Omega System to all Statoil projects

For more than 20 years, Statoil has utilized Omega’s project management systems. The oil and gas company has now opted to expand their use of our document control system to all projects across Norway, as well as many international projects; this decision will result in thousands of new users for Pims. 

 “The fact that Statoil has chosen our document control system, on such a wide scale, is a major achievement for both Pims and Omega. Despite low oil prices and the many restructuring processes Statoil is conducting that focus on cost management and efficiency, they have chosen us as a supplier,” says Vadim Naroznij, Department Manager for Omega Technology in Lithuania and Product Manager of Pims Document Control. 

Omega's subsidiary, Omega Technology in Lithuania, has been instrumental in the latest improvements to Pims Document Control. The system was utilized by the Johan Sverdrup project in December; now, the system will be implemented on all of Statoil’s projects. L – R: Aleksandr Naroznij, Vadim Naroznij, Simas Zikaras, Dimitrij Skaliov, Lina Narozniene, and Skirmantas Didzgalvis.  Photo: Modestas Dromantas

 The good news came late August when Statoil signaled that they wanted to use the Pims Document Control System on all their projects. The projects in question range from large construction and expansion projects within oil and gas, to smaller office and IT projects. This diversity means that the system will potentially be introduced to tens of thousands of new users. 

 The new agreement with Statoil is a result of a close cooperation between system engineers in Omega Ølensvåg and Omega’s subsidiary company, Omega Technology in Lithuania.

Statoil’s choice to utilize our system on all of their projects proves that we have succeeded in upgrading to higher efficiency.

 “This is a milestone for us and one of the greatest stamps of approval we could hope for, for this product,” says Håvard Matre, Department Manager for systems in Omega in Ølensvåg. 

 Statoil has utilized the Pims system since 1994. In December last year, Statoil opted for Pims Document Control for their Johan Sverdrup project. Johan Sverdrup now represents one item on a long list of large construction and expansion projects on which the document control system is used; projects include the Snøhvit field, Mongstad, Kollsnes, Kårstø, Huldra, and the Peregrino project in Brazil. Lundin (Edvard Grieg field), Dong (Hejre project), TGE Gas Engineering, Petrobras USA, Cobal Int. Energy, and Teekay also use Omega’s Pims Document Control. 

Meeting new requirements

"Statoil choosing Pims Document Control for all of the company's projects is a milestone for Omega and for Pims," says System Department Manager in Ølensvåg, Håvard Matre.

The Pims Document Control system underwent significant developments in order to meet the client’s increasing needs with regard to cost management and efficiency, and ensure the system’s suitability for a project of Johan Sverdrup’s size. The system was redesigned in 2014 and many functions were improved.

“Our whole way of thinking had to change when we started to improve document control for Johan Sverdrup. A project of this size has an enormous number of documents and many parties involved in all processes; we have automated several processes and customized the system for use on tablets and phones. The new system also makes the document controller’s role more instructive and managerial,” explains Naroznij. 

 “Statoil uses a standard product version, which is updated on an ongoing basis. All updates and new functionalities that are developed for the document control system will be automatically introduced to Statoil. Statoil will therefore always have the most up-to-date version of the product,” says Naroznij. 


  • Omega has delivered the project management system, Pims, for over 20 years
  • Pims consists of severall different modules, each module is tailored to the various phases/disciplines of a project, for example, document control, risk management, project completion, HSE, cost and contract management
  • Pims is mainly used on complex oil and gas projects, but also has clients within the logistics, pharmaceutical and public sector
  • Today, Pims has more than 15 000 users monthly across the world.   

 Pims Document Control has already been implemented on several Statoil projects: Alfa Nord, Åsgård, Troll and on the TAP project (the expansion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, which will be used for transporting gas from the Caspian Sea to Western Europe).

 “The oil and gas industry is going through a period of restructuring and all clients are looking for systems with higher efficiency. We knew what we needed to further develop our system to make it more efficient; Johan Sverdrup welcomed the new version of Pims Document Control with open arms. Statoil’s choice to utilize our system on all of their projects proves that we have succeeded in upgrading to higher efficiency,” says Matre.