionally, any changes made to unsaved layouts will now be correctly applied to dynamic columns.
Import scope items/ Missing "Requires Objekt" field
We identified and corrected a bug that was preventing completion of import processes. This issue was due to the "Req.Obj" field not being present in the import grid, which is a required field for import scope items. This bug fix will assure smooth and uninterrupted import processes in the future.
Config field på process setup not working?
We've resolved an issue regarding process setup configuration where despite not setting categories, they were still incorrectly displayed in the scope item. This bug has been fixed and will no longer cause any confusion or inaccuracies in the display of scope items.
Workflows whit Code types/Codes, cant be selected i Scope items.
We've fixed a bug affecting the ability to select 'Code Types/Codes' when setting up a new Scope item. The issue used to prevent these options from showing up, but they should now be available in your workflow configuration. This issue was experienced across multiple users and has been resolved for all.
Stegnavn er i to steder men kun Scope fungerer
We have addressed an issue related to stage names appearing in two places but only functioning under Scope. This problem was not allowing the selection of new stage names. This bug has been fixed now to ensure a smoother user experience.
TotalEnergies - Cannot set Scope Item Originator for Action again (5th time)
In the recent update, we've fixed a recurring issue that has been reported several times regarding the inability to set a scope item originator as responsible for an action. This issue was particularly problematic as it interfered with the user's capacity to alert the respective stakeholders about the resolution of their problems. We've addressed this to ensure smoother communication and functionality. The fix is especially beneficial for users with touch screen devices experience tablet menus in certain widgets. Please, download the update for a more streamlined experience. Kindly note, this update is urgent.
Scope Process: Missing configurable field "Package"
The issue where a configurable field "Package" was missing while creating a new completion activity has been identified and fixed. This notable upgrade ensures that the necessary "Package" field will be visible on the app when adding new activities, enhancing overall user experience.
Interface - Datapump ExtremeEdition
We have addressed a bug in our interface concerning the Data Pump feature. Specifically, this involves creating and modifying data pumps for interface and workflow scope items. We have now fine-tuned this functionality to ensure a smooth experience for users. Be assured, this update applies to all our clients.
Autogenereited Activities. Checklist added to Activity Setup, but participants from Checklist do not come up in Participants Tab and Checklist does not kome up in Agenda Tab
There was a bug where participants from a checklist weren't showing up in the Participants Tab and checklists were missing in the Agenda Tab of Auto-generated Activities. This issue has been addressed and fixed.
Lukkede møter i serie vises ikke i datoliste
The issue regarding closed meetings in a series not appearing in the date list has been addressed. Previously, if a user wanted to look back at previous meetings that were closed, they would have to go through a cumbersome process to find the date and jump back. Now, all closed meetings will be included in the date list, making it easier to review meeting history.
Repeat Scope Item (meeting) don't copy participants to next meetings
We've resolved an issue that was previously causing participants and their data not to be copied over in repeat meetings. This will enhance your scheduling efficiency by ensuring all relevant data is now carried over to subsequent repeat meetings.
Scope Explorer: Errors in tab
We've addressed an issue where users were encountering an error while navigating to "Documents and Attachments to Scope Items" and "Documents and Attachments to Objects" tabs in Scope Explorer. This problem has now been resolved.
Error appears when opening
We had identified and fixed an issue where users encountered an error while trying to open a client. This was a general problem impacting several users across multiple client sectors. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this bug. You should now be able to operate without encountering such error.
Mangler objektknytninger i revisjonsspor i en aktivitet
We have addressed a bug wherein the connections or removals of items to an activity were not reflected in the activity's revision trail. This has now been fixed and all such changes will be properly documented in the activity's revision history, improving clarity and transparency.
Scope PunchCategories
We've updated the setup application to improve its performance. Previously, we used separate T-tables; now, we utilize something called TranslateJson, paving the way for more efficient operations. Don't worry about the jargon; all you need to know is that this change will improve the way the app processes data and should make your user experience better.
Actions on Home Page not working
We've fixed an issue that was preventing users from accessing their personalized actions from the home page. This issue occurred after making changes to scope. Now, users should be able to smoothly access all their actions, both created by them and assigned to them, from the home page without any hindrance.
Scope Object (Scope Items) - Missing Scope Item progress overview/reporting functionality
We identified and fixed a bug that was causing the Scope Item progress overview/reporting functionality to be missing in our system. Earlier, users could update the progress of Scope Items through the Activity overview, but this was not happening as expected. Now, the progress of Scope Items can be updated without any glitches. Please verify on your end.
'Can use client workspace'
A bug was identified where certain objects had the 'Can use client workspace' ability despite not being connected to an orgunit. Moving forward, checks on these capabilities will not occur without an orgunit check. This issue impacted several clients, however the specific names are not disclosed for privacy reasons.
scope-item Completion | Add Participant
An issue was reported where users were unable to edit the 'Represents' field and there was a user preference for 'Role' to appear before 'Participant' in the Completion and Workflow processing. The reported issue was, by default, 'Participant' was appearing before 'Role', which was not as frequently used. Upon review, changes have been made to the default column order in the Participant tab. Now, 'Role' will appear before 'Participant' defaulting to a more preferable and commonly used workflow.
Promoted Create New in Subscope
A minor glitch that limited the available process type options in the 'Create New' subscope menu was addressed and fixed. You should now be able to choose from a wider variety of process types without needing to modify the promoted process type.
Package and handover type missing from configurable fields
We've identified and fixed a bug that was preventing the addition of 'Package' and 'Handover Type' as configurable fields when setting up new activities. These fields are now successfully included and can be used when creating new activities for a comprehensive scoping process.
Shared Scope Meeting With Org Units does not work
We've fixed a bug concerning shared meeting visibility. Previously, a user with an appropriate system role was unable to see relevant meetings shared with their organization unit. This issue has now been resolved, improving overall use and interaction with the system.
Issues on mobile units - Searching / Filtering
We've made improvements to the mobile user experience. Previously, there were issues with the search function in the scope items register, resulting in difficulties with exact or partial matches. The option to set match criteria ("equals", "includes", "Starts with" etc) was also missing. We're delighted to announce that these bugs have been addressed, and the search function on mobile has been fixed.
Closed sprint item count
A bug concerning the limitation on the visibility of closed sprint items in one view has been fixed. The view previously showed no more than 50 closed items at a time, due to the grid only initially loading 50 items. However, now scrolling down to load more items will properly update the count, enhancing the navigation experience for all users.
Statsbygg: Users who create workflows on other contracts with readonly cant edit them
In the latest release, we've fixed a bug where users with read-only access were able to create workflows on a contract but unable to edit them. The confusion surrounding the ability to create but not edit workflows for these users has been addressed. Now, if a user has read-only access to a contract, they will no longer be able to create new workflows on it, avoiding any unnecessary confusion.
Errors appear when changing a filter in the Completion Activities regestry
A bug was identified where errors would occur when altering a filter in the Completion Activities registry. This issue was observed across a range of users. Steps have been taken to resolve this and improve the user experience. Please update your software to the latest version to avoid this problem.
Scope-item-execution: Not supporting switching records from the scope items register
We've made an update related to the switching of records from the scope items register. Previously, users experienced issues when attempting to switch rows in the grid. With the recent fix, this feature now works smoothly and includes a new loading spinner for a better user experience. This was reported as a bug and has been successfully resolved.
Scope-item: Subscope
We have updated the classification in the Scope-item: Subscope section. The categories have been changed from Cat A/B to Punch Category. We have also added "Objects" for better identification of items in the same way as in Scope Items. Further, Systems and Sites have been included to improve user experience. This addresses an earlier bug/error issue and should enhance navigation and usage of the system.
Signature from Checklist not showng in Activity
We've fixed an issue where only one participant was showing up in the Activity even when a checklist with multiple participant signatures was added. Now, you will be able to see all the signatures relevant to the activity, improving visibility and collaboration.
Subscope - Add Scope Items
The issue pertains to the inclusion of subscope based on the Scope Items register. The current version of activity details (Related Activities) only allows additions based on 'Scope Objects', leading to the loss of the ability to choose activities based on object properties. This was noted as a bug/error and has affected multiple clients.
Execution app: Missing properties input
We have dealt with an issue in the execution app where there was a lack of support for inputting properties. This situation has been addressed and now you can input properties correctly on the execution app. This update impacts all users.
Unable to export scope-workflow as PDF
We've resolved an issue that was causing problems with exporting scope-workflow as a PDF. Now, users should be able to export without encountering an error.
Delete Workflow - "Can delete workflow" capability
We've identified and fixed a minor issue related to deleting workflows. Previously, the "Can Delete workflow" feature was not functioning as expected. Now, users will be able to delete workflows properly. This applies to all users, regardless of whether their solutions have a defined scope or not.
Missing option "Create Scope Items from Item Set" in Scope-Items register
We have addressed a discrepancy in our system. Previously, in the Scope-Items register, there was a missing option to "Create Scope Items from Item Set". This was inconsistent with the Activities section, where you could create activities from an activity set. We apologize for this oversight and have now updated the system to include this option in the Scope-Items register.
Scope Process with Requires Object is not working correctly
Users previously encountered an issue where they could create, send and complete a workflow (WF) without needing to add a required object. This issue has now been addressed and resolved. The process no longer works incorrectly, ensuring the required object must be added as intended.
Missing properties in scope-item for a specific process type
We've resolved an issue where certain properties were missing for a specific process type. Now, all attributes should be correctly displayed as expected. This will improve clarity and functionality.
The propertiesform is not being reloaded/cleared on Process Change in New Scope Item
We've resolved an issue that was preventing the properties form from reloading when changing the process in new scope item. This issue was notably occurring when switching from Cloud Platform Access to another process. With the recent fix, users won't need to reload the page for the properties to update.
Workflow can't advance
A bug was identified where workflows could not progress after seemingly closing on their own. Users experienced issues with inability to move forward or "reopen" a workflow. The incidents occurred unexpectedly during actions such as editing check items. The error has been investigated thoroughly for resolution. Please note, this issue was observed across multiple clients.
Scope Items Skyline - Width of skyline boxes
Following a recent bug fix, users now have the ability to adjust the width of boxes in Scope Items Skyline, enhancing customization options. This update can be accessed through the settings dialog in Scope Items Skyline.
Punch Items - Due Date conflict with Planned Dates
We have identified an issue that arose following the merging of Activity Planned Dates and Due Dates from workflows into Scope Items. This issue particularly impacts the display of a skyline of punch items in the scope items register. As of now, the Scope Items grid only presents Due Dates, which can conflict with punch items' planned dates. We're considering phasing out Due Dates and relying solely on Planned Start/Finish dates to avoid this conflict. This change may also affect the functionality of the scope plan application. Further updates will be provided as this issue is investigated and resolved.
Meetings - aksjoner som er fullført forsvinner ikke
A bug was reported where completed tasks didn't disappear from the overview in Meetings module. This made things less clear for the users. In response to this, we have adjusted functionality such that when duplicating a meeting, it's now possible to do so without including closed actions. This should improve the visibility and tracking of completed tasks, making it more user-friendly and efficient.
My Home > Awaiting my signature should not show until checklist is complete
We have resolved a bug that was causing "Awaiting my signatures" on the homepage to display scope items that were not yet ready to be signed. From now on, scope items will only appear in the "Awaiting my signatures" section once they are ready and complete.
Scope Items: Checklist lookup
We've improved the Checklist Lookup function under 'Scope Items'. Previously, the lookup process may have shown checklists regardless of their approval or publication status. As part of the enhancement, it will now only display checklists that are both approved and published. This changes ensures you have access to the most relevant and validated checklists.
Possible to change object list after scope-item is started
The recent issue where changes could be made to the object list even after initiating an activity or scope item has been identified and addressed. This enhancement ensures the consistency and reliability of your activities.
Generate Planned Series Items issues
We've made an important fix to the generation of Planned Series Items. We've removed the count of items created as this was causing inaccuracies, due to the inclusion of placeholder items. Additionally, we improved the functioning of scheduling items on specific weekdays like "third" Tuesday or "second" Monday, which wasn't operating properly. We've also ensured necessary translations are now available for smoother user experience.
Project Overview is not supported by Scope
We've identified a usability issue affecting the interface of our Project Overview feature. Previously, the Project Overview feature was not supported adequately by a tool we're using internally, which has caused some performance issues. Rest assured, we're improving this feature to ensure better functionality and performance while keeping usability in mind. We're working towards a streamlined, lightweight version of the Project Overview, combining Meetings, Activities, and Interfaces into one cohesive source. Our primary efforts will focus on improving the Scope Items and Action areas while still maintaining performance and efficiency. As always, we're committed to continually improving our tool based on your valuable feedback.
Får ikke lagd ny sak, pga manglende "påkrevd felt"
There was an issue encountered while creating a new case due to a missing "required field". This problem was present despite there being only one required field in the process. Moreover, all configured fields set up to display on the new case weren't appearing as well. This issue has now been resolved by fixing the problem with the missing Category field in New Scope Item.
Error "Missing decision" while decision is in place
In the previous version, users encountered an issue where they were unable to progress a workflow due to a "missing decision" error, even though a decision had been made. This issue has now been fixed. An indicator has been added next to the decision of the open step in the Scope Workflow to confirm when the decision has been saved successfully. This improvement should streamline the workflow process and prevent misplaced error messages.
ScopeProcessBarcodes.cs : Change destination table for pdf
We identified and corrected an issue that was affecting the processing of documents. Previously, when documents were processed, they were incorrectly uploaded to a specific table. We've now updated this; so moving forward, these documents will be uploaded to the appropriate location. This change can be tested and observed in the scanned scope items application. After uploading a scope-item report, it should be processed appropriately and uploaded into the item's section.
Can remove attachments from workflow basis after closing
We've fixed a bug that previously allowed users to delete attachments from closed workflow bases, even when the setting to disable this feature was turned on. Now, if you choose to disallow changes to closed workflow bases, your attachments are locked in and protected from deletion.
Repeat Frequencies
We've made updates to our checklist application to improve your scheduling experience. Previously, there was no function to set repeat frequencies within the checklist app. Now, we've implemented an easy-to-use function that allows you to set repeat frequencies for processes, just like in our Scope-Item application. Please remember that the actual start date and repeat intervals are set on the scope item itself. This update is applicable to all users.
Some meetings and activities on the home page have Severity, ailhough this is not provided for these types of Scope Items
We've resolved an issue where certain meetings and activities on the home page were incorrectly showing severity details, although this information isn't applicable to these types of items. The issue has been tested and fixed, resulting in a smoother user experience.
Sørg for at funksjonalitet rundt aksjoner/tilganger på internt arbeidsrom blir med i scope items.
We have made sure the functionality around actions/access on internal workspace is included in Scope Items. This solution allows users without case access to be given actions on internal work areas. Such an action provides both a subscriber record on the case for user's case access and also ensures that these actions grant access to the internal workspace. This functioning in the same way in Scope Items is essential.
Users at lower org units can create Scope Items at any level
We addressed a bug found where users, who only had permissions to create scope items at Sub-Organizational Unit, were able to create scope items at the parent organizational unit level. This issue has been corrected, and users can now appropriately create scope items only at their given permission level.
Strange behavior around HOT (handover type) fields in Object Register
We've resolved a glitch that was causing some inconsistencies with handover type (HOT) fields in the Object Register. These were not reflecting the correct process setup as they should. However, we discovered that these issues were due to the connections to old handover types, not the processes. After a prompt rectification, it's now functioning as intended. Just a friendly reminder, this modification will take effect across all users.
Users can see non issued activitites even their permissions is 'Issued Activities only'
An issue was discovered where users could see and interact with non-issued activities, even though their permissions were restricted to 'Issued Activities only'. Although these users could not move to the next step, they could still view and close these activities. This issue has been flagged as critical and is now being addressed. This problem was spotted across various clients.
Configurable fields: scope-workflow / scope-detail
The issue regarding configurable fields in the detail apps not working correctly during the process setup has been resolved. This enhancement ensures smoother operations and a more efficient workflow within the app. This update is beneficial to all users.
Updates to Org Unit Roles don't affect permissions in Scope Items
We've resolved an issue affecting user permissions in Scope Items. Updates to Organization Unit Roles previously did not immediately apply to Scope Items, especially in cases where Read-Only access was granted or where a user role was closed and reopened. These problems have been addressed, ensuring more consistent application of permissions and overall improvement in user management functionality.
Milestone Detail app: Activities/Workflows/FollowUp to Scope Items
We've discovered a bug in the Milestone Detail app where Activities, Workflows, and Follow-Up Items were not correctly converting to use Scope Items. We're working on a fix for this to ensure data consistency and improved functionality. Thanks for your patience while we resolve this matter.
Missing fields in interface register
There was an issue where some fields were missing in the 'Involved parties' tab in the interface register, making it impossible for users to add additional notes and other elements. This gave the impression that all the user's data had been lost. This bug has now been fixed. All features are back in operation as they should be. This fix allows users to continue with their work without any loss of data or functionality.
Scope Items Skyline - Missing filter fields
We fixed an issue that had to do with the scope item activity. Previously, the feature allowed for creating filter strings with 285 fields, but this got restricted to 25. The problem has now been resolved and should be working smoothly. The affected users were from diverse industries, such as architecture, energy, defense, transportation, and healthcare. All users should notice an improvement in the filter fields functionality, making it easier to streamline their work activities.
Autogenerated Scope Items in series should be checked
We resolved an issue where the 'Auto-generate next item' in Scope Item series wasn't generating items as expected. Now, you can create a series and the system will accurately autogenerate the next item. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this problem.
Scope-Items: Bulk update on ActionBy
A bug was identified with the bulk update function on the 'ActionBy' feature, causing it not to work as intended. This has now been rectified. The feature is now properly bound to 'ActionBy_ID', enhancing its reliability and functionality. Please note that this may affect a wide range of users. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Scope Items: Responsible field
We have resolved an issue where an unnecessary prefix "FP:" was added when making changes to the 'Responsible' field in Scope Items. Now, only the name as entered will be displayed. This will make it easier for users to accurately assign and identify responsibilities.
Scope-Items: Shutdown column missing lookup
We have updated the Scope Items feature to improve usability. Previously, the Shutdown column was missing a lookup functionality, which has now been added. This means you can now edit this column and use the bulk update feature, making your work process more efficient. We used the same lookup filter as in the scope-item app, based on descendantOrgUnit_ID. We believe this fix will benefit many of our users.
Scope Items: CompletionPhase missing lookup
We've made an update to improve user interaction in the Scope Items register. Previously, the CompletionPhase field in Scope Items wasn't editable and lacked the same lookup as in the scope-item properties grid. We've now rectified this by including the necessary lookup. This enhancement allows for easier usage and bulk updating in the CompletionPhase field.
Scope Items: Construction Phase missing lookup
We've made some improvements and fixed a bug in our system where the 'Construction Phase lookup' was missing in 'Scope Items'. This means that you can now edit and bulk update in the register for the Construction Phase. This uses the same system that's in place for the scope-item, but now filtered based on DescendantOrgUnit_ID. This should help streamline your workflow and make tasks easier.
Objects Register | 'Updated By' is missing in Grid/Column Layout
The 'Updated By' column was missing in grid/column layouts, notably in the 'Object Register'. This issue has now been resolved, and the column has been reinstated across all grids, providing the user with information about who last updated each entry.
Object Explorer - Search not working
We have addressed an issue where users encountered difficulty when trying to use the search function in Object Explorer. This issue has been identified and resolved, ensuring the search function is now fully operational and responsive. We appreciate your patience during the resolution of this matter.
Lead Generator ERROR
We have resolved the issue where users were unable to add new records due to a missing ribbon in the Lead Generator. You should now be able to successfully add new records without any issue.
Selecting "next step" seem to save description in stead of actually saving and opening the modal
We've updated the workflow process to improve user experience. Previously, when selecting "next step", it appeared that only the content was saved and required a second click to open. We've reverted this action so it will save and open simultaneously, at the press of a single button. This efficiency upgrade is applicable to all users.
Scope Items: Project Phase missing lookup
An enhancement has been made to the Scope Items function. Users will now experience improved convenience with the ability to edit columns and look up project phases. Furthermore, the Project Phase feature has been added to the properties in the Scope-Item app under the Completion section. Bulk updates have also been enabled for a smoother user experience. Lastly, in the details, the Project Phase will now be shown by default.
Scope-Items: WBS column
We have addressed an issue that prevented text from appearing in the input editor for the WBS column in bulk updates in Scope-Items. This issue has now been resolved. You should now be able to see and use the WBS bulk update feature as expected.
Scope-Items: Classification, add lookup and make column editable
We've identified and fixed an issue that involved the 'Classification' column within the 'Scope Items'. Previously, there was no lookup using aviw_Assets_ClassificationCodesLookupNT and the column was not editable. We've added the missing Classification lookup and made the column both editable and available for bulk updates. This improvement is designed to enhance your user experience.
Scope Objects: Error on open
An issue where the application faced errors upon opening has been recognized and resolved. This problem was mainly linked to Scope Objects in the app. The fix ensures a smoother, uninterrupted experience while using the app.
Unable to pick the dates from the datepicker
There was an issue with the datepicker functionality, affecting the ability to select dates. Users might have observed render errors upon trying to make a selection. The problem has now been resolved. We've corrected the datepickers that had additional events triggering when they shouldn't. You can now smoothly select dates from the datepicker as intended.
Sign Scope Item >Sign >Completed and Closed is not being updated Reactively
We fixed a bug where, upon signing a scope item, the status update to "Completed and Closed" wasn't happening in real-time. This previously required a full page refresh. Now, the status updates immediately after signing, providing a smoother user experience.
SubProjects lookup: Change to use new view
We've made some improvements to the backend of our system. There was an issue with the "SubProjects lookup" not using the correct view, but this has now been resolved. This fix ensures more accurate and reliable data fetching. You might not notice any visible changes, but this certainly improves the overall efficiency of your experience.
Scope Items/Scope Item: Discipline
The issue reported was regarding the missing Discipline lookup in the 'Scope Items' section. Now the Discipline field can be edited and updated in bulk under the 'Completion' section in scope-item detail app. The problem has been fixed, ensuring all places that use this lookup are filtered based on DescendantOrgUnit_ID.
Scope-Item: SubProject, incorrect filter/view
An issue regarding incorrect filter usage in the scope-item SubProject has been resolved. The problem initially pertained to the usage of a wrong filter, which has now been fixed to use the appropriate filter. The resolution of this problem will greatly improve the functionality and user experience for multiple users and organizations.
Scope-Items: Main Areas lookup
We fixed an error in the Scope-Items: Main Areas lookup, which was previously using the wrong view. This has now been corrected, and the lookup should now function as expected. Please note that this change affects all users.
Scope Items are set to Manually scheduled when they should not
We've taken care of an issue where scope items were inaccurately being set to 'Manually Scheduled' when they shouldn't have been. This problem has been addressed and remedied for all users. The adjustment ensures that your tasks won't switch to manual without a valid reason, improving the reliability of your task scheduling.
Scope Items Skyline: Export to Excel
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to export data from the scope skyline to Excel. This has been corrected and you can now export the data, which will reflect your current settings and layout in the skyline. This means, if you've toggled off certain fields, they won't appear in your Excel export either.
Columns "Hide until Step" and "Lock After Step" are not working
We've addressed an issue where the "Hide until Step" and "Lock After Step" functions in the Process Setup were not operating as intended. Previously, when a step number was set, it did not hide or lock properties at the designated step. This issue is now resolved for all users.
Scope-Items Register: Merge scope items missing
In our latest update, we've addressed a previously reported issue where the functionality to merge two or more scope items into one was missing. Users now have the ability to efficiently merge scope items as needed. Please, find this feature in the Scope-Items Register.
Scope Items Excecution app - Attachments render error
We have resolved an issue that was causing render errors in the Scope Items Execution app when documents were added via scope item detail. Now, the application can successfully render URL links in attachments. This was a reported bug which we have now fixed for improved user experience.
The error appears when importing scope items
We have resolved an issue related to importing scope items. Some users were experiencing an error during this process. The fix ensures a smooth and error-free experience in scope import.
Import Scope Items with object
An issue regarding the importation of Scope Items from Excel files has been addressed. Previously, when users tried to import objects from a different Organizational Unit, an error occurred. This error message was unclear, wrongly stating that one object was required. The error should have explained that the object belongs to another Organizational Unit. This issue has since been resolved, ensuring a more accurate error message will appear under such circumstances.
Bug when trying to create a meeting series
We've fixed an issue with the meeting series creation feature. Users were receiving an error when trying to create a meeting series. The problem was due to a missing function that's now been added. You should now be able to create meeting series without any issues.
Activity Detail app - Cancelled date/time
A discrepancy was noted in the Activity Detail application where the cancellation time displayed when adding a cancelled date to a scope item in grid did not match the actual time. This issue, which was identified as a bug, has been addressed. As a result, users can now expect accurate cancellation times when handling data in the grid component.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Scope Item Execution: Hide "related" accordions when they are empty
We've made an update based on user feedback. In the scope item execution section, if the "related" accordions don't contain any data, they will now be automatically hidden. This move is to ensure the app is used for executing scope items, not setting them up. This is part of our continuous effort to keep the user interface clean and focused.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_SystemProgressBySystem
We have made improvements in our reporting feature. The arpt_Complete_SystemProgressBySystem report has now been enhanced and tailored to your needs. You may now refer to it as just 'System Progress'. This development is a part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a user-friendly experience. Please note that it's available to all our users across various industries.
Feature Request
HANDOVER Report: arpt_Complete_ActivitiesHandoverNonPunchItems
We have developed a feature request to include the report titled "HANDOVER Report: arpt_Complete_ActivitiesHandoverNonPunchItems". Previously, this report was not within scope but has now been considered for inclusion. The update is expected to enhance your user experience.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_DashboardWithBars
A new feature has been introduced in the latest update. The "arpt_Complete_DashboardWithBars" feature has been updated and is now available for use. This feature enhancement was requested by multiple users. It's developed to improve your overall user experience and enhance the efficiency of our service.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_DashboardWithCurves
A new feature request has been addressed. The requirement was to make the "arpt_Complete_DashboardWithCurves" report in scope. The request has been fulfilled and should now be operational for all relevant users. This enhancement aims to provide more comprehensive and relevant data visualizations.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_ActivitiesPendingSignatures
A feature request for "arpt_Complete_ActivitiesPendingSignatures" report has been acknowledged. It was determined that this report needs to be included in our service. Further updates will be made available as they happen.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_ActivityStatus
A new feature has been requested. This involves making the arpt_Complete_ActivityStatus report applicable for a broader range. Thanks to your feedback, reports could soon be even more focused and accurate.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_ScopeItems
A new feature has been requested to include the 'arpt_Complete_ScopeItems' in the reporting scope. This change should aid in comprehensive report generation and data analysis. This update will benefit multiple users across different organizations.
Feature Request
Report: arpt_Complete_PunchItems
The "Report: arpt_Complete_PunchItems" has now been updated based on popular request, ensuring that it remains current in scope. This key feature has been refined and improved for better performance and is now available for all users.
Feature Request
HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_HandoverObjectsBySystem
A new feature has been created for the report titled "HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_HandoverObjectsBySystem". The feature brings the report into scope, improving its usability and functionality. This change affects all users and has been implemented across all boards.
Feature Request
HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_ScopeItemsStatus
We've updated our features based on your feedback. The report feature 'arpt_Complete_ScopeItemsStatus' has now been brought 'in scope'. This enhancement was requested by multiple users and, after thorough evaluation, our team has been able to implement it. As always, we value any input that helps us improve your user experience, so please continue sharing your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you for your support.
Feature Request
HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_HandoverObjects
A new feature has been introduced to create a report named "arpt_Complete_HandoverObjects". This enhancement will allow for increased functionality and efficiency within the software.
Feature Request
HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_TagDocStatusBySystemHandover
We're introducing a new feature, titled 'Handover Report: arpt_Complete_TagDocStatusBySystemHandover'. This entails the creation of a comprehensive report named 'arpt_Complete_TagDocStatusBySystemHandover' within the system scope to enhance your user experience and overall system understanding. This feature has been implemented considering the requirements and suggestions provided by various users.
Feature Request
HANDOVER: Report: arpt_Complete_ScopeItemsStatusBySystem
We have addressed a new feature request that involved the creation of the "arpt_Complete_ScopeItemsStatusBySystem" Report in Scope. This development will support various clients to efficiently manage their work. The implementation of this feature aims to bring an increase in user convenience and productivity.
Feature Request
Report: Activity Report
We're introducing a new feature within the Activity Report. This update is aimed at enhancing the scope of the report, providing users with a more comprehensive overview of all activities. This enhancement is expected to bring added value to all users.
Feature Request
Change the color of properties` placeholders
A new update has been made according to user feedback. The color of the properties' names and placeholders was confusing to some users since it was the same. Now, to enhance user experience and reduce confusion, the color of properties' placeholders has been changed to a lighter shade. Enjoy the upgraded visually differentiated interface.
Feature Request
Ønsker mulighet for å angi hvor mange fremtidige saker man skal opprette
Following a discussion with a national working group, a request was made to introduce a feature enabling users to specify how many future issues they want to create based on the current date. This feature ensures that the system is not overwhelmed with too many future issues, but still allows users to plan sufficiently ahead without needing any adjustments.
Application: workflows - NT: Workflows
Feature Request
Scope process detail - Missing "Can Create" tick
An enhancement was developed to improve the scope process functionality. Now, when roles are added to the access panel, they will automatically receive a 'Can Create' status. We believe this feature will streamline the process of assigning roles and reduce the chance of manual errors.
Feature Request
Add Bulk Update feature to Workflows columns
We've introduced a new enhancement to the Workflows feature. Users can now apply bulk updates to the 'Step Responsible', 'Planned Start', 'Severity', and 'Due Date' columns, making it even more convenient to manage your workflow processes. This feature was previously unavailable and users had to make updates individually. Now, through the Bulk Update feature, multiple updates can be performed simultaneously resulting in time efficiency. Please note that this feature has also been implemented in the Scope Items.
Feature Request
Activity Sets in Scope
A feature has been introduced that allows the creation of Activity Sets in scope. This enhancement aims to improve the performance and functionality of the system, benefiting all users across various domains. Please note, names of the specific clients involved have been omitted for confidentiality.
Feature Request
Activity Scoping App to Scope
A new feature has been requested, namely the creation of an Activity Scoping App. This application will be created within the Scope platform. It is designed to enhance functionality and efficiency. This feature request is relevant to various clients across different industries.
Feature Request
Activity Curves to Scope
We are introducing a new feature based on your feedback! Now, the 'Activity Curves' will be available within the app scope. This enhancement is designed to improve your user experience and bring the functionality you've been asking for. Your valuable contributions have made this possible. Thank you for your continuous support.
Feature Request
Scope Skyline view - Filter on plan
We understand that the Scope Skyline view is an integral part of your workflow. To enhance its functionality, we are introducing a new feature that allows filtering based on a plan. Now, your view could consist of various processes, adding to the versatility of the platform. Please note this feature was requested by multiple users and is part of our effort to make user experience seamless and efficient.
Feature Request
Could we have a confirm to delete prompt on comments in scope items
We've added a new feature based on user feedback. From now on, there will be a confirmation prompt before deleting comments in scope items. This function aims to prevent accidental deletions and offer users a safer experience. Thanks for all your valuable suggestions.
Feature Request
scope-sprint: Add milestone filter
We have updated the Scope Sprint feature to complement your workflow more efficiently. A milestone filter has now been integrated into the filter section. This improvement was initiated upon user requests and it's expected to make organizing and tracking your sprints even simpler. Enjoy the upgrade!
Feature Request
Lessons Learned relation table to Scope Items
We've recently implemented an improvement aimed at enhancing the integration between different modules. Previously, only one activity could be related to a lesson learned which was a limitation. In our recent update, we have added a Lessons Learned relation table for Scope Items. This allows for more flexibility when it comes to defining small or large items related to lessons learned. This new feature should prove useful in improving your workflow and overall functionality of the system.
Feature Request
Make ID a link to the details
Based on user feedback, we've improved functionality in our system by making the ID in our interface interactive. Now, clicking on the ID will direct users to the associated detailed information. This feature was added as a convenience for users and to streamline operations.

Shared Folders

Delte Mapper - NT - mapper med begrenset innsyn eller som er publisert til nett
We've made improvements to how shared folders are displayed. You can now see if a folder has restricted access or if it's published on the web, making it easier for you to navigate the file structure. This update also includes an icon for published folders, enhancing the visual indication. These changes should help provide a better overall user experience.
CT > NT Missing Functionality - Add Group
A missing functionality issue was identified where users couldn't add individuals through Groups in the Shared Folder, a feature that was previously available. This bug has now been rectified, and the 'add group' function in the shared folder is back to normal. This change applies to all users.
Shared Folders - Send selected file to Document Register
We've resolved an issue regarding the Shared Folders feature. There was previously a confusing step in the process where users were asked to select a main file, even when they've indicated it was a new document. This has now been clarified to make the process more streamlined and user-friendly.
Delte Mapper - NT - oversetting, treghet og uferdig
Resolved an issue regarding the "Delte Mapper - NT". The problem involved missing translations and a general sense of the system being unfinished. Some functions were either unresponsive or took an excessive amount of time to perform, such as moving documents and folders. Various improvements have been executed to enhance the system's performance and usability.
Tilgang til delte mapper
In updating the software, we have addressed an issue with access to shared folders. Some users reported that clicking on a link to a shared folder led to a significant delay, ending in an error message. This has been resolved to ensure smooth access in future.
Delete folder > Not refreshing tree
We're pleased to inform you of a correction we've made to a bug you might have encountered. In the past, deleting a top-level folder might not have refreshed the user interface properly. The issue led to the deleted folder still showing up even though it was successfully removed. We're happy to announce we've fixed the problem. Now, when you delete a top-level folder, the screen immediately refreshes to show the current status. Thank you for your patience while we worked on this fix.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Delte mapper: Mulighet for "Restrict Creating Subfolders To Admin" også i Mappemaler
A new feature has been implemented which allows for the restriction of creating subfolders to admins specifically on file folders. This feature can now be set up in the template settings, ensuring a more streamlined project setup. This means, there's no need for you to manually restrict folders each time you create a new project.

Status Reporting and Reports

Status dashboard does not load and keep spinning
We have successfully resolved a bug related to the Status Dashboard. Some users were experiencing an issue where the Status Dashboard would endlessly load. This occurred due to a missing table in the system. The issue has now been fixed and we want to assure you that the Status Dashboard should now load without any problems. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dashboards take long before loading actual content
We have resolved a delay issue with our dashboard. Previously, users might have experienced an extensive wait before the dashboard began to load its content. This problem has now been addressed to significantly improve the overall user experience. Please be aware that this issue could have affected multiple users. Thank you for your patience as we continue to improve our service.
Can no longer paste images into status reports
The inconvenience of being unable to paste images directly into status reports, experienced by some users, has been resolved. Previously, this issue required users to save and upload screenshots separately, also causing the images to be incorrectly inserted at the bottom of the report. Now, users can once again seamlessly paste images directly into the body of their status reports.
Status Reports Tags issues.
We have made an enhancement to our system to fix a minor issue regarding the functionality of tags within Status Reports. From now on, general tags can be copied upon clicking and there won't be any problem with tag merging, even those with special characters. We believe this fix will improve your user experience and efficiency while using the tool.
CT applications used for reporting in Bane NOR
We identified an issue where certain applications used for reporting were not appropriately updated with the necessary code. This issue has since been resolved, and all such applications are now working correctly with the required updates.
/nt/followupitemsstats-element stopped working in Dashboards
We've addressed an issue where the 'followupitemsstats-element' in Dashboards was showing a "no access" error. This has now been resolved, enabling smooth operation. This improvement will enhance the overall user experience.
Unable to drop images into content page any longer. Also cannot upload files/images using image upload
We've addressed an issue where users were having difficulty uploading images as content to a Status Item. Both the function to 'drag and drop' images and the 'upload Image' button were not working properly. We're happy to report that these features are now fully operational.
Hide Actions From Users Home - checkbox does not save
We've fixed an issue where checking the 'Hide Actions From Users Home' option didn't save correctly. Now, this setting, along with 'Interval' and 'Document Type', will save properly to improve your user experience.

System Access Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
Create app to manage whitelisted extensions
We have introduced a new feature which enables the management of whitelisted extensions. This enhances your ability to control and oversee the extensions allowed within the system.


Cannot update decimal scaler in DB manager
We've fixed an issue where attempts to update the decimal scale in the database manager were met with errors. Now, you'll be able to make these changes without any hindrance. This improvement enhances the functionality of the database manager, making it a better tool for your needs.
Drop down search doesn't find obvious records
In the recent update, we addressed a bug related to the drop-down search feature. Previously, certain search terms weren't producing the expected results. For example, if you were to search for "Leaving", it wouldn't show "USA - Leaving". This issue has now been resolved and the drop-down search feature should be functioning as expected.
Filter doesn't apply after selecting
We have addressed an issue where saved filters, especially those with date expressions, were not implementing automatically after selection. Users no longer need to manually refresh the page for the selected filter to take effect. This makes the process of filtering more straightforward. We've also enhanced the function of retrieving the URL for a page with a filter.
Auto close for ImportTemplatebtn
We've made some improvements to the functionality of ImportTemplate button. Previously, there might have been some confusion when some rows failed to import but the program closed regardless. This issue has been resolved: the program will now stay open if there are any import failures. Also, we've tweaked the displayed count of committed rows for greater accuracy. These changes should provide a smoother and more reliable importing process.
Document Plan Import template error
There was an issue observed when downloading an import template from the Document Plan Import, where the columns of the template were mixed up and making the templates unusable. This hitch affected only certain solutions and is analogous to a previous issue detected in Persons Import. The issue has been resolved, and the functionality for template download has been restored to its proper working order.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Convert My Profile
A new feature has been added that allows users to convert their profile in a simplified way. This feature was suggested and is now available. Thanks for the inputs and happy exploring!
Feature Request
Migrate VPN page to NT
We have successfully migrated the VPN page from an external source to a new, upgraded platform. This comes with a significant improvement that introduces new download pathways. Previously, your VPN page was relying on an external source, but it should now be more efficient and reliable. Thanks for your patience throughout this upgrade. Please let us know if you have any questions or experience any issues.
Feature Request
WOPI component to NT
We have introduced a new feature where you now have the ability to edit files online. The old method where each component used its own javascript files has been replaced by a new, more efficient module. This not only streamlines operations but also requires minimal setup. This feature has been implemented on various pages, including CV.

Technology for Offline Experiences

Feature Request
Feature Request
_JSON columns needs to be parsed
We have developed a new feature that will enhance the way data is being managed and transferred within our system. Previously, data with the suffix '_JSON' was kept in its stringified format during retrieval. Going forward, this data will now be automatically parsed to json, thus improving accessibility and efficiency on the client side. Additionally, we've enabled the reverse process as well, meaning that data will be re-stringified before being sent off for online synchronisation or presented on the frontend. This feature is not only implemented for data retrieval but also while creating and updating data. Remember, these changes are all happening under the hood, so there won't be any direct impact on your interaction with the system. We're continually improving our services for a smoother and more efficient experience.
Feature Request
Add support for creating Workflows offline
We've introduced a new feature that allows you to create Workflows even when you're offline. This provides more flexibility and ensures uninterrupted productivity, even without internet access. This enhancement was developed based on user feedback and is applicable to all users.
Feature Request
Create a fileupload offline extension
We've introduced a new extension that enables offline file uploads. This is specially intended for sending requests to IndexedDB without sending X-O365-XHR headers. All users will now have access to this feature. Please note that this is not a bug fix but a fresh feature to enhance user experience.


Home page timesheet link is incorrect
A fix has been implemented for an issue where the timesheet link on the home page was incorrectly directing users to "/timesheet" instead of the correct "/accounts-timesheet". This enhancement ensures that users will now be directed to the proper location when clicking on the timesheet link.
Add existing document to order goes to timeout
We have addressed a bug that was causing a timeout issue when looking up and adding existing documents to an order. This problem was experienced regardless of the search criteria used. The initial operation did return data, but any subsequent searching would result in a timeout. This bug has been fixed.

Tooling, App Designer, DB-Manager ++

DB Manager - No errors are show to end user if commit table changes fails
We have addressed a bug related to the DB Manager functionality. Previously, users weren't shown any errors if the commit table changes failed. Now, this issue has been fixed, and users will be properly alerted about any commit errors. This update enhances the transparency of the system and ensures better user experience.
Appdesigner crashes entirely when clicking 'Alter view' on Data Object
We have fixed a bug where the app was crashing when users clicked 'Alter View' on the Data Object in the App Designer. This issue was causing all editor instances to render empty, leading to a loss of unsaved progress. Now, the users should be able to use the 'Alter View' function without any problem, enhancing their experience and preventing any unexpected loss of ongoing work.
db manager fails get data from binary column
We've addressed an issue where the database manager was unable to retrieve data from varbinary, JSON, or other complex data structures, causing the Query tab to unexpectedly hang. This fix enhances the overall system performance and stability.
DB Manager creates incorrect default constraints
We've fixed a bug where the DB Manager was creating incorrect default constraints. Instead of using the old context, it now correctly uses the new one for CreatedBy_ID and UpdatedBy_ID. This enhancement ensures more efficient and accurate database management. Thank you for your patience as we continue improving your user experience.
db-manager: No indicator if something is happening
An issue was reported where there was no visible prompts to indicate if something was happening after clicking 'execute'. Despite pressing the execute button, users were not getting any feedback signifying that the action was being processed. This issue has now been resolved and users should see immediate responses to their Execute and Stop actions.
db-manager: sorting of dbobjects
We have made improvements to the database manager to enhance user experience. Users are now able to sort the database objects by name or date updated. This feature provides a more organized and efficient way to view and manage the database.
Views not updating after corresponding table changes
We've identified and fixed an error regarding updates to views after changes in corresponding tables. This includes adding/removing columns from a table and dropping tables. Thanks to this fix, relevant views will now correctly reflect any changes made to their corresponding tables. Users should no longer encounter inconsistencies between their tables and views.
We have identified and addressed a performance issue related to our database, which was identified as frequently causing increased CPU usage. However, we believe this may have been a false positive due to certain external tools. The situation has been improved and it should enhance the overall system performance. This update is relevant to all our users.
Errors in Code Modules-app
An issue was identified where users experienced errors with a specific app. The problem revolved around an 'object reference' not being properly set. After careful evaluation and troubleshooting of the underlying code, the solution was to remove certain code modules options from the development toolbar. This has since eliminated the problem, ensuring a more seamless usage of the app.
Errorlog not working
We've resolved an issue that was causing the error log functionality to stop working across various user scenarios, regardless of network settings or proxy configurations. This update ensures smoother operation and reliable error tracking.
db-updater shows duplicated modal screen button
We have fixed an issue where the db-updater was showing a duplicate modal screen button. Previously, attempting to refresh or reload would result in a timeout without triggering a reload. We have now updated this so that the swap/reload application button is accessible after an update in the db-updater. This will improve the functioning and user experience.
db-manager: Translations
We've addressed an issue with the db-manager where translations on columns in the query result were not functioning correctly. We've now ensured that the Query result fields are prevented from the translation. This fix improves the user experience and efficiency while using the db-manager.
DB-manager showing duplicate indexes
There was an issue where the DB Manager was showing duplicate indexes. This problem has now been fixed, and the DB Manager should now display table indexes correctly.
db-manager: Not executing when clicking Execute
We've resolved an issue where the 'db-manager' was not running codes upon clicking "Execute". This fix will enhance the tool's performance and efficiency. Please update to the latest version to experience a smoother workflow.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Please add Created + Updated By Columns in Reports Register (NT)
A new feature has been introduced which includes adding 'Created' and 'Updated By' columns in the Reports Register. This update aims to enhance tracking and transparency within the tool.
Feature Request
Add version filtering to api/dev/nuget
We have updated our service to include version filtering for different response objects as per user request. This new feature enhances the user experience by delivering more precise and relevant results. Please note that this update is available to all users effective immediately.
Feature Request
Developer live tools missing in NT
The recent feature request concerning the unavailability of Developer live tools in NT has been noted. There have been instances of users being unable to access anonymous user errors and some users also found that they couldn't access it with their login credentials. Remember to be on the lookout for updates as this feature request is currently being processed.
Feature Request
Add option to create Properties table in /db-manager
We are working on implementing a new feature following feedback from our user community. We aim to include the option to automatically create 'Properties' tables within the "db-manager". This feature will make it easier to manage data and enhance user experience. This enhancement is expected effect all users.
Feature Request
db-manager: signalR connection indicator
A new update has been implemented based on user feedback. This feature now includes a connection indicator, similar to the one in the trace app. Users will also be notified of a failure in connection through an error message shown on the indicator. This feature is designed to enhance user experience.
Feature Request
HTML, Settings and Config searchable
We are excited to introduce a new feature that enhances your search functionality within the app. With this update, the app will now include config and HTML in your searches, making it easier to find the information you are looking for. This new enhancement aims to create a more streamlined and efficient user experience. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements.
Feature Request
Errorlog > Execution > Object Column has NVARCHAR Sorting
We have made an update to enhance the user experience in the Execution tab. Previously, issues were experienced with the sorting of Objects which have now been addressed. The improvement provides clearer and more logical sorting of Objects, enabling an easier and smoother user experience.
Feature Request
Errorlog > Implement vPersonsHover in the Persons Column
A new feature has been added for easier identification of users and their respective companies right from the errorlog. This not only helps to recognize who the users are, but also indicates if they are contractors or clients, thereby making it simpler to understand why they might be encountering access errors.
Feature Request
NTJobs > New Tab > Grid of the longest/suspect duration Jobs ran last hour
A feature request has been made for a new tab under "NTJobs". This tab will display a grid layout showcasing the jobs which have taken the longest or potentially suspicious amount of time to run within the past hour. Further examples and explanations have been provided for better understanding of this new feature. Our team has diligently worked on this request to better serve all our esteemed users.


Skjermbilder/vedlegg mangler når sak går fra BN til Omega
We've resolved an issue where screenshots or attachments were missing when transferring cases from one system to another. Whether they were Word or PNG files, you needed to fetch them manually from the original system and copy them into the new case. You should no longer encounter this problem.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Saksregister- Distribusjon til grupper bør få samme funksjonalitet som i dokumentregister
We have added a new feature where you can add groups as subscribers. After doing so, however, it was impossible to see which group the people belong to. This functionality has been successfully implemented, and is straightforward, mirroring the ease and overview found in the document register. This ensures you can always see which group a person belongs to.
Feature Request
Sprints - Can not add closed WF
We have acknowledged a feature request to improve our workflow sprints application. This enhancement is aimed to address the issue where if a workflow is closed before being added to sprints, it cannot be included later. This update is intended to offer more flexibility and ease in the operation of workflow sprints.
Application: workflow-sprints - NT: Workflow Sprints
Feature Request
Filtering options on workflow-sprints
In response to user feedback, we have enhanced our workflow-sprints feature. You now have the ability to filter the main view, not just the unallocated workflows. This will provide better clarity and efficiency, making it easier to find what you need. The new filters include Title, Process and Step Resp. Enjoy a smoother, more streamlined user experience as you navigate through your workflow.
Application: workflow-sprints - NT: Workflow Sprints
Feature Request
Same order of Scope item types from Operations home when reporting on QR codes.
We have received a feature request related to the order of scope item types visibility for QR code scanning. Some users reported that the order of scope item types changes when scanning QR codes for room or asset-related reports. We've noted the information and will explore a solution to have consistency in the order. The improvements are aimed at all our diverse client group, reinforcing our commitment to streamline user interactions.
Feature Request
Add Plan_ID as a column to be chosen..
We have added a new feature by user request. Now you have the capability to include 'Plan_ID' as a column in the Scope items register, providing more depth and detail to your data overview. This enhancement has been implemented for all users. Enjoy your improved data customization.