Omega growth in Ølen
Published: 16.12.06
Haugesunds Avis (Arne Frøkedal)
Omega’s mega growth continues. Åsmund Aarekol (23) is employee number 400 at the company.

NO. 400: Torleif Heggebø welcomes Åsmund Aarekol (left) to the constantly growing staff at Omega
In May 2002 the Ølensvåg-based company passed 100 employees. This week they reached another milestone, and Åsmund Aarekol is not the last person to join the ever-expanding staff.
– I wanted a safe job in my home town after many years on the move. I have heard many good things about Omega, from friends who work here among others, and I am looking greatly forward to starting, says the 23-year old, who will finish his notice period at Realcom (formerly called Bravida) before he changes his hunting grounds.
25 nationalities
Last fall Omega was looking for 50 new employees, at the time their staff consisted of 250 people. So far this year they have expanded with 126 more. 25 nationalities are currently represented in the company that sends people out to locations around the world. Operations manager Petter Aalvik does not think the growth is coming to a halt.
– We have constantly thought that this development would slow down, and then it surprises us not to. The price of oil remains high and that will trigger large investments in the oil companies, Aalvik foresees. One of the factors coming into play is that many skilled senior engineers at the project management level want to be employed through Omega. These are people who already have good customer relations and gets themselves tasks. In addition to that they have a large network that makes others aware of our company.
“Small enough to care” and “big enough to deliver” is Omega’s foremost driving power. The expansion calls for the company’s management team to grow, in order to serve both customers and employees satisfactorily.
– Growth is no goal in itself, but we have obtained a size that makes us vigorous. However, we are still small on an international scale, says the boss. The Ølensvåg headquarters have long since been outgrown by the company, and a current expansion will double the area to 1200 square meters. Still it will not be more than barely large enough to house the 45 employees permanently employed at the headquarters. In addition to that Omega IAT (constructional consultancy) has grown to 15 employees.
– A safe company
The turnover is also surging. In 2006 the operating revenue was 245 million NOK, which gave a gross return of 18.5 million NOK. This year the operating revenue will surpass 360 million NOK. Åsmund Aarekol, who became a father half a year ago and has moved back home after four years in Haugesund, is coming into a safe company.
– It feels good settling in the town where I grew up and I have my network of friends, and I am looking forward to entering a positive workplace, the 23-year old sums up.