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Release notes

- by Category Last 30 days


Schedule link in activity register uses activity_ID, not plan_ID for redirect
The issue about the Schedule link in the Activity Register using the Activity ID instead of the Plan ID for redirecting has been addressed. This issue was also noted in the development test. The fix has now ensured that the Schedule/Plan link in the Activities Register is functioning correctly. This was a bug that has been resolved.

Asset Management, Operation, and Maintenance

Missing hand mouse pointer on clickable rooms
We've fixed a minor glitch which was preventing the mouse cursor from turning into a hand when hovering over clickable rooms on the room map. Now, you'll clearly see when a room can be clicked, making your navigation experience smoother.

Assets Objects

Object details: Unfullfilled document requirements shown as blank rows
In the Omega 365 application, there used to be an issue where document requirements in the 'Document' tab on 'Object Details' showed up as blank rows if no document connection was established. This might have caused some confusion. However, this has been fixed. Now, the 'Documents' tab in 'Object Details' only lists documents with a document number or name. This way, we maintain a cleaner and less confusing display.
Objektregister: Activity Set
The issue with the missing "Activity Set" from the "Create Activities from Selected Objects" modal in the Object Register on Omega 365 for New Tech has been resolved. A drop-down menu for Activity Sets has been reintroduced when creating new activities in the Object Register for better convenience. This was previously identified as a bug in the system but has now been corrected.
Object Property - Not possible to remove/delete properties from individual objects
We've addressed an issue that surfaced in Omega 365, where users found it impossible to remove a property once it had been added to an object. In response to this, we implemented a fix, making it possible to delete properties from individual objects. This was a bug, not a feature, and we believe this update will greatly improve users' interactions with the system.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Object search
We received a feature request regarding the general object search in the object register. The issue raised was that it does not seem to search through properties. For better user experience and consistency, the requester suggested that if the performance allows, it would be great to add this feature. After analyzing the request, it has been addressed and the properties have been added as part of the content search in the object register.
Feature Request
Preview of Documents in the Document + DFO tabs in Object Details
The new feature has been introduced as requested. The capability to preview documents has now been added to the Documents tab and the DFO tab under Object Details. This added functionality will enhance accessibility and provide smoother navigation.
Feature Request
Brazil is requesting ConnectedToBIM flag in the Object register
In response to feedback, we have enhanced the Object Register with a new feature to improve the experience when checking BIM connections. We've added a hidden/optional column titled "ConnectedToBIM". You can use this new feature for more efficient filtering when required.

BIM & Digital Twin

Setting "Tablet User Interface" to "PC" breakes the interface
We have resolved an issue with the user interface when the "Tablet User Interface" is set to "PC". Previously, making this change caused some problems with navigating the settings. After the fix, you can now comfortably use the PC User Interface on your mobile device without losing any navigation features. Please note, this was a bug correction, not a new feature.
BIM modell- får ikke generert url til visningsprofil
The issue with generating view profiles in the BIM model has been resolved. Previously, you may have experienced trouble creating views. We have enhanced the view profile creation process, moving it to a more robust method located within the database, to mitigate this.
Do we need double nav bar when creating scope item from BIM?
The issue regarding a redundant navigation bar when creating a scope item from BIM has been resolved. Users will no longer see a duplicate navigation bar in workflows in BIM when selecting an unsubmitted workflow. This was identified and addressed as a minor bug.
Levels - Refreshing fragments resets level fragments
Added a level fragment lock function that aims to keep fragments from updating without manual intervention
Objects Plugin: object details after creating new object
Objectsplugin in leftnavigator is now behaving as expected after creating new object
Document plugin: documents appear multiple times
Now document pane in bimviewer does not display same document many times if it is binded to same bim object but many asset objects
Feature Request
Feature Request
: BIM Setup Ability to set a Model to take all ifc files in orguint
A new feature has been added for the BIM system setup. Previously, when creating a model, you had to select a specific orgunit (organizational unit). If you used this new feature, it will allow the inclusion of all IFC files within the selected org unit. As a result, you can now auto-populate your model with new documents as and when they are created. This new feature is designed to enhance the automatic and manual parsing process, boosting the efficiency of model creation. It's important to note that this update only affects the importation of documents, the parsing stage remains unchanged.
Feature Request
CAD Light: Multiselect
In response to the feature request concerning CAD Light, we've incorporated a multi-selection feature. This new feature will allow you to select multiple objects simultaneously, making editing tasks more efficient. CAD Light now fully supports multi-selection.
Feature Request
Clipping along line
A new feature has been added for improving the clipping along a line during measurements. This enhancement offers stepping along the line in certain distances while keeping the camera view locked. It also allows clipping in the opposite direction after a certain distance down the line, displaying only a specific section. The feature works by creating a clipping type that follows the direction of the line, including rotation, and can be moved up or down as needed.
Feature Request
Remove Activities plugin when useScope is true
Feature Request
BIM Object Relations Manager: publish
Object Relations Manager is available to manage asset objects that are linked to a specific BIM model and revision. In addition you can create new objects or connect ones that are not yet connected
Feature Request
Measurement: Laser measure tool
Bim has a new measure mode, Laser Measure, this measure mode measures distances to other objects in all axes(if there is something to hit) from the location the tool was placed, the laser can be moved by dragging it around or clicking a new location while the measure mode is still active.


New revision clickable before new checklist has been created
We have resolved a small issue that was causing some confusion. Earlier, you could click on a button to create a new revision as a checklist was being created. This was leading you to the first checklist in the Workflow Register. We rectified it, and now after you create a new checklist, the detail page will correctly show the new checklist you just created.


Feil i Resultatkategorier
An issue regarding the inability to open 'Result Categories' from the Omega365 setup in the 'Bug/Error' workflow has been addressed. Previously, users encountered an error while trying to access 'Result Categories'. This problem has now been fixed.
Feil på kolonner eller manglende kolonne?
Issue: Faulty or Missing Columns Description: A user noticed missing columns such as 'Product Name,' since they could only find 'Product' and 'Product Group,' which lacked this information. Some undefined fields were also detected. Solution: The developer tackled this issue by adding the 'Product Name' column to the Register. In addition, unnecessary fields (HOT1-5) were removed if they were not in use to hide any undefined columns. This was a rectification for a bug/error reported.

Core Backend Technology

Possible int overflow in NT file upload
Fixed Possible int overflow in file upload
Diagrams App gives me an error - Filename contains invalid characters
Added trim on diagram name when saving quality diagram so that spaces at start of name do not cause invalid file name
Feature Request
Feature Request
CSV export of Grids
A new feature was requested pertaining to the CSV export of grids. The question was raised about its feasibility. As a result, we have introduced support for CSV type in New Tech Grid Export. This enhancement will make data exporting more efficient for the users.
Feature Request
NT: DevExpress Update
The previous requirement of updating DevExpress for exporting .emf files has been simplified. Now, SVG export support has been added to the report-viewer and new tech reporting routes. This update was implemented as part of a feature request.
Feature Request
Add support in backend and front end for datetimeoffset fields
A new feature has been added which expands the support for datetimeoffset fields in both the backend and frontend. This enhancement enables better handling of date and time information across different time zones.
Feature Request
Update NT version of api documentation
A new feature has been added to improve the New Tech version of the API documentation. Adjustments have been made to the layout and now, only apitoken will be used as an example. Proper headers are now ensured for authentication along with supporting field selections. All these updates have enhanced alignment with the New Tech API version.
Feature Request
OrgUnit chooser | Add latest selection to recent
The selection feature in the 'OrgUnit Chooser' has been improved. Previously, when you selected an Organizational Unit via the tree structure, it wasn't added to your recent list. Now, any Organizational Unit you pick will automatically be added to your recently used items. This is part of our ongoing effort to enhance usability and efficiency.
Feature Request
Add new red and blue button to reload cache to NT sites
/nt/api/debug/cache: Added buttons "Reload App Domain for all CT and NT sites" and "Clear All Cache for all NT sites"

Core Frontend Technology

Tree group by indent issue
In the latest update, we've addressed an issue related to incorrect indenting under the summary row "CTP". Now, all details displayed under the "NT Node Data" are correctly indented to ensure clear and easy reading.
Pasting into Textarea in DataTable / Grid overwrites content
In the New Tech DataGrid or DataTable, an issue arose where pasting content into a Textarea in a column would overwrite the existing content, rather than inserting the new information at the selected position. This happened specifically when using 'CTRL + V' or 'WIN + V' shortcuts. However, this issue has been rectified, and pasting text will no longer overwrite the entire content of the cell.
Column Chooser (NT) nede i status bar henger ikke med
The issue with the New Tech Column Chooser not updating when adding or removing properties in the grid menu dropdown has been addressed and fixed. Now users can see the changes they make with the Column Chooser tool immediately reflected in the grid menu dropdown.
Change in columns isn't reflected in export columns until after page-reload
The issue regarding changes in grid columns not being reflected in export columns until page reload has been resolved. Now, once you add a column in the grid, there's no need to refresh the app, as the export columns will update instantaneously. This fix has been added to enhance the functionality of the grid system.
Space in a Meta field is not showing
We've made an improvement in handling the display of whitespaces. Before, spaces in a Meta field were not visibly apparent, causing confusion. Now, we've modified the system to accurately reflect the whitespace in the NT DataGrid cell. This ensures that any existing whitespace will be shown properly, which makes it much easier to see and understand the layout of your data.
Document Details - Using Clear dosen't Clear the Revision Date in New UI
A previous issue with the Document Details function was resolved. Users reported that attempting to clear the Revision Date in the new user interface using the regular datetime clear did not work, although the arrowed X method was functioning correctly. The developers have now fixed the Clear Value button on the New Tech Date Picker, improving the system's overall functionality and usability.
Grid filter date bug
A bug had been identified in the grid filter date feature. Previously, when users filtered To Date "This Year", the system incorrectly displayed items from 2023 instead of items from 2024. This issue, which was linked to time zone discrepancies, has now been resolved in the New Tech Grid. As a result, choosing "This Year" in the date filter will now correctly display the items of the current year.
Lines disappear from the case register when scrolling up and down. Testing with iPad
The issue of lines disappearing from the workflow register when scrolling up and down, particularly noticeable when testing with an iPad, has been resolved. The New Tech DataGrid now uses a new virtual scroll that does not depend on events to update data and render counts. Instead, it deploys sorted watcher and observers. This update improves the visibility and accessibility of entries in the workflow register.
Column layout is not functioning properly in Portfolio planner
We've addressed an issue in our Portfolio Planner where column layouts weren't functioning as expected. Previously, rearranged columns would revert to their original positions upon closing and reopening the application, even after saving the layout. This problem also affected the yearly budgets, which would switch places without any user input. We've now made improvements to the New Tech Data Grid, ensuring all types of columns are correctly accounted for and keep their places accurately. This solution should come into effect following a system update.
Datetime2's from a procedure cannot be converted to user's local timezone
NT data api: Stored procedure results with dates will now be handled in the same way as views.
App designer column chooser deleting wrong columns
NT App Designer: fixed handling not existing selected fields when deleting
ctrl + c does not copy rows correctly
NT DataGrid: When copying selected rows through ctrl+c keybind automatic json will now be used under the hood when pasting them in grids
Copy/Paste editing titles
NT Data grid will replace selection, instead of replace, like in input when pasting data on cell in read mode.
disableDistinct not working when filterField is defined
NT Column prop disableDistinct will work correctly with filterField as well.
New UI - Toggle not correct
New UI toggle will now always be set to checked on NT apps and unchecked on CT apps, regardless of user preference.
Selecting properties on sykehusbygg prod and helse-sorost-test is not working
NT DataGrid: Unselecting a property will now also clean its layout values
Row selection is cancelled sometimes when dynamic loading is enabled
NT DataGrid: does not loose current index when master details are set on dynamic loading end
Grid header position doesn't match with the columns
NT DataGrid/DataTable will no longer lose its width scroll position when switching between OTabs
Export columns dont affect the export file
NT DataGrid: Fixed fields not showing in exports when they are selected in the export tab but not visible in the grid
Gets NaN when writing minus sign before writing number in grid
NT Number Editor: Typing a '-' will no longer result in NaN values. Invalid values are cleared from the input on blur.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Tabability in login screen
We've improved the tabbing function on the login screen to enhance user security. Previously, the 'show password' option was occasionally included in the tabbing sequence, potentially exposing saved passwords. We've resolved this issue and now the tabbing will smoothly guide you from one field to another without landing on the 'show password' option. This enhancement is effective in both current and new tech login applications.
Feature Request
When updating datetime field, it does not always save time after it being changed
The issue of the date and time field not recognizing changes when manually edited has been resolved. Now, if you update the date and time field manually instead of using the datepicker, your changes will always be saved when you exit the menu. This improvement came as a result of your valuable feedback. Remember, your suggestions are always welcome to enhance the functionality of our system.
Feature Request
Placing of columns in column chooser
A new feature has been introduced in New Tech (NT) for smoother workflow experience. The issue was regarding the difficulty in correctly sequencing the columns, often needing several tries to achieve the desired placement. With the updated feature, the New Tech DataGrid column chooser now has enhanced contrast for dragged items, and it employs Sortable for a fluid and stable experience. This feature greatly improves the user's ability to see where the chosen column will be placed, a mechanism borrowed from the Current Tech (CT).
Feature Request
Distribusjonslister - enkelte kriterier slår ikke inn lenger (har slått inn tidligere)
Title: Distribution Lists - Certain Criteria No Longer Apply (Previously Applied) In the Omega 365 Workflow, users have noticed that certain criteria no longer apply, even though they seemed to have worked before. They were curious if anything has changed that could have caused this. The issue has been addressed and improved; now, 'New Tech' string 'Not' filters will include Null values as well. This change has been implemented as a feature request in the workflow.
Feature Request
Forbedringsforslag om filtre
NT Grid Menu Filter tab will show active filter
Feature Request
Excel Import
NT Upload From Excel: added support for defaultValues in data source fields
Feature Request
Document details: "Hide blanks"
NT Properties grid Hide blanks switch change will be saved in localstorage
Feature Request
Add option to sort by custom order in checklist
NT DataGrid: Added option in the header dropdown menu to reset sort order. Also disabling row drag when current applied sort order does not match with the configured sort field.

Cost Management

: Actual start date for approved change requests is not set according to what is written in the change request.
We've fixed a bug that was affecting the date tracking for approved change requests in workflows. The actual start date was not aligning with the date mentioned in the change request, causing some inconsistencies in budget adjustments. From now on, when you use the 'Use changes approved date for baseline adjustments' option in the project setup (only in the New Tech app), the adjusted baseline estimate will be based on the approved date of the change. You can also manually change the 'Approved Date' in the Workflow Register. If you don't set an approved date, the system will use the current cutoff. If you don't select the option, the system will use the active baseline date, and if not set, will default to the current cutoff. This should help streamline the tracking of budget changes based on workflow changes and ensure the accuracy of start dates.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Improved resources assignments calculations for estimates and timephasing
We have made improvements to how resources are assigned for estimates and time-phasing. Now, when updating these parameters based on a Resources Plan from Assignments, the system will check if there are any reported actual costs related to the workflow breakdown structure. If there's no reported cost, the full Forecast estimate will be copied. Conversely, if there is actual cost or hours reported, the remaining quantity will be copied over and time-phased accordingly. Note that resource-related costs will only be copied if the specified currency exchange rate is configured within the related cost project.
Feature Request
Contract Forecast updates in WBS Cost and Progress
Title: Enhancements to Contract Forecast in WBS Cost and Progress In the WBS Cost and Progress workflow, improvements have been requested for better viewing of both "Live Contract Forecast" and "Contract Forecast". Users found the added "Contract Forecast" column valuable but needed the option to view historical development as well. As a solution, we have updated the button text from "Update Values > From Contracts (Commitment)" to "From Contract Elements". This will refresh the Contract Forecast and Committed value based on the date of Issued Contract elements for the current cut-off. Users can now view "Contract Forecast Live" data before updating values for the current cut-off. Please note, "Contract Forecast Live" will only include forecasts from issued Contract elements, while "Contract Forecast Live All" will include all forecasts, whether issued or not. This change has been implemented only in the New Tech application.
Feature Request
Warning triangle when you have invoiced/booked more than committed and forecast
Additional check have been added in WBS Cost and Progress application, which indicates if Booked value exceeds Commitments or Forecast at complete value or both.

Doc Control, Review, Distribution ++

PDF preview missing functionality - print and page nr
We've resolved an issue that was impacting the PDF preview functionality in our New Tech (NT) version. Previously, users were unable to print or view page numbers. We've now added these options into the document viewer for an improved user experience.
Delete External Distributions - When draft (and incorrect)
Added option for deleting external distributions that are in draft mode
Feature Request
Feature Request
The feature "Revision Trail" has been enhanced in the Omega 365 application. You had issues seeing who and when someone uploaded documents to the Document Register. Now, the "Show document's revision trail" feature provides a clearer view, addressing problems such as those experienced with DOC-74633 and DOC-78119. The enhancement added 'Updated' and 'UpdatedBy' details to the file version grid, which will make document tracking much easier for you.
Feature Request
Clearly indicate that the access given to 3rd Party Reviewer in the Distribution
In this recent update, based on the request placed by users, an additional information has been incorporated into the Distribution Source for Third Party Reviewers. The aim behind this enhancement was to direct attention as to why they are appearing in the Distribution, even if they are not included in the distribution setup. This will be shown in the sql view/html frontend indicating that these reviewers have gained access as Third Party Reviewers. This addition was brought into effect because users had concerns when they saw a long list of reviewers. They were unsure if they had made a mistake in the distribution setup or if the system had an error. With the new feature, when you initiate a Third Party Review, those added people will now have their purpose (a default hidden column in distribution persons grid) set as a "Third Party Reviewer". This change is expected to alleviate concerns and contribute to a more streamline and efficient workflow. This feature has been made valid for both Current Tech (CT) and New Tech (NT).
Feature Request
Client Acceptance Code
We've made an enhancement to our Omega 365 product. Upon your request, we've added a new feature called "Publish to org.unit" column which will assist in managing different client codes more efficiently. Now, the system can better support external process statuses.
Feature Request
Cancel review in bulk
The new feature of bulk canceling document reviews has been implemented. This option has been added to the 'Document Review Status' app. This enhancement is designed to save your time and efforts, taking away the need of cancelling each document review individually. Enjoy the streamlined workflow!
Feature Request
Add Alternative Title to Document Plan Import
The Document Plan Import app now comes with a new feature: the addition of the "Alternative Title" column. This has been included in response to user requests for more comprehensive ways to manage their document imports. It's just another way we're making document management more efficient and easier to handle.
Feature Request
Reply to client's comments sheet
Option to upload Review Comments Reply in Document Details app
Feature Request
Document Registe - Add custom apps to reports menu
Support for including custom report apps in document register

Document Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
Document quality (front page) check
This release note includes a new feature request focusing on enhancing the document quality check on the front page. Instead of using the current implementation in Omega 365, options to switch to a concept similar to Pims R4 DCS (Microsoft Azure Cognitive Form Recognizer) were explored. This new concept proved to be a better alternative. Also, the feature includes a feature assessment to see if the current test with one of our clients should be changed to trail this new feature. The solution led to the creation of various AI feature prototypes.
Feature Request
Open Preview of file in new tab
Open file from document register in new tab by clicking on icon.

Documentation for Operation, FDV Doc Requirements

Feature Request
Feature Request
Support the process of making changes to, or close a DFO doc-requirement
The recent update caters to the dynamic needs of a project where FDV delivery requirements may undergo changes. Earlier, the impossibility of altering a requirement-definition once its requirements were created posed hurdles. Now, the introduction of a 'closed' field for DFO Requirement Definitions offers a solution. This feature ensures that new requirements cease to be generated once the definition is 'closed'. This also offers a viable solution when a requirement becomes obsolete and needs to be halted. This update greatly enhances flexibility and control over the workflow, allowing for smoother adjustments during a project.

Home & General stuff

Feature Request
Feature Request
Actions created from Scope Items must show on O365Home
We've made an update to improve the visibility of specific actions for users. Now, any actions created within Scope Items will be visible to assignees on their home page. This is not a bug fix, but a feature request to improve the overall ease of use and efficiency of the system.

Incident Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
RUH - Logger - inkludere felt for "aksjon" i loggene
In order to enhance the readability of logs, a new feature has been introduced. A field called "action" has been added to the logs. This mirrors what is currently available in the document registry. In this "action" field, users can easily understand the actions that have been taken including, for example, "added a person as a subscriber", "removed person as a subscriber", "sent for evaluation"," marked as evaluated", and "shared with organization unit" among others. This is a feature request that has been fulfilled and implemented.

O365 Flutter

Wrong status of push notification
The issue regarding the incorrect status of push notifications in the Omega 365 Flutter Mobile App has been addressed. Previously, even after successful delivery of push notifications on mobile phones, its status was erroneously being shown as 'Failed' with an error message 'Requested entity was not found.' Now, the status of notifications for each device appears accurately within a modal. This was a bug that we've now fixed.
Application: Omega 365 - Mobile App - Omega 365 Flutter app
Opening push notification crashes app on Android
We've resolved an issue that was causing the Omega 365 Mobile App to crash when opening push notifications on Android devices. This fix has been implemented in version 1.4.26. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to continue using the app.
Application: Omega 365 - Mobile App - Omega 365 Flutter app
Feature Request
Feature Request
Omega 365 - Deep link changes
The Omega 365 mobile application now supports three types of deep links, improving overall functionality. This new feature ensures that links can be opened within the app without interfering with the browser.
Application: Omega 365 - Mobile App - Omega 365 Flutter app
Feature Request
Increase duration on file downloaded toast
The duration of the notification for successfully downloaded files has been improved. Prior, the notification would disappear quickly, but with the latest version, it now lasts until the file is opened, ensuring that you don't miss any important download confirmations. This upgrade has been implemented in version 1.4.25 in response to user requests for better functionality.
Feature Request
Functionality to open documents with native viewer in flutter
New Feature: We have improved our document viewing functions on mobile. Now, instead of using the previously implemented Foxit tool, we will be using the device's native PDF viewer for a seamless experience. This feature allows documents to be previewed without the need for downloading, utilizing only cache memory. The return to the previous view is also facilitated. This notable improvement has been released with version 1.4.27.
Feature Request
Implement support for EMM
The new feature of support for EMM (Managed Configuration) in the Omega 365 Flutter app has been implemented successfully. Previously, updates were needed in specific sections of the get_dependencies.dart if the URL is set. Utilization of resources from Android developer site and Flutter packages aided in this specific modification. Details can be found in the provided links.
Feature Request
Add override to use HC and not TLHC on Android >= 14
App Version 1.4.27: White screen issues fixed on Android

O365 Grid/Pivot

NT Lookups inside grids close when clicking on clear filter buttons
In the recent update, we have resolved an issue with the New Tech DataGrid/DataTable. Previously, there was an issue where the Lookups inside grid cell editors would auto-close when you clicked on elements that belonged to that lookup. Now, you will no longer encounter this problem. This fix will make the workflow smoother.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Decimal Columns
NT Data grid, when tabbing into decimal type cell input, cursor will be positioned before decimal separator

Omega 365 Core Technology Platform

Can't create new Bug/Error from home page
We've addressed an issue where users were unable to create a new bug/error from the home page. This was due to a disappearing dropdown menu. The problem has been resolved and is now functioning as intended.
DataGrid: Multiselect column issues
NT SelectionControl now does not require uniqueKey and fallsback to dataItems mode if uniqueKey is not set.

Org Structure, Roles & Access

Havfram: Access Request - Copy from another person does not work
There was an issue with the 'Access Request - Copy from another person' function where the selected Org Units were not properly transferring to the new users list. This was particularly evident on the Havfram O365 Support process. Thankfully, the issue has been resolved with a correction to the filtering within the 'Copy Persons OrgUnitRoles' functionality. Now it checks correctly for duplicate OrgUnitRoles, ensuring a smooth copy of access requests.
[Kopiér fra annen person]-knappen funker ikke
Title: Issue with 'Copy from Another Person' Button Description: We identified a problem with the 'Copy from Another Person' button in our workflow. Apparently, this button wasn't working as expected and failed to copy roles between users. This issue was experienced and reported by a couple of access controllers. Solution: The issue has been properly tackled and resolved. The 'Copy Persons OrgUnitRoles' function in the access request, which was responsible for checking for duplicate roles, has been corrected. Therefore, the 'Copy from Another Person' button should now work flawlessly. This was a bug in our system. Please feel free to reach out should you experience any other issues.
Tilgangforespørsel, kopier fra annet person virker ikke - HASTER
The issue about the 'Access Request, Copy from Other Person' function not working has been addressed quickly. The problem was experienced after selecting the roles, where nothing seemed to happen. We've fixed this by adjusting the filtering within 'Copy Persons OrgUnitRoles' in the access-request function to correctly check for duplicate OrgUnitRoles. This was reported as a bug.
Feilmelding pga unødvendige hyperlinker
There was an issue with exporting data to Excel from the organizational roles table in Omega 365. The current solution was providing unnecessary hyperlinks, which exceeded Excel's limitation of 65,530 links and disrupted the export process. This has been resolved, and now the export to Excel won't add links if there are more than 65530 rows.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Access request from org.units
The new function has been added to the org unit roles under 'System-orgunits' that will assist in providing access to Org units more conveniently. Now, a button will be available for granting access to a specific org unit without the need for manual entry. This button will directly generate an access request where the org unit field is automatically populated. This way, the org unit structure can be managed more efficiently, offering a clear view of who has access to each org unit at all times. This enhancement is a part of our continuous work, striving to make our system more user-friendly for you.
Application: system-orgunits - NT: Org Units

Portfolio Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
Consider adding sort order to status
We've made an enhancement based on your feedback. In an effort to make workflows more intuitive, we've added a sort order to status. This new feature allows statuses to be arranged sequentially, providing a clearer view of the usual status progression. Now, users can easily understand and predict the next status in line. Enjoy this upgraded feature designed for your convenience.
Feature Request
Assessment delete confirm modal in portfolio planner
In the Portfolio Planner, we've added a new feature for increased data protection. Previously, assessments could be easily deleted with a single click. We understand that this could lead to inadvertent loss of valuable information. Now, when you attempt to delete an assessment, you will be prompted with a confirmation dialog. This helps ensure that assessments are not accidentally removed.
Feature Request
Implement support for context filter on report
We've made a new feature available in our Workflow reports. Previously, reports would always filter based on your "budget" context. We understand that for some users, this was not suitable, as they did not use the budget functionality. Therefore, we have now implemented a toggle in the report settings to select your desired filter type. You can now choose between "Filter on context" or "Filter on budget". This should provide more flexibility and functionality depending on your usage needs.

Resource Management

NT: Turn off New UL as default in the resource overview until the error is corrected
Issue: Turning Off New UL as Default in Resource Overview Until Error is Corrected A problem was raised about the resource overview in New Tech (NT) which was displaying serious errors related to incorrect percentage occupancy. This error was affecting the allocation of resources as base managers were unknowingly assigning tasks to people who were actually unavailable. For the time being, it was advised not to use NT until a solution was provided for the error. Solution: A fix has been implemented that filters and counts only the non-expired assignments, which has resolved the incorrect occupancy percentage issue.

Risk Management

Feature Request
Feature Request
Description of risk when registering a new risk
We've added a new feature to the workflow registration process in Omega 365, focusing on risk description. Previously, there was a default, non-editable placeholder text describing a risk. Now, we've made this text active - you can edit and continue to write on it, giving a more accurate description of the perceived risk. This feature was introduced in response to your feedback and should enhance the accuracy and quality of risk description in the system.

Scheduler / jobs

Render error in new row
NT DB Jobs: fixed errors when creating new job

Status Reporting and Reports

Report bookmarks in the mega menu does not work
Fixed being unable to bookmark reports
Feature Request
Feature Request
Send Finalized Report should prompt to Merge if unmerged comments exist
In the latest update, we have added a feature to improve Status Reporting process. If you try to send a finalized report which doesn't include the latest comments considering you may mistakenly forget to merge them, the system will prompt and ask if you want to merge those updates with your template setup first. This safeguards to ensure that your report is always up to date before you send it to recipients. Additionally, it gives an option to either merge the latest updates into your template or continue sending the currently updated version. This update should make it much easier for you to do your job correct the first time.


DOC CONTROL | New Org Structure Search
We've made an update to our Omega 365 feature. Previously, you were not able to search and open items below the Organizational Unit that was searched. We understood that this could potentially cause some inconvenience. To improve your user experience, we have now added a "complete structure" switch to the New Tech Organizational Unit Chooser. This new feature will allow you to expand your search down to matching items instead of filtering them away. This was initially identified as a bug/error but we have taken care of it. Thanks for your patience.
Date filters greater or less than fails
NT Date filters fixed issue with greater and less operators
Feature Request
Feature Request
Move home app components over to libraries
NT home: Updated to use our new libraries

Tooling, App Designer, DB-Manager ++

"Complications" for Update/Import Templates when using Boolean Columns
The issue encountered with the Import/Update Template function has been resolved. Previously, when data with Boolean (true/false) columns from SQL was imported, there was confusion because the system didn't clearly indicate what format the Boolean variables should be in. The system had difficulty processing numeric interpretations of Booleans (1 for true, 0 for false), with users needing to key in the terms "TRUE" or "FALSE" to prevent errors. To address this, a software update for NT has been implemented. It now allows for the import of Boolean variables as either "TRUE" or "FALSE", or as the numeric format (1 for true, 0 for false), thereby simplifying the import process and reducing the likelihood of errors.
Feature Request
Feature Request
Bugs with file sorting in sitesetup
In the recent update, improvements were made to file sorting in the site setup section following users' feedback that the system wasn't sorting correctly and couldn't remember their sorting preferences. This issue has now been addressed and the updated feature includes a fix for the sorting bug and the addition of a storage feature for the current sorted state. The update is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance user experience.


Workflow Processes - Lock after step does not work on properties w/InputEditor Checkbox
A previous issue with the Workflow Processes, where the 'lock after step' feature was not working on properties using the InputEditor Checkbox, has been fixed. Now, workflow properties will properly 'lock after step' on checkboxes and dates. This issue was part of the Omega 365 Bug/Error process.
"Planned Start" date movement by job is logged and shown under Audit Trail
The issue around the unnecessary logging of automatic "Planned Start" date movements for workflows in the audit trail has been addressed. Previously, this function cluttered the audit trail but now, such movements are no longer logged making the audit trail more clear and user-friendly. This was a bug that has been successfully resolved.
Importer saker
We made some improvements to the experience and functionality of importing workflows. Now, successful imports and error handling are clearly communicated, making the process much smoother. This fixes an error that we had with the import of workflows.
Workflow Checklists - Checklist Tab
We've fixed a bug in the Workflow Checklists' Checklist Tab feature that was causing confusion. Previously, adding checklists in this tab seemed to have no functionality. Now, any checklists you add here will be the initial list of checklists, which you can later expand through the 'Action > Add Checklist' option on individual steps. Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our workflow system.
Workflow - Can't filter correctly on 'Created By'
The issue with the workflow was that users were experiencing inconsistencies when filtering by 'Created By'. Only some names resulted in id being added to the filter list, causing an unpredictable and unreliable outcome. This issue is currently being held until further resolution. Please be aware that this issue has been recognized as a bug and we are actively working on fixing it.
Omega 365 Home Various Workflows list resets list number
NT home: All lists now correctly remembers pagesize from user preference
Saker: Legge til en kommentar
We've resolved an issue in our workflows where users could not save comments. Earlier, when you clicked "Save," nothing would happen. If you refreshed, it would only save the image, not the comment. Now, you can save comments successfully, even when uploading an image. This was a bug and we've fixed it for a smoother user experience.
Scope Item from BIM | Add snapshot does not work from scope item draft.
The issue of not being able to add snapshots to unsubmitted workflows and scope items originating from BIM has been fixed. Now, the "Add Snapshot" button will be available even when the workflow has not been sent to the first step. This applies to all unsubmitted workflows and scope items. The fix improves ease of use and efficiency by allowing the addition of snapshots at earlier stages.
Error "create did not return any data"
We addressed a bug that some of you might have encountered. Previously, you would receive an error stating "create did not return any data" when trying to edit the 'Text 2' field in the grid. Now, thanks to adjustments in the New Tech data object properties extension, values are retrieved directly from the table, ensuring smooth editing without any errors. Thanks for your patience!
Changing 'Org Unit' makes edit view close
Edit mode refined: Now checks key fields and reloads the app only when necessary.
Cannot delete workflows that I've created myself
Fungerer som det skal nå!
Feature Request
Feature Request
Workflows: Show document type in Related documents
The ability to view the full names of document types when selecting from related files has been added to the workflow application. Now, when searching for documents, you can sort and find documents easily by their full type name, not just the short name. For instance, where previously you saw just the short name like 'REP', you will now see a combined version 'REP - Report'. This enhancement is designed to make your user experience more intuitive similar to the old workflow app.

Workflows, Meetings and General

Workspace code module (CT) does not handle creation of workflows correctly
We've addressed an issue with the Current Tech workspace code module that caused it not to properly create workflows. Previously, after creating a workflow, the application didn't redirect back to the workflow creation area and failed to update the workflow reference list with the newly created item. We fixed this, and you will now be correctly navigated back to the workflow creation area after creating a new workflow, and the reference list will also update appropriately.
Setting a bool property to required, and checking it dosen't register as a value
The issue regarding an error message popping up when a required boolean property isn't filled out has been addressed. This was mainly impacting areas like verifications or agreement of terms. Now, the "Require At Step" function is working properly with checkboxes.
Aksjoner: Feilmelding på "send reminder"
We've recently addressed an issue related to the workflow register where users were encountering an error when attempting to send a Reminder Email for actions. We're pleased to let you know that this issue has now been resolved. The problem was caused by an invalid parameter, which has now been corrected. Your experience with our system should now be smoother. Thank you for your patience.